The weight of all these certs is breaking my back

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TFeldt, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. -MJ12-

    Well, do you think so?
    I don't need statistics to know that the amount of subscribed people who spend 5+ hours every single day since launch in this game is below 1%.
    The majority of the players still have don't enough certs for anything, so i highly doubt SOE will change anything in that matter. And since they will add more and more things to cert into, there will be no problem in the future.
    ANYWAY the good news are, they are planning to add a feature which allows you to spend XP/Certs to your outfit. If you are already BR 100, you will be able to support your outfit quite well.
    Plus, as far as i know, if you reach 10.000 certs you just stop gaining them. If you have 10.000 certs and you got a refund of 10.000 more, you wont lose them. But still you have to get below 10.000 again to get new certs.
  2. St0mpy

    I really cant see how lifting the cert cap would help. Sooner or later youd get to 19k and be back in the same position. If you're finding it hard to spend them now how will another 10k buffer make you find anything more/less to spend them on?
  3. PraetorGavorn

  4. KlyptoK

    I still need 12,000 certs for my purposes... Never above 1.5K

    And that's only in 1 vehicle.
  5. W0rthy

    166k here, and similar situation.

    I don't see what this guy is really on about except showing off that he's BR 100 with 9k certs at his disposal.

    But i can easily solve your terrible problem, just max out 9 things, get some sleep and call me in the morning. Because you're not even close enough to maxing out your character even if you got BR 100 twice xp wise. Even if you SC purchased over half the weapons in the game. And that's great because there's still so much fun to look forward to.

    I'd suggest you try auraxing all the weapons, for all the classes and all the vehicles to try all the fun things there is to do in planetside. And buy weapons for certs as you go along, that's a pretty fun way to do it in my experience. But to each their own.

    TL;DR spend your certs instead of accumulating it like some guy with a hoarding disorder. There is absolutely no way that you have nothing at all left to cert.
  6. TFeldt

    You buy membership in chunks. Either 1 month at a time, 6 months or 12 months. The benefits are immediately available, so if you (like I did) bought 6 month sub on day 1 you became auraxium level member on day 1.

    Your point is absolutely valid and what I say next isn't an attempt to invalidate it. But yes, I -know- a ton of other players in the same boat, as in I've spoken to them. We're not unique snowflakes, if we're facing the issue then others are too. Everything else you said is entirely true. The stickling issue for me, as I outlined before, is that I don't think the sub offers that many benefits. The passive cert gain being the big one for many of us.

    Once I have 19k certs I have to dump 10k on stuff I don't want just to get one of the benefits of my paid membership. I'm questioning whether or not people find that to be a good value, or if they'll just dump their membership until they have something to spend it on. Something I don't want to see happen since I consider any money put into PS2 to be an investment into many years of future entertainment for all of us.
  7. Tommyp2006

    I think he means auraxium level
  8. Astealoth

    Raise the cap to 30k and release a few extremely expensive cert only vanity items. problem solved. maybe release 30k cert only gold reskins of the default guns or something. SOE could solve this problem and add more endgame for BR100s very easily without causing any serious issues.
  9. TFeldt

    Allow me to salute thee, sir. Maybe not 30k each *cough* but yes, unique flavour items with a hefty cert cost. Brilliant.
  10. Goretzu

    Yeah, it'll be that time investment along with Alpha boost and membership boost that will be putting you within that high percentile.

    Certainly that idea for an improved memership cap is interesting, although I dunno if people would find that a bit P2W in the context of Day 1 certing of new stuff.

    This is why they are trying to find cert sinks............ unfortunately most cert sink (certainly implant ones) effectively become P2W when you consider what top cert earners could easily afford vs someone that doesn't have as much time and doesn't have the boosts to cert gain (even if they have spend a lot of money on the game in other ways).

    This is just one of the (many) reasons I much prefer to the old subscription model (I'm hoping F2P will go the way of the mini-disc within a few years).
  11. TFeldt

    I would be agreeing fully with you if there hadn't already been a decently high cap. I mean, when they added the harasser it cost, what, 4-6k to fully cert the stuff you wanted? That's well within reach already, so I don't understand why a higher cap would make it more p2w in any way.

    They'd need to add more than 2 vehicles with full cert lines at the same time to make the 10k limit problematic for people who want to fully cert on day 1. With the gap between vehicle releases and class rehashes being so large I'd guess that anyone hitting the 10k limit would be hitting it again the next time something is added.
  12. NinjaTurtle

    I knoe how you feel. I reached the 10k limit for the first time last weekend.

    I'm only BR62 and even I am starting to not need too many more things.

    I play mainly LA and infiltrator and I have most things unlocked for them that I care for

    I guess for players that cert heavily into all classes my current cert accumilation small.

    The only thing that I will be splashing certs on any time soon will be the infiltrator update and then I will be in the position again of not wanting anything else.
  13. Delnar_Ersike

    It's odd how this works, doesn't it:

    Most people need certs but won't have them, even after months of playing, while the few with certs won't really need them again. This means that most people's main motivation is to get certs, while only a small few will play purely out of enjoyment.

