Striker owners, your opinion please

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jube, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Mxiter

    Is your decimator your main AA launcher? Because phoenix is on NC.

    BTW i never said that the striker is fine: it requires a fix the acual weird guidance with rockets dodging obstacles and remove the fire and forget system: the user must keeping LOS until the rockets hit (reducing DPS and force the user to stay exposed) like it was presented in the first higby video. Maybe just 3sec fire and forget after breaking LOS to don't lose the lock by a poor tree branch or somebody moving in LOS.
  2. Unclematos7

    Relax! I know it is OP. I'm just enjoying it until it's inevitable nerf.
  3. Peebuddy

    Striker is a lock on to begin with because it was a lock on in the first one.

    However the requirement of a constant LoA will actually make it exactly how it was in the first PS
  4. LowTechKiller

    I'm guessing there are more players in this game that play infantry than there are who just want to fly.

    To quote a familiar angry little man..."this is Planetside 2, not Fighterside 2". However, the rest of us "idiots" aren't going to demand that you go play some other air-only game. We just suggest that you dogfight somewhere other than in TR airspace.
  5. Jachim

    Err, no. It isn't. Most of my kits are dumbfire, I only pull strikers if there is suddenly a giant air zerg crushing us, in which case you have no excuse to die. Just equip flares!

    Hey, not defending Strikers totally here. They're boring for us. I wish they'd give us a nice fast dumbfire like mini-fractures or something instead.
  6. SpetV

    Ok, so you want all the other factions to fight agains TR with infantry because there are idiots with T2 Striker, while the TR can use whatever they want with no worries? As I said, it's Planetside 2 not TRrapingVehiclesSide 2.
  7. Goretzu

    You may rarely equip Strikers, I dunno, but TR in general has lock-on launchers (and usually the great and generalist Striker) much more than VS and NC.

    And they are all round better than the most direct equiverlent, the annihilator.

    As to Fractures, how they haven't been nerfed yet is utterly beyond me, they are the most powerful and effective MAX AV weapon by far (and a pretty good MAX AI weapon), I can't see SOE being so daft as to compound that by giving infantry based Fractures.
  8. OldMaster80

    Stryker user here as well. The stryker itself, considered as a single weapon, is not that great. It can be countered by smoke and stealth, it's not easy to hit with 5/5 rockets and the overall damage is more or less the same of all the other lock-on rocket launchers. Moreover it has no dumbfire and cannot lock Max and Turrets, making viable only as a strictly anti-vehicle weapon.
    Also Worth to mention that there's a bug so that sometimes missiles pass trough the ground / buildings and still hit the target, but this has been fixed Yesterday on test server and should go live soon: it's a small and well deserved nerf / fix that needed to be done I'd say.

    At any way, roll 1 single HA with Stryker and it will have very little effect on the battlefield. The big point is that TR massively spam Stryker rockets: it's not uncommon to see 4-5 of them all at the same time in my outfit, and we usually focus fire on the same target. The SL calls the target and we all fire together. In this case there's no way to escape: that's what make the Stryker so strong.
    My opinion is that the Stryker is not so Amazing, it has a good range and decent damage, but it give it's very best with a squad focus on the same target.

    I wonder what will it happen if VS and NC started to use 5 Lancers / Phoenix at time, aiming at the same target. I expect the effect to be equally destructive. Of course the lock-on makes it very easy to use, but hey, every faction has some good stuff.
    • Up x 1
  9. Goretzu

    AA? o_O You're better using you main gun (or even your pistol :D ) AA than a Phoenix most of the time! :confused:
  10. Redshift

    As "a hardcore player" i suggest you actually bother to read the upcoming patch notes ....
  11. Redshift

    Yes it is,

    the striker is used roughly 3 times more than the phoenix and the lancer, you're looking at the unique killers box in this spreedsheet

    That doesn't mean the striker is great however, it just means the phoenix and lancer are junk. Although the phoenix does seem to get more kills per user. Personally i think the ease of use means the striker is spammed so it feels like you die to it lots.

    I expect this all to change after the next patches lock on change though, it'll be harder to use. people will probably head back to the skep for vehicles in most cases
  12. Mxiter

    When i aim aircraft, i hit somethink like 1 time on 3. Considering the amount of damages it deals, it's a viable option. I don't feel the need to buy the Hawk: it's more effective agaist low altitude aircraft if you're good at predicting.
  13. Nerd Mode

    I wish tears caused by Strikers could end world hunger and cure cancer.
  14. Astealoth

    Striker owner's opinion:

    Scrap the damn thing entirely, give everyone who owns it 1000 certs per char with access, and release a new TR ESRL that isn't a retuned reskinned annihilator. I want something that I don't already have access to like the NC and VS get.
  15. Kunavi

    The Striker even as it is, merely gives me some Kills against busy, greedy or camped Air. Some of the Kills it's given me, I can duplicate with an ML-7 like against a Lib or a predictable LOLPodder. I've got more Kills with my ML-7 which I can also use on MAX and Infantry and can be launched at any angle, any moment, I can even predict where to strike with it, whereas the Striker requires a good % of your target showing to start with! And close up it's horrid. The Striker is an excellent ADS/AADS if the wielder is not the target. There definitely are situations where if you have the Striker equipped you're %*#), simple situations involving ground units where you'd expect(According to so much QQ) the Striker to DOMINATE completely and absolutely. It doesn't.

    With the coming changes(Range Factor, Maintain LOS and what else is coming) I'll use it even less. Hence I can't agree with it being OPed, not to the degree argued in every other Thread, 24/7.

    The Striker is "Very Good" and has a clear role, but it's not "Excellent" and it will get worse soon. The reason I prefer the ML-7 over the Striker is the same I prefer Fractures over any other MAX weapon. It covers a lot of roles well enough, the more skilled you are the better it performs, yet it generally won't trample weapons designed for specific situations, in those situations, no matter how good you are. And with the right information(Soon to be available to Locked-On ESFs/Libs/Gals) you know how to deal with the Striker, just like with a MAX with dual Fractures. If you don't, that's neither the Fracs' nor the Strikers' problem. It's yours.

    OPed is the Engineer's AV MANA. I do have it, I do use it, I am not even half good with it and I can be a lot of trouble for my targets even so. ;P
  16. Goretzu

    You must be Neo then. :)

    The only ESF I hit are ones that are stationary (or the occasional lucky hit) due the the lack of range, speed and maunverability.

    I've been using the Pheonix since PS1 and have no problem getting it behind most objects or even through most doors, but hitting moving ESFs seems near impossible to me. :confused:

    The two things I have problems with are ESFs (much more so) and Harasser, both because of their speed and relative hitbox size.

    How many of your 32 kills were ESFs?
  17. Jalek

    It would've been fine as a 5-round dumbfire launcher, though the nerf cries would have been just as loud even without Decimator damage.
  18. Mxiter

    I killed more than 32 stuffs with the phoenix and 20-25% of them were ESF.
  19. Jachim

    Stop comparing the three ESRL's. They fit entirely different roles.
  20. FABIIK

    You basically want to make the Striker work like a AV turret.

    I thought the AV turret itself was OP ?

    If the range is only 300m, who will buy it when, for the same price, you can have a AV turret that can shoot beyond render distance ?