Do you think ESFs that use A2A missles are cheap and dishonorable?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Travelman00, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. phungus420

    Once the new ESF secondaries are released this will all be moot. I don't think you'll see much A2Am, I can't picture any of the other skilled ESF pilots who use A2Am keeping them once locusts come out. As an aside I was flying with a pretty good ESF pilot the other day who only loaded A2Am or AB tanks because he considered rocket pods dishonerable.

    Despite what people say A2Am don't suck, they are highly effective. I fly around solo, alot, and I load A2Am because they are extremely powerful and allow me to engage and kill unorganized air zergs (against organized air wings that are on TS and instantly react to me trying to pick off ESFs 1 by 1, well I just die, but that's not for lack of trying, and with A2Am I can often take out a couple of the bastards even in organized wings before they get me). I don't really care about someone's view about what is and what is not honorable, I just want to keep my ESF alive and get the highest SPH I can will flying; A2Am help me accomplish that goal when flying solo, in groups though rocket pods are better and makes an air wing more lethal to a larger range of targets. I often fly an ESF escorting a lib, and there too A2Am are extremely useful, I actually maintained a 40K SPH unboosted (and not double XP, and over a 2 hour period) escorting a lib once with A2Am - I could not have done that (or even have kept the lib alive) with rocket pods - the utility of A2Am when engaging multiple targets cannot be overstated (it's not just the damage they do, but the lock itself can force a target's hand and get them to disengage).
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  2. umbrellapower

    I do, but mostly because of the effect of lock ons and the open world nature of PS2. There aren't any indicators as to the type of lock or direction (although devs said they're working on more indicators for lock on weapons).

    On Connery, this is horrible considering the most fervent and passionate users of A2AM are all TR. I pray to every single god of every religion in existence when I break a Striker lock, hoping 20 A2AM Mossies don't appear out of nowhere to try and chase me back to the warpgate. At this point, I'm convinced most TR pilots on Connery have forgotten they have a nosegun. Seriously, what is it with TR and lock on weapons? :(
  3. Fenrys

    They're decent against Dalton libs and ESF's that have already popped flares, made an attack run, and are in the process of retreating.

    Against Libs, you can fire a missile from max lock-on range, spray your rotary in their general direction, then burn away for a little bit to put distance between you and the OHK. Repeat as needed.

    Against retreating ESFs that have already flared, your first missile usually hits and you can start the ensuing rotary v rotary dogfight with 2x as much health as your opponent. Sometimes they don't realize its an A2A lock, and you get a free kill with a 2nd missile + a few cannon hits.
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  4. Erilis

    Hacking: dishonorable
    TKing: dishonorable
    Using a weapon devs put in the game to use on your enemies: logical
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  5. Dis

    Thanks for the unintentional oxymoron. I needed a good laugh today.
  6. llPendragon

    A2G missiles are much "cheaper" than A2A.
  7. Botji

    I only think its cheap because when I use A2A missiles its like only 1/3 hit, doesnt matter if I only fire when im behind, from the sides or front, they just zoom past the ESF... sometimes even hovering ESF are too hard for the missile to hit. What I think is cheap is when they are used against me it very rarely even matter what I do, crazy spins, hide behind cover, boost towards the missile(more or less 100% works on my missiles) etc. The enemy A2A will hit me.

    Probably is like this for "everyone" but I have the bad experience of when only the VS A2A missiles didnt work wich makes it feel like there still is something off with them, sometimes when they do hit I have seen them avoid cover and take corners just to hit but still, more often than not the missile will just miss even if they are just hanging there in the air.

    Stupid missiles...
  8. gommer556

    if its a 1v1 i have no issue but i have am fighting a 1v1 and some ******* is up at the flight ceiling lobbing missiles at me while im trying to 1v1 someone is SUPER annoying
  9. Patrician

    No, you're going to get better at "deadening" your opponents by using the most effective weapons for the situation you're in. If that happens to be lock on A2A rockets then you would be lacking in skill not to be able to recognize this fact.
  10. Ronin Oni



    in other words, don't buy them with cash. Get em with certs.

    Anyways, 90% of the people who complain about em are using Rocket Pods.... so I don't particularly care :p

    If they took fuel, they could out-run/out-maneuver the lcok-on pilot.
  11. Ronin Oni

    I use them in dogfights... reduces amount of rotary needed to kill significantly.

    Also great at killing runners. Oh you wanna run from me? Hope you have +fuel and flares :D

    When any pilot actually engages me, I flip to pure Rotary.... A2AM's are useless in close fighting.

    Primary use though is killing libs. They make it possible to engage libs solo much more safely. Also, I'm using default noseguns for longer range. Fire A2AM and unload a burst of needler while I wait on reload. Rinse Repeat and I can get most libs pretty safely (damn those daltons :p )

    They also make engaging superior numbers of ESF's far FAR more possible.
  12. Corporate Thug

    It kind of sucks if you have to waste so many resources to do something you don't want to do in this game all for killing people who want to fly around farming.
  13. Taemien


    People using A2A missiles are usually new pilots.

    I use them on my dogfighting config in order to chase away an aircraft and move in on another so its not an outright 2v1. Can't say I've actually gotten many kills with them. If you're getting killed by A2A missiles you're doing something wrong.
  14. EMP1RE

    My opinion is I hate them. I dislike people who use them because:

    -they ruin the thrill of a good dogfight by simply being yet ANOTHER lock on to deal with.
    -they sometimes seem to lack the necessary ability to aim their primary weapon and therefore switch to their A2AM. Skill goes out the window.
    -'lock on'... by who? where? what? *Flare*/AB away, 5secs later... 'lock on'... huh? by who? where? what? *BANG*, *tickticktick*...
    -the fact that A2AM user ridiculously effective against A2G ESF's who already are getting shot at/locked on by everything on the ground they just shot at.

    That all said, honour is down to personal perception and in a game somewhat irrelevant. Play to win right?

    Still hate them... A2AM newbs...
  15. ValorousBob

    Wait what, that doesn't happen to everyone else?
  16. 2Slow2Calm

    I love lock ons! They let me go on killstreaks while playing one handed with my trackball mouse while I'm half asleep. I get rage tells often insulting my lack of skill, but who has the time to get skilled? I need more time to learn how to tie my shoelaces and eat food with a spoon. Its too bad the food doesn't "lock on" to my spoon and stay in it; its too hard bringing the food to my mouth without spilling everything! Life is just too hard with so few lock on mechanics.

    I have personally asked Higby to include homing bullets so I don't have to aim and I can just point in the general direction of my enemy. He said he wanted Planetside to be accessible to lobotomized people like me and promised me he will put them in the game in the next GU!
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  17. Sowahka

    You guys realize that some people use them because they have no other A2A option when they're using the default or AI nose guns, right?
  18. ValorousBob

    In theory you're right, but A2A missiles are usually less effective then a Rotary/AB tank load out. Players who use A2A missiles don't get practice aiming or maneuvering with ABs, so they remain trapped in the mindset that they need A2A missiles to compete.
  19. Loui5D

    Nub seakers re awsum!!!!!

  20. Zar

    never been camped by an ESF sounds like user error or lone wolf crying howl if you want ill be killing aircraft.