[Suggestion] Katana-like melee weapon for Infiltrators

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hunterion, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. Hunterion


    Will replace your primary and your knife, but can equip pistols. Or if it's too overpowered, replace all your weaponry (would be awesome if the weapon folds like Lt. Sulu in Star Trek).

    Operates like the knife, but with wider swing, longer range and fast RoF. Secondary is for slow decapitation move.

    I'd really like to have the option to go full ninja with my infiltrator.

  2. =ADK= CanNerZ

    *laughing in my office*
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    Nope. Don't need in this game.
  4. Oreo202

    Yes. Just yes.
  5. Sossen

    You would bring a knife to a gunfight? Or rather, a full-scale battle? The knife is in the game because all FPS games need a weapon that doesn't use ammo. A sword would just be ridiculous, this isn't exactly star wars...
  6. Mr_Giggles

    He doesn't want to play a Jedi, he wants to be NINJA WARRIOR
  7. tecz

    How about a jar of pee instead of a weapon in the secondary slot
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  8. FateJH

    What if you can throw your knife for a 1HKO, but then had to go pick it up else you never spawn with it again?
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  9. Makwa

    I am far more threatened by tecz urine in a jar than a knife. Confucious says no weirdo is complete without a jar of urine in the basement.
  10. Arch

    No no no. And oh yeah.. NO

    If you want to play space ninja go play warframe.
  11. SpetV

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  12. PieBringer

    Technically it's because it's easier to just make a generic knife with one animation. If they wanted to put a bit more quality into it, each gun would have it's own bashing animation. (functionally it would be no different than the current quick-knife.)
  13. Cinnamon

    Swords are like knives only bigger.
  14. Dis

    Apparently commando pro in MW2 didn't cause enough misery in people's lives.
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  15. Ronin Oni

  16. Pikachu

    If we are to add a sword please pick something more original and less pop culture cheesy type.
  17. Metalsheep

    Fusion Blade. PS1 already did it. Hit with the same damage as the knife, mostly cosmetic. Had a faster swing in secondary mode.

  18. LowTechKiller

    Only if it's able to jabby-jab through spawn room shields.
  19. Redshift

    i love how he wants to add a sword and then make it swing faster than a knife...... a=f/m
  20. joe smo

    Swords that swing faster then knives!

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek::eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek::eek:

    NO! infiltrators are already completely invisible and are already able to kill people in a quarter of a second what more ridicules weapons do they need?