[Suggestion] Reduce RL damage to infantry.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRighteous, Aug 26, 2013.

  1. TheRighteous

    I make this thread simply because I am tired of the rocket launcher being used as a primary weapon against infantry.

    Heavy assaults get a rocket launcher to counter act vehicles, not to kill infantry. More and more these days I see an enemy, begin to engage with my primary only to have him switch to rocket launcher and instagib me.

    This is not the RL's intended mechanic, its annoying and makes the game far less enjoyable.

    Which is why I ask for the RL's damage towards infantry to be reduced, but for the damage towards vehicles to stay the same.

    What do you think?
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  2. HadesR

    I would leave the Damage ( if someone can hit you with it from 100m away they deserve a kill ) and instead add an arming delay like the UBGL so it's not used as a RL shotgun.
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  3. Mr_Giggles

    The rocket launchers intended mechanic is to cause damage to the enemy. You are the enemy.

    But lets play devils advocate for a second here. Lets say that your claim is true and that rocket launchers are not intended to be used on infantry. In which case, can you provide us with any evidence that this is true? In the mean while, I'll leave these descriptions here.
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  4. Nocturn0l

    It takes a lot of time to switch to a rocket launcher and it's a risky move. The time is plenty enough to be killed. It's your own fault if you die to a heavy that switches to his RL infront of you.
    Also running with the RL selected is even more risky because you have one shot or you're dead and that one shot must be a direct hit or it won't kill, i.e. you're dead!
  5. HadesR

    But for now I wouldn't change anything .. Flak armour changes on the TS now protect from direct dmg .. So would see how that pans out first.
  6. Lamat

    Because you should be able to take a rocket to the nards and live....

    Rocket launchers at close range are necessary to kill maxs. They are slow, and if you see a guy switch to his rocket and kill you before you can drop him with your primary you are doing something wrong. they are also what often breaks stalemates allowing for one side to advance.
  7. Lagavulin

    Totally agree.
  8. DeadliestMoon

    Well seeing as how the patch notes on the test server states that RL got a damage reduction against infantry and not to vehicles, I think it's safe to say that they are meant to take out vehicles.
  9. LynxFury

    Where do these silly ideas come from?
  10. DeadliestMoon

    "Deserve" no one deserves anything, that's some sense of undeserved entitlement.
  11. DeadliestMoon

    Okay, then why take the risk in the first place? Why not just use your primary weapon like everybody else? Basically what you're saying is that you should be accommodated for making things harder on yourself.
  12. HadesR

    So skill or aiming shouldn't be rewarded ?
  13. Mr_Giggles

    Hi there, just an FYI, linking your claims makes them far more credible. I see nothing on the latest patch notes regarding in damage reduction of rocket launchers vs infantry. I do however, see that Flak in being increased. But that means you will have to choose between flak and nano.
    Also, if they are meant for vehicles, would you be so kind to explain why the descriptions in the 3 links I posted say what they say?
    I look forward to your link.
  14. DeadliestMoon

    Not when you intentionally make things harder for yourself. Tell me, what's wrong with using your primary weapon?
  15. DeadliestMoon

    Question, is the wiki made my the devs or is it made by a player? Because those could just be typos.
  16. Mr_Giggles

    Why should a person be forced to use a certain weapon on a certain item?
  17. Mr_Giggles

    Those are direct from the game descriptions. If you don't believe me feel free to log in and look for yourself.
  18. DeadliestMoon

    Why should other players be okay with being insta-killed by a "tool" that really shouldn't be used against infantry?
  19. Excretus Maximus

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  20. TheRighteous

    Not 100m. The general scenario is either: Guy pops out from corner, rl, insta gib, or: guy runs behind cover, switches to RL, pops out or waits, instagib.

    However a delay could work.

    That's a strange argument. If RL's are meant for infantry, why doesn't every class have them?
    Yeah, I agree, the rocket launcher is meant to cause damage to the enemy, not straight up kill them without any effort.

    Yeah they are necessary to kill MAX's, and im fine with that. It takes a few shots.
    Im not fine with being destroyed by a rocket after I've been shooting at a guy.
    Like youre meant to survive 3 bullets to the head and survive
