How is this possible??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Uruloke, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. Uruloke

    Were fighting on Elli Amp Station on Esamir tonight. We were defending against the TR who were attacking from all over. Something was quite odd though. The amp station has a rather large no-deploy zone. Somehow though someone had managed to deploy a sunderer in the middle of the base, tucked up against a wall near the SCU generator. How can this be possible? Attackers shouldn't be able to deploy their sunderers inside the no-deploy zone.

    Took this screenshot:

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  2. Crator

    Interesting. At first I was asking myself if it was actually deployed. But you can see a red mark on the side where the terminal is so I think it is. Guess it's a bug.
  3. Sordid

    My guess would be the no-deploy zone is realized as an invisible box that's only slighter taller than a sunderer itself is. Driving one halfway up the wall like that puts it above the box and allows it to be deployed.
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  4. KAHR-Alpha

    My thought exactly, hence why they seem to have climbed quite high with that sunderer.
  5. KenDelta

    I've actually seen this a couple of times in different amp stations , even tried it myself ,it depends on HOW high you deploy your sundy , I believe the no-deploy zone is at a ground level so anything higher is quite possible(possibility)
    And Yes I hope its gets patched I pretty much hate such deployments and especially the old Garage ones.
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  6. ironeddie

    Fair play to the sundie drivers who figured out this way to bypass no deploy. Devs should have foresaw this.
  7. ItsJustDash

    I am ok with this.
  8. Uruloke

    It's not a matter of whether or not you are ok with it. It is an obvious bug that needs to be corrected and that some people are abusing.
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  9. Cab00se187

    And look who owns the sunder, are you surprised?
  10. Czuuk

    Not a big fan of the no deploy zones in the first place, but considering that they exist it should probably not be so easily thwarted.
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  11. Phyr

    At least it's outside. Remember the second floor tech plant sundies? That was ********.
  12. AMARDA

    Well the Sunderer is in a pretty easy to destroy place at least. Also, something to try out sometime I think!
  13. Excretus Maximus

    The zones have an almost-non-existent z axis.
  14. KodiakBlack

    Just because we can think outside the box....... *tumble weed*
  15. exLupo

    Deliberately receiving benefit from an obvious design flaw? For shame.
    Suspend player (won't happen)
    Patch out problem (will take forever)

    Spirit of the law > Letter of the law
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  16. Serval

    I think it also works in the lowered section near one of the generators.
  17. Van Dax

    remember what happened when magriders thought outside the box?

    obvious bug is obvious.
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  18. Sordid

    "Spirit of the law" is something invoked by people who want to make the law mean something else than it actually says. ;)
  19. JKooL

    GOON ain't got time for no-deploy zones.

    But that's the imposter GOON I think.
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  20. Van Dax

    its the other GOON.