Disable XP When Shooting From Spawn

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Harbinger, Aug 8, 2013.


    I disagree. Player behaviour is the consequence of the gameplay.
    If the zerg is theway a majority of players have the most fun, they will zerg.
    Make zerging less fun, they won't.
  2. Goretzu

    If you're losing bases, then you're losing. At this point you seem to think they should do what? Re-roll the Zerg side or just give up? :confused: Neither option is much fun or good for the game.

    From a player point of view I understand a lot of people like nothing more than to explicitly rub losing peoples noses in that fact - however SOE is a business, it wants to retain and grow its customer base, so punishing the punished isn't a great stratergy for them.

    In fact they've said they don't even want to punish the Zerg, so I can't see how they'd go down the road of punishing the underdogs.

    The reality is if you want a game to thrive you've got to encourage your underdogs, not punish them on top of the punishment they already receive for being badly outnumbered.
  3. evansra

    This whole shield camp game is poor, always has been. Im all for the ps1 style system again with destroyable spawn tubes as mentioned above.

    Also what is up with people being able to fire missiles through the shields now? that's just crazy. this a bug or intended?

    The phoenix only fires through the shield if you are standing a little away from it, if you go up close it explodes in your face lol. I found phoenix + sit in spawn room to be very op just popping esf's left right and centre... I have also had the misfortune of meeting TR striker filled spawns before and it was ridiculous.
  4. Cab00se187

    Wow dude. Do you not know strategic retreats? If you are losing, don't reroll to the enemy side nub. It's called regrouping at a new base to setup for a counter attack and yes, you'd be a totally scrub if you just redeployed to the nearest base which doesn't have tank and air terminals.
  5. Ripshaft

    Got 3 min to burn before I need to run catch a bus, so I'll chime in on this thread which I'm sure is way way off topic at this point, but what the hey.

    Basically I had this idea very briefly a very long time ago, and immediately recognised it was a bad one. Basic rule is you should never be penalized for something you're SUPPOSED to do. The spawn shields are there to allow you to put pressure on campers in order to facilitate leaving the spawn. The problem is not with the first part, it's with the second, people are not leaving the spawn. They're supposed to shoot and if possible kill people, but the ONLY reason this should ever be done is if they are preventing you from leaving the spawn!

    So I progressed the bad idea, tried to make it work without being unreasonably penalizing, I thought instead of being no xp from the start, you had a grace period where xp would be normal, and then your xp would start chipping away to 0% so long as you remained in the spawn, then when you left the spawn it would return to normal immediately, unless you went back into the spawn or protected area within x min, at which point the penalty would be reapplied.

    Still not a very good idea, as it's a penalty to not do the wrong thing and not a incentive to do the right thing, which brings me to my current idea;

    (this is dependant on some other systems I've been thinking of, so it would not work in current game mechanics, but just think of the idea) Basically have a rush timer, it counts down from 5-0, at 0/GO you charge out of spawn, if you do you get a temporary xp bonus, that persists regardless of if you die or not, but the xp bonus does not apply within the spawn. Perhaps there's additional bonuses based on how many people participate or survive or die or whatever, but that's the general idea, still in very early stages of thought.
  6. Goretzu

    In Planetside 2 if you are outnumbered 3+:1 the only thing that happens whether you redeploy to the next base or not is you lose the next base (if the Zerg is running organised they may have effectively taken the next base before you even redeploy there - which by forum logic mean you'd need to re-redeploy to the 3rd base along the chain).

    Counter attacking is nothing magical, if you're badly outnumbered you're just a bug on the Zergs windshield.

    Now in PS1 you'd have a chance to defend your base against 3+:1 (and indeed with the way hacking a base worked a chance to retake it with a surgical counter attack), but with the differences in PS2 there's only a few bases that might give you that oppertunity in PS2.
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  7. Cab00se187

    Then go fight somewhere else? Why is this concept hard to grasp? If you're fighting a losing cause why throw yourself at the enemy and feed them certs then come to the forums to ***** about it?

