Do you think ESFs that use A2A missles are cheap and dishonorable?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Travelman00, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Travelman00

    Or do you think its smart play to shoot down more ESF?
  2. NeverWas

    it's called utilizing arsenal, after all you used 700sc / 1000 certs to get a weapon, you're telling them not to use it and put his investments to waste ? not going to happen bro.
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  3. TTex11

    A2A missiles are just another tool in the chest to destroy the enemy. Pretending you're better for refusing to use them won't make you any less dead if you die to them.
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  4. Travelman00

    I use them and like them. I am asking a devils advocate question because I see a lot of hate around here for pilots that use A2A. Trying to understand the hate.
  5. Hoki

    Any time someone uses honor or skill as an argument for change, you're pretty much forced to disregard everything else in the game in order to even have a conversation.

    Stick to terms like fair and balanced.

    Fox News
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  6. Van Dax

    honour is all fine and dandy, but don't expect anyone else to follow your rules.
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  7. CNR4806

    Relish the hate, you'll find it extremely entertaining.
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  8. SifuBob

    Nah, it's all good in my book. Also, the concept of honourable combat in a large scale, never-ending war seems seems a bit ridiculous.
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  9. Hoki

    I'm waiting for a kamikaze module that explodes my mossie and kills any ESF within 30 meters.

    For the supremely dishonorable hate tells.
  10. Phyr

    I think rocket podding infantry is cheap and dishonorable, but you guys don't have a problem with that apparently.
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  11. Neopopulas

    I absolutely HATE people (and i'm not pointing fingers) people who use "skills" or "honour" or such things as an excuse to remove an item or weapon or tactic. Most of the time it turns out its just because they get killed a lot by something and its annoying them, and they use "skill" as an excuse to put down everyone who uses the thing that kills them.

    A2A missiles are fine (so are lockons, and nanoweave, and C4) and if you DON"T use them, thats fine, but if you get killed by them, don't complain. People have flares for a reason. Its not super easy to keep the targeting on a mossie as it dips and dives and loops and short-stops instantly to get a lock on either, sometimes i think THAT takes real skill, and should be rewarded too.

    You could say the same thing about an ESF that cruises by a base, rocketpods the hell out of a squad, gets four kills and flies away without taking a scratch, except infantry get lockons and bursters for a reason.

    I don't think there is anything wrong with A2A Missiles, I used them for a while but haven't lately.

    I use pods, yes to farm infantry when i get the chance ;), but they work better combined with rotary against libs.

    I think the biggest issue with Lock-On's isn't the weapon it self, but the fact that multiple players can lock onto one vehicle. Engaging air from the ground whilst 2 fighters are at it. Defeats the purpose of the one pilot fighting the other. Especially when the fighers have been heated for a good fight and one bro steals a kill with his final lock on blow.
  13. TTex11

    No problem whatsoever. Every time I see people complain about aircraft rocket podding the troops I see the same situation again and again. No one has pulled AA to deal with the enemy fighters.

    Seriously, there's a lot of complaints about air in this game, but people don't seem to want to shoot back at them. Pull a burster MAX, pull a Skyguard or two or hell, save up the very cheap price of 250 certs and get yourself an anti-air lock-on launcher. If even two or three people in the mass of infantry below start actually looking -up- and putting some effort to dealing with the air, it's surprising how quickly the skies clear.
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  14. Phyr

    OR they did pull AA and got killed by rocket pods.:eek: SHOCKING!
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  15. Sinoby

    I consider a2am a very boring weapon, and that is why I do not use them. I used them for sereral hours, when I was learning to fly. I still suck at flying esf, but at least I rarely die to a2am and can stand my ground with nose cannon only.
  16. Soques


    If they do pull AA and use it the correct way, they can survive pods. I rarely pull AA max or Skyguard. I manage to take down majority of hover pod spammers and at least stay alive long enough for them to realize it's time to find a new base.

    When they don't survive a pod fest it's usually because they have no engineers and/or lack the brain-cells to use cover to their advantage.
  18. Flashtirade

    That's called being outplayed then.

    Back to the topic at hand:
    Do A2Am make the user a bad pilot? Depends on the definition of bad. If it's based on skill (as in maneuvering and aiming), then yes to a little bit, since the rotary has a higher skill cap and performs better. If it's based on some vague definition of "cheesy play," then no.

    Personally I use them to peck at libs and hordes of enemy fighters, I don't use them for killing outright, though the odd last hit every now and then is nice.

    I die more to guys using rotaries, A2AM I think I've died less that 10times. I try stay close to a target, that way they struggle to get me locked. Unless its a reaver with vortek. then i keep my distance and let the Needles ***** them much as possible
  20. TTex11

    What's shocking is how people seem to think AA is instantly vulnerable to aircraft when it's typically the other way around. Let me paint several scenarios here.

    We're at a base and a lone rocketpodding ESF arrives and starts launching his payload at our squad. I pull a burster MAX as he hovers around and open fire on him. As soon as the flak starts erupting across his hull he has -seconds- to react, either to try and escape or to try and find me and kill me as quickly as possible. Most times the former option is chosen because it is the quickest and easiest action. Attempting to kill me carries some extreme risks for the pilot given that (A) It's extremely difficult to shoot something when your cockpit is shaking and bouncing around and (B) he has to take precious seconds to -find- me in the crowd, all the while I'm whittling his health away. If he's close enough to search the crowd for me, he's close enough that I have no problem hitting him with bursters no matter what evasive maneuvers he pulls. And if I'm rocking flak armor on my MAX, I can laugh at his rocketpods as well. Add in an Aegis shield if I'm an NC MAX and that fighter can do virtually nothing to me.

    Now what if say four enemy fighters are rocket podding the base and I pull that same burster MAX and get killed? Guess what? Working as intended. I'm not facing -one- enemy, I'm facing four. Just because I pulled something capable of fighting them doesn't mean I dominate them. If the enemy bring more aircraft to the fight then we're going to need to pull more AA options to counter them. The days of a single MAX being able to keep the skies clear of a whole fighter wing are gone and may they never return.

    TLDR: Aircraft are not overpowered. People are lazy and don't pull AA (or pull -enough- AA) to fight them, then complain when they get farmed. Working as intended. Move along.
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