Waterson VS: I apologize for getting angry last night

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ViXeN, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. tproter

    Maybe it's time to take a break from Planetside 2. You wouldn't be the first and you definitely won't be the last.
  2. NinjaTurtle

    Play one night with Waterson NC and then you'll see how small your issues are.

    - Medics that rez everyone other than the MAX suit laying on the floor.
    - Engies that rarely drop ammo or heal you when needed
    - Never AA when we are being swarmed by it
    - Sundies never being pushed forward or just generally being driven around doing nothing
    - Continuing to push when we are getting capped from behind
    etc etc etc

    I'm not the best player but some decisions made are astounding
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  3. DK22

    Must be TR's new psychological warfare working its magic. :)
    I really don't remember much, as the beer went to my head,
    but I am TR and woke up this morning with quite a few certs, musta been a good night.

    some nights, stuff just don't work out... peace dude.
  4. Accuser

    I know it probably felt like a full platoon, but we only had about 36 people online at the highest point last night. And we never had more than 3 of our ~9 player squads in any one place since the fights were relatively small.

    Specifically, we had our 10 guys from Bravo on Vanu Archives C point while Alpha and Charlie squads made plays for the points on the plateau. And at no point did we have more than 40% population there, including TR pub players... so I'd hardly call that 'pub-stomping'.

    In fact, I'd call it a pretty good fight. So my thanks go to the OP for putting up with her irritations and mixing it up with NUC.
  5. Pat Cleburne

    I can't really comment on how terrible your teamates are, but thanks for reminding everyone how OP the ZOE max is.
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  6. Zerran

    I used to be a dedicated Waterson NC. Never so much as touched the other factions. Then one fateful day I decided to try the VS. I now main VS on Waterson. In all honestly, the Waterson VS on a bad day are better than the Waterson NC on a good day. Not to say the Waterson NC don't have some great people, but the general organization and ability to move people where they need to be is just non-existent.
  7. HadesR

    Loosen the spandex it might be chafing a tad.
  8. CaligoIllioneus

    I enjoy Waterson VS, they are very, very good, and are able to do a lot considering their low numbers.

    Still sometimes I get upset myself, especially when there's an alert that we have a chance to either win or cause a draw and the pugs stay on Indar ghost capping the territory while TR all changes to the continent of the alert. I don't know why VS and NC tend to not move to the continent of the alert...oh well.

    Also at certain hours the population difference between VS and TR is simply too big and it brings out the Lib farmers, it's as if I had time traveled to the times of yore.
  9. Hoki

    And the meek shall inherit the earth. One of the things I notice from the most successful people (gaming or otherwise) is how they handle and react to both winning and losing situations. Its easy to get careless when winning, and easy to lose your head losing.

    For successful people, winning is done by properly handling a situation, and that situation may be a losing situation. Its a different way of judging success, instead of arbitrary predefined goals or numbers in a database.

    If it is a situation where if your teammates played differently things might tern out better, but you are only one person and do not control other people. Like gandalf says you only need to worry about what you are going to do with your time spent in game. That may be filling a leadership or logistical role in order coerce others to play differently or better (yelling/whining does not achieve this), but if that doesn't work, just focus on what you can do.
  10. FrontTowardEnemy

    I play VS on Connery and this sounds like all night, every night for me lol.

    No nobody pulls AA, nobody pulls AV (guided ESRLs or Lancers), very few Engineers, and the ones that *are* around are too busy sniping with their MANA AV turrets, no heavy armor etc. etc. etc.

    I mostly see snipers and HA with a sprinkling of LA, with a bunch of Engineers parked on a ridgeline while I scream for an ammo drop for my Burster MAX. But of course, all the (d1ck) Engineers can't afford to drop an ammo pack when they're carrying their AV turret in one slot and medkits in the other.

    So much fail.
  11. eldarfalcongravtank

    you know why they do suck? mainly because of this:
    yes, even a vanu ingame has noticed this at the most recent esamir alert. this is a trend that makes us unnecessary weak regarding alerts. just because vanu can't get off indar's d*ck
  12. jihon83

    That might explain why yesterday's alert on Indar had the the VS at 17%, while the TR and NC were vying for first with their 42/41 percent populations. That said, I think we did well to hold our own and keep putting pressure on the TR through Freyr, but it was odd to see the NC roll in big to take one of the Freyr's satellites, but they never committed to taking Freyr itself, even as it was a "Power Rush" alert.
  13. Syrathin

    Should try life in the NC on Waterson, Get run over a lot and hit by friendly fire even more.

    One thing I would say since it's a particular annoyance of mine, I've been TK'd on my engineer a few times for "Not doing my job" by that I mean not dropping ammo for someone when they asked.
    The problem with this is that I invested certs into my ammo packs and usually drop them where they'll do the most good and I tend to leave them there and ignore other ammo requests.
    My point here is that sometimes you might not think someone is doing what they should be but in my case at least I can assure you that if I'm ignoring your requests, There is a good reason for it.

    All that said it doesn't stop some self centered LA (By far the worst offenders for some reason) from TK'ing me because I didn't drop an ammo pack for them. I've gotten angry messages for it as well and that also gets ignored since I prefer to focus on my tasks rather than explain to them why they're being a *******.
    I always have ammo down and watch my clock when I drop it, I know when it expires and will swing back around to replace it before that happens or move it to a better position.
  14. WarpNaccele

    Don't worry, as your God I forgive you.
  15. ViXeN

    Hmmm I can't decide which comeback to use in this situation:

    #1. A guy on the internet who doesn't understand the difference between singular and plural..... DERP! I understand that I'm the equivalent of facing an entire platoon but come on.... :eek:


    #2. I understand how it can be upsetting to a basement-dweller that someone actually has a life. ;)

    Yeah, I haven't ever resorted to TKing yet except when people purposely TK me first. LOL But still, I should have just let it go last night and took a break from the game.

    Yes, NuC was pretty much everywhere last night. I'm guessing about 80% of the TR I fought last night were from their outfit.
  16. MrMurdok

    Now imagine the same thread being opened by anyone who is not ViXen. I.E Not the obvious girl gamer.
  17. NC_agent00kevin

    Ive seen her around a few times, killed her too. Not often though. She'll be in a Max Suit, or a HA occasionally. If she is in the area, she will be in /yell. Never run across her in a vehicle yet though.

    And hi :) Sorry to speak about you like you arent here in your own thread :p
  18. ViXeN

    Yes, not a single person would flame..... :rolleyes:
  19. NC_agent00kevin

    Have you looked at the numbers lately? At times VS have majority, although by only 1 or 2 %.
  20. ViXeN

    I'm usually in HA waaaaaaay more than MAX unless you happen to be in a biolab. But lately I've been playing MAX a lot because I love the ZOE. :eek: And yeah, I like to taunt the other factions in /yell chat. I did plenty of that tonight. LOL
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