Zerg or get zerg is there are any tactic left??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ZeroErrorz, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. ZeroErrorz

    i kinda hate zerg since im nc on matherson where vs overpopulated and nc just a minority while the terran only pop up when there is no nc left, so im kind thinking about an idea that will give some emergency back up when we got underpopulated since without an EMERGENCY OP BACK UP just to balance things up or zerging gonna be the only way to win, what im saying is idk maybe a emergency mech unit that can be spawn able if the pop drop bellow 25% or some extra resource to pull out more vehicle or maybe at extreme underpopulation TAC NUKE, this is just some of my idea but only if anyone can tell me any way viable to fight 50% vs overpop only with 20% pop pls tell me cause matherson nc is not shaping well against vs zerg until the past few week that for some reason vs pop kinda lowered and gave us some fighting chance on the alert, if anyone got any idea pls feel free to post
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  2. Mr_Giggles

    You aren't looking for tactics, you are looking for a easy win button that instantly negates the other sides tactic of numerical superiority.
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  3. Gustavo M

    As long as there is a group who doesn't care about tactics/strategy and just wants to faceroll people... there will be zerg.
    You can't stop em. And there's nothing we can do about it.
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  4. Tommyp2006

    This, there are plenty of good tactics in this game that good outfits use to capture points even while outnumbered.
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  5. Sekaszy

    First of All, as Vanu from Miller:

    And kow to Stop zerg?

    HARD EPIC WAY: Create Anty-Zerg on you own(DIG FTW), try to open 2 open platoons with your outfit members, then lead them to Epic victory.

    STILL HARD but no so EPIC: Sunderers. Good outfits can takes bases without them, but for zerg its imposible. C4, 3-4 ESF attacks, Tanks push, whatever. But if Zerg Sundy is dead, there is NO ZERG
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  6. ZeroErrorz

    yea the only thing is its kinda hard to coordinate here with nc matherson
  7. Mr_Giggles

    So step up and take the role by the reigns. Show them how it should be done.
  8. Messaiga

    FOR THE SWARM! In all seriousness though, the best way to defend the point of a base is make sure to keep most entrances blocked off with Max's, engineers, and medics. Keep any generators that could open up entrances to the base intact through the same methods, etc. Even if they could throw 100 men at 1 room, if you have a good amount of Max's that are well supported then you have a chance at defending the gen and eliminating the enemy.
  9. Rift23

    Yes, there are tactics. Every day I see outnumbered people on all factions hold off much larger zergs for hours on end using skill, strategy and ballsy heroics. And then, attracted by the smell of certs in the water, an even bigger zerg rolls in and camps them into their spawn.

    Used to be the counter was influence and point occupancy, as the zerg inevitably would have to split up to take the surrounding bases and put guys on points to speed the cap. Unfortunately this led to a lot of folks flipping a point and letting it cap on its own, i.e. "Ghostcapping" that gets thrown around incorrectly by lemmings who think you're talking about backcapping (taking a bunch of bases when no one's there) which happens anyway, even with the New Game Enhancements.

    SOE could have solved the ghostcap issue very easily by just requiring someone to physically be on point the entire time, but they took the lazy route and painted big arrows on the ground, called it Lattice from PS1 (it's not the Lattice from PS1, I've yet to see a single ANT) and let the kill farmers rabidly defend their spawn room camps as epic warfare.
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  10. UberBonisseur

    Spawn beacons and Squad deploy
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  11. TheAntiFish

    Well there's one thing you could do, Spawn somewhere unpopulated with AT mines. Fly LOW all the way to enemy warpgate (Preferably TR).... You see where i'm going with this?

    Avoid the zergs completely, piss off enemies, get points. Repeat.
  12. Klondik3

    There is so much truth in this.
  13. Kracken

    Welcome to rushlanes....
  14. Kracken

    In all seriousness, what tactics/strategy is left? Area control does not matter. It's just follow the rush lane and find zerg and win or find zerg and get steamrolled. Used to be a smaller force could matter. For example you could cap the surrounding areas and extend the time it took to cap the base. Rushlanes = zerg and farm opportunities, it's boring to me anyhow.
  15. Corporate Thug

    The zerg is something SOE allows and will never go away. People will find the easiest way to progress in video games and that is what the zerg does, by steam rolling bases it gives it's members XP for base captures with out ever having to fight. The only thing you can do is annoy them. You can get tons of kills but get used to losing bases and being overrun by waves of infantry as the end result of most of your attacks. With the way this game is designed the only thing we can really ask for to make it fun regardless of pop is the removal of stats, but that will never happen because SOE is clinging onto this idea that their mindless shooter is strategic and competitive.
  16. Selentic

    beg ender to make da play on nc more


    i solved ur problem
  17. FocusLight

    This is a .

    The . is your friend. USE HIM.

    Note also the use of paragraphs, even if very liberally utilized here. The paragraph is your friend as well.

    Post ignored pending better grammar.
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  18. EliteEskimo

    Do what BWC does, flank the enemy, use Galaxies to drop in your forces unexpectedly on hte enemy, make use of armor, air, and infantry to get the job done ect. There aren't many outfits on Mattherson NC that does all that really well on a large enough scale to deal with the Vanu Zerg when it's present, but SG and CML are 2 outfits that are pretty good at it so I would consider joining them. BWC loves fighting CML and SG because we know they can provide a good fight.:cool:

    Secondly the NC has been surpassing TR and VS during prime time hours so cheer up that Prime Time Mattherson is getting back to normal at least :D


  19. MykeMichail

    Ignore them an they'll go away.

    No I'm serious.

    If you're seriously outnumbered, always focus your forces on their weakest territories.
  20. NoctD

    Farm the zerg! You won't stop them, the idea is to simply inflict losses because most zergs are quite oblivious to threats.

    Guerrilla warfare is a most valid tactic, it slows down the zerg and makes then take stupid losses.

    Just don't try to be rambo. Mines, infiltrators, snipers are your tools. And don't feel dirty - reverse spawn camp! Just be sure to re-deploy away before it flips or the SCU goes down.

    Turn/ghost cap all them areas at once that the zerg is ignoring.

    Tactics? Tons exist - but I guess people are far too dogmatic and think the only victory is when you've killed them all.
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