    Your reasoning doesn't apply to many (a majority ?) of players. Those who play solo.
    And I'd say a majority of spawn shield shooters play are not part of a squad.
    Hell, they probably don't even read this forum...
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  9. Cab00se187

    Well if that's the case this game is doomed
  10. Goretzu

    Again though what you are saying is the people should quit.

    That is the death knell for a game all about endless battle.
  11. Cab00se187

    /Facepalm, people do this already in BF and CoD. It's called rage quitting and smashing your controller. Retreating is not quitting the game.
  12. Vyss

    You'll need to call in reinforcements and perhaps make a few sacrifices in order to stop the zerg (Getting slaughtered 4:1 while a true counterattack forms up). Esamir is pretty interesting for proper counter attacks. Lure them into infantry fights with half your units and then the rest flank with a dedicated AV squad (3-4 MBT, harassers and battle busses) to wipe our their idle/afking vehicles.

    I wish they would change the facilities to be more PS1 at the very least. Control points should be extremely secure/defendable and turning the point should require a hack and not just being in the area. Allow anyone to hack but infils get their cert line boost. Normal hack = 1-2 minutes. 2 minutes later the base shuts down and 2 minutes after that reboots as the new faction. When shut down all base assets go neutral and need to be hacked to be used.

    CPs as they are right now (tech/amp) are bloody death traps for anyone defending. Why would a base commander put them in the least defensible spot possible that is open to fire from almost anywhere. Makes small precision strikes (Like you want) extremely hard to pull off. This needs a redesign where CPs are brought underground into the heart of the facility.
  13. FABIIK

    Oh... You mean join my faction's zerg ?

    You know tha's what most people do (even with Lattice). That's why a current typical 'strategic' situation has
    - the VS zerg pushing north from SE toward Mao with little resistance from the TR;
    - the TR zerg pushing down the middle (Zurvan, Allatum,...) with little resistance from NC or VS;
    - the NC zerg pushing north from SW toward Saurva with little resistance from TR.

    Of course, push directions can vary, but the global situation is always something like this. Zergs pushing in different areas with little resistance whatsoever...

    And your advice to defenders is... go fight somewhere else ???

    I think the game needs more balance, not less.
  14. Zenzell

    "I'm mad that I can't farm the 6 pubbies in their spawn with my 70 man army"

    Clearly we should encourage players to run blindly into the superior force by making players take damage inside their spawn whenever they fire guns at the 7 enemies not smart enough to take high ground, and give triple exp bonus when you keep a tank outside of the spawn for over 3 minutes since not being able to kill people .5 seconds after they show up is super unfair, and putting your army at control points instead of outside spawn is just an unheard of, terrible idea.

    Seriously, if you were able to march your army to their spawn to begin with, what logic makes you think any sort of "redeploy counter attack" will be effective whatsoever?

    In fact most of the time, there is a couple of players roaming around the next base checking out what the rest of the squad can expect when they advance.
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  15. FABIIK

    The nemesis of the zerg is the choke point (Thermopylae style).
    The maps terribly lack in that domain excepted in the Indar south east corner.
    More chokepoints -> more balanced fights
  16. Erilis

    Most games use multiple spawn rooms as a solution to spawn camping.
  17. Cab00se187

    /facepalm. No I mean use your brain and look at the goddamn map. You do realize that it shows the percentages of players in a zone? There is also more than 1 fricking continent.
  18. FABIIK

    Now because some stupid player can't take one step back and one step aside to avoid being shot (remember that's the original topic here) I have to go to another continent ?!?!

    I think I should /facepalm too...
  19. Cab00se187

    Oh I already agreed that XP should be disabled for spawn room warriors.
  20. FABIIK

    And I have already said that SOE doesn't want to lose all the casuals who enjoy the no pressure spawn room shooting sessions.