    Kind of backwards if you ask me, but fixing it would be a complicated issue.

    Here's a possible solution: lower the certification cost of all abilities and attachments, but slowly increase each one's cost as more are acquired. Coupled with the recertify item, more people will then be able to easily max out the one loadout they most frequently play, but if they want flexibility, they'll still have to spend just as much in the end.
  14. TFeldt

    In a way you crystallized the issue. I was reading all these threads about BR100s quitting since there wasn't an "endgame" or they "didn't have anything to do". It turned out to be the direct opposite for me. I find it -extremely- liberating to not have to worry or grind towards that imaginary golden trophy at max level. Being BR100 is more fun than any other BR so far.

    I've got all the guns. I can play however I want. The issue, and it's a fleeting one, is that I feel like I'm somehow being punished for being max level. I just don't get why I can't bank the certs I get for playing the game and buy stuff that I want when it arrives. I'm earning my playtime certs like everyone else. I'm paying for the passive cert gain, why am I being denied a membership benefit simply because I don't want any of the stuff currently available?

    I know there's fantastic stuff on the horizon. If there's a vehicle released that I <3 then I'll absolutely empty my bank into it. But.. I don't want advanced shield capacitors. I don't want scopes that give me a headache (oh god, that infernal TR chevron scope.. never again). I just want my membership benefits.

    No matter. I'm really happy that all you gentlemen have taken the time to reply to the thread at least. Good ideas, good points of view and good conversation. One cannot ask for more than that.
  15. Crator

    Guess it would be nice if you were allowed to transfer certs to other toons on the same account.
  16. Calisai

    The ones who have capped out and are quiting because there is no "endgame" or "didn't have anything to do" are the powerlevelers, ladder runners, etc. They rush up the rungs as fast as possible as they find that enjoyable. Unfortunately, they burn out games quickly. It's been going on as long as there have been levels in games. Unless they put in BR1000 and fill out 900 more titles, it'll be an issue for some.

    I know this because I'm one of them... though i've tempered that in the last few years and have started to slow down... the enjoyment is still there.

    My suggestions... trick out some alternate vehicle builds (battle Sundy, battle gal, etc)... something to have some fun with. Work on getting auraxium on all the infantry weapons... that will take some time and certs to do... Or just shelve your character and start another faction character, and start the race again.... Even when they put cert sinks in, if you have 100% bonus xp, you're going to outpace the average player. Pricing will be aimed at the average player... so you'll just start accumulating something else.

    Oh, and maybe consider dropping the sub, but purchasing the same monies worth of SC... then trick out your stuff in camo, bling, etc. You'd still be supporting SOE and the game... just in a different way.
  17. Lucidius134

    For anyone making suggestions for OP:

    I know how you feel and i can see why you still have 9k certs. I myself tend to cert like you do (albeit with much less certs). Since you DO have a surplus of certs though I can try and help you out?

    1. Flash M40 Furry Magazine Upgrade 3 (I assume you dont want to final rank everything because it's expensive as heck which is understandable!)
    2. Lightning Barrels (Any of them) Reload Speed 2-3 ranks. (It's a flat DPS boost. Pick whatever one you use the most and just put a few ranks in. it can save your butt). You're also not breaking bank with only a few ranks. Certs lead me to believe you MBT more though which leads to...
    3. Prowler Barrels (Any of them) Reload Speed 2-3 ranks. Anchored is great and all but a flat reload speed buff to the fastest reloading MBT without anchor is helpful for those times you get in a fight and can't anchor down. I noticed you got more in HE and HEAT so maybe those, or you could...
    4. Prowler Barrel (AP) Cert out zoom and try Prowler Sniping?
    5. Galaxy (Bulldogs) - Thermal on the wings? At the very least more zoom? Magazine Size 1 also helps.
    6. Galaxy (Drakes). The recent buff doubled their min damage making them far more viable. Mag size 1 and zoom 2 would be cheap but helpful if you use them.
    7. Infiltrator: Nano Armor Cloaking just got buffed and is more viable. You should try looking into that.
    8. Engineer: Ammunition Package! Pretty sure this was fixed a while ago so that your turret box doesn't default to level 3.
    9. Squad Leader: Beacon 1. A must
    Not telling you what to use your certs for but these are just helpful things i'm planning to cert or that I think might be relevent for you. If they're gonna go away might as well spend them on something useful.

    EITHER WAY, maybe the cap could be higher, yes.
  18. Astealoth

    When/where was it announced that they would be refunding the now defunct acquisition timer certs?
  19. Mrasap

    If this is about the lackluster benefits of the sub then I fully agree with you. Hence, I never subscribed.

    If this is truely about the cert system then I agree with you to a certain extent: the cert gain is too slow for newcomers, while they are meaningless for veterans. I am only at BR62 and even I don't care about certs any more. However, you will always have something to spend certs on.

    The old system from Planetside 1 was much better *grabs tinfoil hat*.
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  20. Lucidius134

    Same. Except the lack of quantity and slower progression was still pretty hard on new comers.
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