NC never wins on Mattherson, does NC suck on every server?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hugh222, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. Hugh222

    Just curious. If they do could it be a balance issue. Odd how bad NC is ...its freaking spooky man.
  2. Oreo202

    I don't know what's wrong with NC on Mattherson. VS barely even use leader chat anymore and still win a lot.
  3. VSDerp

    NC always been like this on the server.they have great outfits and players but something is missing.
  4. Hugh222

    If NC is bad everywhere maybe they have weak underpowered gear? I do not know but there has to be a reason, unless they have a server they are dominant on that I don't know about? That or everyone on all servers that plays NC sucks which makes no sense.
  5. LowTechKiller

    Whoa, whoa...NC won an alert last night/this morning on Mattherson.
    THE NC ARE BACK...!!!;)
  6. Snowzak

    There was a fun Mattherson TR/NC back and forth around regent rock for the last few hours. It's when the Mattherson VS get involved that **** goes downhill fast.
  7. Bape

    They won one alert out of how many?
    You do know the VS log on NC on matty for **** and giggles right lol? Goku
  8. The King

    The NC only fights TR..... well, it seems like that's what they do the most.
    So the TR has to try to defend against the NC while he VS trololol around and cap everything else... with ease.

    I've seen NC win some though....
  9. Hugh222

    Just for giggles I might make NC on another server and see if it is any better (maybe connery). I am not moving..just testing. I wonder if it is an NC thing or just a mattherson thing.
  10. Outlier

    Connery NC are a core of consummate professionals surrounded by hoards of mediocrity and general idiocy.
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  11. Nenarch

    Our NC does fairly well.. hell we even had sunday evening draw on tech plant alert.

    Mainly lack of outfits is the problem with NC. I get better farm with my NC alt than with my main.. on the same server.
  12. shd

    If you want some hardcore gameplay, come join Woodman NC.

    • You are always outnumbered, even if you have decent world pop.
    • When you attack there is no forward spawn, no sunderers, no terminals are hacked, no air support, no armor.
    • If you get killed, there is an 80% chance one of of the people that did damage was NC.
    • If you want to participate in an alert, 20% alert pop is the ceiling you can expect.
    • If you manage to mount something decent of an attack expect 3 vanu platoons to drop on you within 1 minute.
    • Expect both TR and VS to attack you because your are a much easier target.
    It's not all that bad tho. If you are a decent player, no one expects anything out of you, so you can solo entire squads. They are not really that good, they just have numbers, your own faction mates are a much bigger threat.
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  13. TheLastRyano

    I was going to post a similar question, but didn't want it to turn into a NC needs buffs thread, but i too am curious,is there a server where NC consistently does well.

    I know there are some with TR and some with Vanu but i haven't heard of any NC dominated servers.

    So what is the deal, does the NC need some love like the Vanu had, with some new sound effects and altered model designs or are they actually gimped in some way, weapons and vehicle wise.

    I actually quite like our equipment but i haven't really played much of the other factions so i'm not sure if i'm playing at a disadvantage or if we are just so unorganised as a faction we'd have no hope even if they gave us nukes.

    That's why i would love to know if there are any NC out there who are are doing well on a regular basis, not just, NC won their first alert in months on our server last night so its all gravy!
  14. Giggily

    NC dominated Mattherson for a short, horrific while. I'm glad those terrible days are behind us, though.

    I think their problem now is that a lot of their outfits just don't coordinate, and they stopped trying at all in alerts. We've had times where VS and TR or NC are at equal pops, yet VS still gets dominating victories because neither of the other two factions bother showing up to alerts. Then they complain about how unfair the VS overpop is and more quit.

    Which is really baffling, really. I would give up VS's pop advantage on Mattherson in a heartbeat if we could be back at 25% world pop again.
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  15. HEAT

    On the last biolab alert there were tons of NC fighting at Skydock and Indar Exe the whole time and they started with a higher pop than VS.
  16. MajorPlus

    The NC position on Indar is just terrible, any of the three factions placed there suffers tremendously. Even the infamous Mattherson 4th faction Vanu swarms suffer.

    Also the coordination of most NC honestly isn't that good, as is all factions on Mattherson.
  17. CF894

  18. Giggily

    What, you mean the SW Warpgate, which has the the overall geographical highground and some of the easiest choke points to defend?
  19. MajorPlus

    The positioning is solely for defense, and can be easily redirected back to the NC.

    Harder to warpgate the NC, but easier to stem their pushes.
  20. Ganelon

    Woodman NC.... are quite good?

    Alright, who am I kidding. Their outfits are good, their pubbies contain too much trash for them to be a viable faction.