Does SOE care anymore?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Drsexxytime, Aug 26, 2013.

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  1. Drsexxytime

    So I took a break from the game for a while because it was a broken mess. Between poor optimization, poor population balancing on their part, to horrid faction performance balancing. I came back for a change of pace and expected to see some great changes since I left, after all, they talked a big game before I left. I assumed within a couple months that it would be significantly better...

    This is what I come back to:

    This is considered "ok" looking at RadarX's post on a similar matter. Mattherson is "playable" in a small window of time a day. Then you have the so called "4th faction" at work skewing things beyond reason. The POP imbalances literally break the game, and they refuse to do a thing about it, not seeing this as a problem.

    Then there's the game crashes. Still there. Losing resources when you lose your vehicle you spawned trying to get to the action or during it. "Instant Action" in, game crashes, log back on, take a vehicle to get there, game crashes. Then you get the moments where the game's running fine for an hour or so, 3mins left til the end of an alert, game crashes. Keep in mind this is the only game where I experience these rampant crashes outside of when WG broke their game for nvidia users.

    Next up faction balancing. Explain to me once again how supposedly the NC Phoenix lasts a few days and gets hot fixed, but this broken stryker is allowed to break the game harder than akimbo shotties ever dreamed they could, yet it stays in this form for this long? Explain to me how these ZOE maxes are balanced (and I heard they nerfed them already, wut), while the NC max had it's only advantage it was prime for, CQC nerfed, while still being ineffective at mid and long engagements. Explain to me why our vehicle secondary weapons are still garbage?

    So why, or what exactly is stopping SOE from addressing these issues? Are they getting enjoyment from watching a unique game that can capitalize on their position just crash and burn? Are they too arrogant to accept they screwed up (watching "command centers" give off a strong vibe of this)? Or are they lacking the skill and leadership in the offices to remedy these issues? Are they not making enough money to take action?

    They are doing some incredible things like the player created items and such, yet they fail to address these core issues? I'm honestly bewildered.

    And finally, am I posting this in the right spot? Or do they value the input from 3rd party, non-focused sites like Reddit more still?
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  2. Konfuzfanten

    A decent whine, i give you 4/10.

    Next time remember to pick a continent where ppl actually fight, like Indar or Esamir.

    Ohh and dont QQ about the NC MAX, you had your fun.
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  3. Drsexxytime

    That SS was from an alert, illustrating the problem. Yes the Hackmax was strong, but something that's shoe horned into a very specific use with no use outside of that one specific scenario should at least be worthwhile.

    I guess "whining" is what you call a post that's pointing out specific issues overall with the game.

    I'd ask you for your input on the points you carefully didn't comment on, but I can't deal with another 1/10 post. Thx.
  4. Konfuzfanten

    No it does not. Most ppl and outfits stay away from Amerish because of the ****** battle flow. Post the indar pop.
  5. jak

    Pretty much agree with everything the Doc stated.
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  6. Sebastien

    I can't be ****** fighting.on Amerish, even if here's an Alert on.
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  7. jak

    It's not just Amerish, it's the 50% VS global pop that happens. Sucks for everyone except those that don't like actually shooting at enemies.
  8. Rhapsody

    Does SOE Care?

    Not really. Their idea of taking highly anticipated eye-candy items that T-Ray was showing us pictures of (the new tank turret designs, closed versions of the 'open' helmets, max lumifiber, and a few other things), and putting them into the Higher tiers of a blatant 250$ money-grab scheme disguised as a recruitment program that is being launched almost a 8 months AFTER the game has 'officially' launched, shows that they dont care.

    The fact that bugs are still in the game that should be an easy fix: multi-monitor users stuck in 3.5 'zoomed' state when in vehicles for instance, Client 'crashing' on exit (my OS ALWAYS complains that Planetside 2 has stopped responding after i hit 'exit' in-game), and a few others that are still around show that they dont care.

    What are they doing?

    Pushing out new continents and 'toys', to try to use it as a way to spread out population imbalances.
    Adding in the Player Studio so that players can create stuff to sell, that SOE makes a cut off of. (again, money-grab, though not as blatantly 1-sided and underhanded as the recruitment program).
    Saying they are focusing on 'quality of life', yet have Hossin coming out within a few weeks.

    They care about their wallets, thats it right now.


