Drakon Armour...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ned, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. Ned

    So for those of you who haven't seen it yet this is the Drakon Armour currently


    It is essentially a skinned-down version of composite Armour with bits missing, that is it. Nothing special about it.

    All I can say is player studio cant come in too soon, I have started to treat the art team at SOE with a lot of contempt.
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  2. Blarg20011

    Agreed, and a lot of the stuff on player studio is looking great! I'm definitely going to be more inclined to buy player studio stuff than SOE cosmetics.
  3. Pikachu

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  4. Sebastien

    That's the armor you see in the PS2 gameplay trailer. The armor everybody wanted.

    Once again Forumside astounds me with their entitlement.
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  5. Loegi

    Really? Doesn't look that similar to me, at least for TR.
  6. NinjaTurtle

    The new helmets are very uninspired, and all these things seem to take so long to get created.

    I know of people that can create armour/weapon mods for Skyrim (as an example) that can create a much more detailed armour set than what we see in PS2 in about a 2 weeks. Bearing in mind these people that are modding are doing it as a hobby and not getting paid to do so

    I would love to know how this got taken into the meeting as a new item and no one said "erm it looks the same as what they already have, you might want to try again"...

    SOE you can be creative, this is a futuristic sci fi game.
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  7. DeadliestMoon

    People wanted this armor.........
  8. Ned

    After spending enough time on these forums, nothing surprises me anymore.

    We are entitled to our own opinions, and be careful when using the word "Everybody"
  9. Spude

    Why would i want cheaper / uglier composite armor ?

    da fug
  10. Sebastien

  11. Ned

    You understood my point then, good.
  12. whitupiggu

    It's the armor they advertised with. Yes, they are charging people for the armor they advertised the game with.
  13. Spets

    Nice sig

    Any way new armor is lame it probally took a day to set that up. Its not even new models
  14. Ned

    Shame its eight months too late, I can't help but feel they would have done better if they released the armour in the gameplay trailers at launch.
  15. Sebastien

    Lets look at it this way. People play an FPS to shoot people, not to play Barbie.
  16. Chowley

    If youre not into BarbieSide why did you click on this thread? :eek::eek::eek:
  17. jak

    Then WHY do I keep buying all the cosmetic bull****? :mad:
  18. Sebastien

    Like ned said, everyone is entitled to an opinion
  19. eldarfalcongravtank

    i must say, the new cosmetic items available in the shop lately have been a huge letdown for me. not only that, but they rather choose to reserve the best stuff for their super-expensive recruit-a-friend program which i find pretty annoying. if i wanted that dark camo, max lumifiber and the custom tank cannon, they should let me purchase it. but instead, i get to find drakon armor in the shop which does not only look hardly exciting but is not really different from the current armor.
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  20. Jachim

    Everybody wanted it? Please, do explain who this Everybody is. I don't see them here.
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