Infantry is OP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AirHarper, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. AirHarper

    Infantry is Way to OP. They cost no resource and they can spawn any weapon at any time in pretty much in location and there are so many of them.

    The weapons choices the infantry have are crazy. One class can pretty much shut down vehicles in any location.

    Please limit AV weapon choices the infantry have to put a balance back into this game.

    And to all those people who say. Infantry need counter tanks because they need to defend themselves.

    They can. Its called NUMBERS. Don't be afraid to use those numbers to take out a tank.
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  2. T0rin

    Naw man, 1 infantry should be able to take out a tank. And any aircraft. Etc.

    This is call of duty, remember?
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  3. Notih8Darian

    You think infantry is OP? Is this some kind of joke?
    Obviously trees are the most OP things in the game, especially NC shotgun trees. I mean, look at the OPness.
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  4. Konfuzfanten

    If you lose a 1vs1 against an infantry guy in a fighting vehicle, its not the vehicle that the problem. its you.

    If you lose a 1vs1 against an infantry guy in a fighting vehicle, its not the vehicle that the problem. its you.
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  5. T0rin

    You seem to have no shortage of inability in recognizing glaring sarcasm.
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  6. AirHarper

    This is not joke. Infantry is OP. just because of sheer numbers. On top of the numbers you put in weapon systems that make just 1 Inf able to stand up to a tank or air THAT is make the infantry OP.

    PLUS infantry are the only class that can take bases.
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  7. Posse

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  8. Notih8Darian

    Ok let's make the game realistic.
    I purpose that tanks should be able to easily get at LEAST a 100 killstreak, just like in real life.
    It should also take 5-12 months and ~5,000,000 vehicle resources to "build" the tank :D
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  9. GSZenith

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  10. AirHarper

  11. gigastar

    Sarcasm doesnt translate very well into text.

    Its also the lowest form of wit.
  12. T0rin

    It does when you make the effort to add multiple dead giveaways like 'This is call of duty, remember?'.

    But, I guess you can only account for so much ignorance and/or lack of reading comprehension.

    I wasn't utilizing sarcasm in an attempt to be witty, I was using it to satirize what is fairly common rhetoric on these forums when it comes to discussion on infantry and AV potential.

    For the ******* in the audience: Yes, I agree. Infantry have too many (or too powerful) AV options.
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  13. Hosp

    I'm saying something deep and profound about this thread. Now I'm waiting for the "Likes" to come rolling in.
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  14. Daikar

    I agree with OP, Infantry has way too much options on how to take out tanks, Tanks should be the main thing to counter tanks with.
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  15. Necron

    That would be true if tanks actually countered tanks. Tanks, however, farm infantry. That's the only truth there is. Tanks just whine about it because they can't farm infantry effectively if infantry can fight back. Tankers are pretty much the biggest babies on the forums... followed closely by lolpoders.
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  16. deggy

    Here's the problem:

    It's circular. Tanks kill infantry because infantry are the biggest threat to tanks. Then infantry whine, and infantry whine LOUD. So tanks get nerfed and infantry get buffed, leading to more infantry killing more tanks. So the tanks are forced to kill more infantry to survive.

    Remember that killing infantry in a tank is self-defense.
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  17. Ronin Oni

    Is THAT sarcasm? Because properly utilized sarcasm is brilliant.

    It's hard to determine tone from a text post, you have to gauge the idiocy or cleverness of the poster to determine if serious.
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  18. AirHarper

    Necron -
    I want Inf to fight back and I do without a lock on. I just use my dumbfire weapon and move in close and into position to take them out. I don't sit back with 20 other guys and lock on to tanks.

    Tanks should farm Infantry in the wide open battle field. The other side either pulls its own tanks. Fights back with dumbfire weapons OR fall back to a base that you can defend from tanks and take out the infantry that tries to take out the base.

    It comes down to 5 guys sitting on a hill taking out tanks left and right because the tanks cant get across a field without backing off. What it should be is 5 guys sitting back on the hill waiting in position and when the tank get close attacking it with your dumbfire rockets and taking it out.
  19. VanuSovereignty

    Long range infantry based AV should not exist.
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  20. deggy

    Exactly. Tanks should dominate anything over about 200 meters. The best solution to an enemy tank should always be a tank.
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