    And forums that like to change your font size down to 1 or 2 when you hit 'post' for some insane reason.
  9. Drsexxytime

    This happens on just about every cont. In fact, sometimes when Indar has the alert, NC and TR go to the other two conts so they don't get steam rolled by the overwhelming numbers. This is a wide spread and known issue on Mattherson. Try again.

    I forgot that to exit PS2 when you hit log out it should say "crash" instead, because that's what it does almost all the time.

    Good stuff.
  10. Griffstar

    The population balance is always with the NC, no one plays on our side because they know it's hardcore mode.
  11. longmachao

    Said everyone, in every faction.
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  12. Salmonman

    I heard somewhere that very few of the devs play NC, instead preferring the more popular factions. This simply means that the "grass is always greener" effect will always buff the VS and TR when the devs die or think something is unbalanced, but they never truly see the perspective of an NC player.

    Not to mention the atrocious anti-NC sentiment on the forums that seeks to bury any negative opinions expressed by our faction.
  13. Phyr

    SOE is a company, companies care about money, YOU have money, therefore SOE cares about you.
  14. Zipper Bear

    No SOE hates you and wants you dead. You best get good at looking over your shoulder, boy.
  15. Drsexxytime

    They do? If they did then by months later they would have:
    - Stopped the game from crashing multiple times an hour
    - Fixed faction performance imbalances
    - Fixed faction population imbalances which is destroying the game more than anything
    - Added meaningful and balanced content
    - Optimized this game

    They did none of this. Not to mention these forums are completely devoid of any developer communication outside of radarx posts here and there.

    They obviously don't care because I have money. They can have more of it if they'd fix stuff and act like they cared. I'll be sure to let everyone know on third party sites like Reddit and NeoGAF the state of this game and the actions of this developer before the PS4's launch as a warning then.
  16. Prudentia

    you know how much of the devs play and NC and TR? Every, there are 7 VS devs... there was a picture someone analyzed a while ago, search for it.
  17. ProfessorHobbes

    You complain about population on Mattherson and then post a picture of Amerish, during an alert, with no time stamp? Really?

    Amerish has few people on the continent, even during alerts, so the population is always skewed more to one side. When there are alerts on the continent, Vanu actually go to do the alert while the TR and NC choose to stay on Indar. It has nothing to do with population balance, it's all about stupid people either ignoring the alert or switching to the faction they expect to win. Though I will spare some grace for the TR who have recently actually shown up on Amerish during alerts and given some great fights.

    Also, I despise you people who post pictures and complain about population and decide not to even say what time of day it is. As far as we know, your screenshot could have been taken at 3 o clock in the morning, in which case complaining about population in this case is just stupid.

    Here are ACTUAL population statistics for you:

    If you use that wonderful thing in your head called a brain, you can see the populations are basically even except for when? Oh ya, in the early morning! The server population is fine on Mattherson right now for the most part, and recently I've never seen a faction go above 40% except for very low population hours like the morning. VS was way overpopulated around the time after ZOE came out, you can clearly see that in the chart, but within the past month things have been pretty even. People still complaining or saying VS is still way overpopulated are ignoring the facts and looking for someone to blame for losing.
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  18. Bill Hicks

    I can barely log on anymore. Atleast I have payday 2 to keep me occupied.
  19. Liquidrider

    Constructive criticism about a game a person wants to see succeed isn't a whine. If you actually spent the time to read his post you may understand that. Instead of bashing a player you may start remembering that player(s) such as himself make the game possible.

    FYI Konfuzfanten adding YOUR little whine and QQ makes you look immature and pathetic.
  20. Konfuzfanten

    Al right ill bite...

    The OP's post isnt "constructive criticism", its a long whine about pop imbalance and a few topics that ppl already have complained/posted about 100000 times. On top of that the devs are already working on most of what the guy is QQing about.

    And come on, with that headline i can hardly take OP serious. If you have to be retar.ded to think that SOE doesnt care about SOE with the amount of resource they spend on the game.

    The devs know it, they are working it on - how many times do ppl need to be told this, use the search function.

    Yes you dont like the striker, lock-ons, ZOE, pop imbalance, ESF, shotguns, tanks, libs, engi turrets, kittens or whatever, but you DONT need to make a new thread everyday - because we already got 100 threads on that topic - find one and post in that one...please.
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