GU14-Where's my FPS gone?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by ReformerTR, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. ReformerTR

    Since the last update my FPS has gone from 50-60 to 20-30. anyone else having problems?
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  2. XOLiD

    Yep me and all my friends, this is the first patch that's actually done this to me.
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  3. Simonnice

    Noticed a dip aswell, going from my almighty 30 - 35 average to around 25ish in large battles... Surprise surprise!
  4. Mike78

    just done the update and now the game has gone from 32-60 to 7-12 so basically unplayable,this must be the only game that gets worse every time an update is released and if they don't fix it asap then i'll cancel my membership simples.
  5. Deamian

    Gtx 560 ti 2g flawless during HUGE battles, now 6 enemies in a room with gunfire and I either crash, or it slows to a crawl fps. And why was Physx option removed again?
  6. Lord Blackadder

    Same here since latest update.

    It's most noticeable when looking around; if I just stand still and don't move my mouse, the FPS is constant. If I move my mouse to quickly (e.g. turning 90 degrees or more) my FPS drops with about 20 frames for a split second, which makes it next to impossible to aim properly, because it does this every time I move the mouse. I also noticed the same 20 FPS drop when going in and out of iron sights and while using the crouch key, even while standing still.
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  7. SteamBoiler

    Same here frames dropped signficantly after patch. I have a pretty decent rig and have never had fps issues on high settings, now I have dropped down to around 15-20 fps. Also of side note, my striker rockets are invisible now for some reason.
  8. jihon83

    Just adding my "voice". My FPS is now dropping from 40 to 0 when the game is attempting to render in characters, if I had to guess, it's struggling when it's trying to render in new clumps of allies.
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  9. Alexlightning7

    Hey, Join our little club of those who have had this problem since Beta!!! Always excepting new members!
    Its not really related to pure fps though. this is just about turning and such.

    Your lucky its just been the last update.
    It makes playing with pretty much any fps less effective. especially lower fps.

    Dont think I ever experienced it when crouching, might have to check that out now.
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  10. gregfox89

    I now get a HUGE fps drop whenever I look at the map. It goes straight from 40-60 to 10-15. Map needs so much resources, I obviously need to upgrade my computer! :rolleyes:
  11. shd

    I am back to the game freezing for 2 sec every couple of minutes. Such a meaningless update causing so much ****.
  12. itzCujo666

    I've lost some frames too.

    A completely unscientific eyeballing Alt-F, gives me the impression I've lose ~10 frames in WG. It's easier for me to guesstimate in WG, than in battle, where it's GPU locked and I have a couple of places I usually go when I'm checking .ini tweaks.
  13. Logoss

    Ive been having FPS drops and spotty performance as well. GPU locked at 60fps at WG but dipping all the way to 20~30 CPU no matter how many people are in sight. Also some really odd graphics glitches. Like ESFs becoming stuck in mid air and still able to be shot down. (When obviously they flew away.) People simply vanishing and the reappearing hundreds of meters away. Not like the old warping or rubbing banding effect, but as if the game became confused as to where that person really was in relation to his client and the server's data.
  14. haldolium

    overall FPS are down again and the drops when turning/ADS are more notable now, rendering most situations gamebreaking.
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  15. Irathi

    Strange, I played for hours last night after the update and noticed nothing. Performance was equal or better than GU13.

    I find this strange since you have the same CPU as me, are you running Windows Vista? There was a guy in another thread also complaining about his FX-8350 performance, he was getting 20 ish and changed to Windows 8 and instantly got 30-40 ish in the larger battles.
  16. Simonnice

    Nope, running Windows 7. Also noticed the game was running alot better later on that night, so I'm not sure if performance got worse or better yet.
  17. Irathi

    Ah I like your hardware choice.

    We have the same mainboard, same cpu, had the same GPU earlier (gigabyte wf3 hd7950) and same speed on the ram 1600Mhz (8gigs tho). and 128gb ssd :p
  18. Lord Blackadder

    I use toggle crouch, so you'd want to try that. (teabagging someone has never been this hard in a game before)

    I'd also like to add something to my previous post. It's not like the drop is 20 FPS every time; it seems to go down to a specific number (or range) no matter what my FPS is at that moment. So when I have 50 FPS (at the Warpgate or any non-battle situation), my FPS drops to a range of between 7 and 19 FPS. But it does the very same when I have 30 FPS in medium battles, or 20-ish FPS in large battles; it always drops to 7-19 when either moving the mouse relatively quickly, zooming in/out iron sights or crouching.
  19. Coors916

    My FPS has dropped to about 50% of what it used to be. I'd get over 100 fps with everything maxed, now I'd be lucky to get 50-60 fps. Specs in sig.
  20. dirtYbird

    Mine has gone to crap as well after this patch.
    I dropped everything to medium and it improved for a while then the FPS dropped down again.
    So I moved the settings to Ultra and it fixed it for about an hour.
    Then I moved it back to High and the FPS improved again.

    Previously I was running it on a custom set up and never really had issues like this in the last 6mths..