Plan Failed Really Good!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FrightfulCookie, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. FrightfulCookie

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  2. ent|ty

    And this is all torture from my perspective, as I try to kill you without hurting my teammates, as you slaughter their ***** while I watch...

    The curse of the observant, lol.
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  3. TheBlindFreak

    I'm very curious, what gun is that?

    Edit: I ask because I'm only just getting in to trying the infiltrator and I thought bolt actions only had the stronger scopes.
  4. Harbinger

    It seems like the bolt action with another scope. I suppose it's possible to put regular scopes on sniper rifles. Never tried though.
  5. Vaphell

    no, there is one midrange model with scopes up to 4x. SAS-R/Ghost/TSAR-42. slightly faster RoF and slightly slower muzzle velocity than the entry level sniper rifle proper.
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  6. FrightfulCookie

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  7. uhlan

    All this shows is that Harassers are OTT and some people have the great luxury of good framerates and/or solid internet connections...

    YOU are NOT elite sir...
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  8. Tristan

    Did he kill you or something? Because all of his videos are pretty entertaining. They showcase how oblivious the average player is even more than his own playstyle.
  9. uhlan

    No, he didn't kill me. Well, not that I'm aware of.

    My "evil" side finds the video entertaining, but at the same time I'm a bit depressed considering the ease with which one can run people down in this game because of an OTT vehicle or shoot them in the face because they either can't keep up financially (video or CPU power) or have a crappy internet connection.

    I know no one can predict which enemy combatant has these issues, it's just the simple fact that it can be done that bothers me.

    What the individual is doing in the game isn't a display of skill and the realization that his victims are likely suffering from the above deficiencies colors my appreciation and enjoyment.

    Well, at least he isn't aimbotting, so there's that I guess...
  10. Locke

    If I tried this you could just cut everything between 0:37 and 1:37.

    endorsement of computer communism? lol

    Im sorry, but buying a rig capable of playing this game with decent framerates is NOT HARD. If you dont have $500 to blow on a desktop every few years, then PC gaming is probably not for you, and no offense, but im glad Gaming Devs dont keep games simple enough that the lowest end comps ca handle it.

    I spent $800 on a laptop, and can play on high with FPS above 30 in large battles. The financial hit for these kind of games is NOT that large.
  12. Stromberg

    it's all funny ofc but tactically speaking just useless. so there's a huge concetration of infantry with a sunderer nearby. the guy in the video shoots a bunch of guys who will respawn 10s later at the said sunderer. after he finally got detected and killed he basically, besides getting himself alot of points and a good fun did no impact on the enemy at all. as a defender, to really beat the enemy you will always need to destroy all their spawns.
  13. Rithlar

    Lol, I don't know how many times I have gotten to an unattended sunder and killed from people suddenly popping out of it like crazy from someone elses killing spree.
  14. theholeyone


    A good farmer never kills his crop/herd completely, just harvests/culls those that reach maturity.

    I for one enjoyed the video.
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  15. FrightfulCookie

    When did I mention being elite?
  16. Luighseach

    There is one gun per faction(at least I know of one gun per) that allows for smaller times scopes to be attached to it. As you can see in this video the build is really good and an infiltrator can pretty much beast mode CQC with it if he isn't spotted.

    FYI the smaller times scopes still have sway if I remember correctly but I haven't tried since they added sway to all scopes 6X and above.
  17. Luighseach

    People who post stuff like this also do not understand that gaming is for the masses and should be shared by everyone.

    Also note that most computers are at the lower end of the spectrum and thus means more players at that end. If this game wants to tap into that market then they MUST have the ability to provide stable(around 30 FPS) to anyone with the lower end specs. Also a 1000 low end PC players spending $5 to $15 will mean more money for SOE and easier kills for you.

    It will also likely mean more High end players (whose with money) choosing another, more visually appealing, game.

    I understand the plight. Im no stranger to stretching my dollars, But I NEVER felt entitled to play a brand new game on a 10 year old rig. Im sorry but low end rigs are low end rigs for a reason: they are not meant to handle these kinds of games. SOE should NOT cater to them.

    Buying a comp capable of playing this game is NOT hard. If you cant come up with the cash, and need to play this particular game, that bad, you should really take up a side job and save the cash.
  19. IonCannons

    lol that was worth watching thanks for sharing that
  20. IamDH

    Damn idk how you do this stuff :O