Alerts after GU13

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by P4NJ, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. MarlboroMan-E


    No, what this will do is to keep dudes from switching from one character (say, a TR) on the faction losing the alert over to another character (say, a VS) just to farm a big chunk of exp.
    If you participated, you already got the 20% bonus for everything you did.
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  2. P4NJ

    Here's the problem:
    Right now the XP reward for alerts is a huge mess. You get XP unfairly (logging in just before the end) and you lose XP unfairly (having to go before the end or crashing). Right now, it balances itself out and it's sorta ok.
    It's pretty obvious why they want to remove this: free XP essentially allows people to buy stuff with certs instead of spending money, so this hurts them. However, by removing the unfairly gained XP, they should have also fixed the unfairly lost XP. The way to fix this is to make this system give out your share of XP even if you are logged out or have crashed: this would make everyone happy.

    And if someone thinks that this will fix people leaving their faction for the alert, it just might make it worse: if they know that they have no chance, they aren't gonna stay on their character and try to do something, they're just going to switch to their other character and actually fight against their original faction. Meaning even less people for the underpopulated faction during an alert.
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  3. Lady Majestica

    I see what you're saying, you're more upset that because you fought for the first hour of the alert and logged out, that you recieved no XP.

    Fine SOE can change that. Award xp based on your participation during that hour of the alert. Of course it should then apply across the board. I logged out when that amp station was half capped, so I should get 1/2 capture xp for that. Or what if I redeployed? Should I get 1/2 xp for the capture then?

    No, xp is and should be awarded only at the end of an alert, base cap or whatever. Personally I think it should be based the amount of time you participated. Show up for the last minute of the alert, and you get 1 minutes worth of xp. I wish it applied to capture xp awards as well. Someone who shows up 30 seconds before we cap a Biolab shouldn't get the same xp as the people who fought and capped the base, you should need to be there for the entire countdown period to get the full xp reward. But that's just my view, I understand others don't agree and thats cool.
  4. P4NJ

    Base cap XP is an even bigger mess, but this is about alerts only. Base caps don't have a set maximum amount of time, so a battle can go on for hours while an alert is capped at two hours.

    If we want to make people only get the XP they deserve, then we gotta make it so they get all the XP they deserve. Otherwise it just causes people to be unhappy.
  5. TheBillOf3D

    Some of us have lives outside the game. It would be nice if playing to win the alert would be rewarded even if we can't stay up for the conclusion.
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  6. KuramaBingyi

    If you decide to not log back in, then you shouldn't get the XP anyway.
  7. leo4444

    This is probably the best change in GU13 and people still complain about it. 4th factioning is the biggest problem right now for alerts and with this change it will lessen all the xp moochers. I do agree that some xp should be awarded for players that play through an entire alert and then crash. So Gu13 is not making anything worse its helping and hopefully the next update will have a grace period for people who crash but participated. The current system in gu12 is just annoying, too many players switch to the winning side and make the end of alerts not fun. I'm pretty sure all the TR in Connery can agree what happens during the end of a Bio lab alert. Also right now if you leave a base cap early you don't get the xp, how is leaving an alert early any different? You get xp while doing the alert most of the time I earn more in 10min then I do at the conclusion.
  8. P4NJ

    If I don't have the time to log back in, I don't deserve the XP, but someone who spent the same amount of effort as me on the alert but did it in the second hour and not the first does?
    Except it won't fix fourth factioning, it might actually make it worse. But first we have to see it go live, so no use in discussing that part.
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  9. PhilDun

    If you see an alert incoming, immediately switch to your alt on the faction with the highest population.

    Why? Some Alerts are 99% dependent on population. For example, capture and hold all biolabs on all continents. For these alerts, the highest population wins. Now there's even LESS of an incentive to play underpopulated factions
  10. PhilDun

    If players see an alert incoming, they will immediately switch to your alt on the faction with the highest population.

    Why? Some Alerts are 99% dependent on population. For example, capture and hold all biolabs on all continents. For these alerts, the highest population wins. The result? Now there's even LESS of an incentive to play underpopulated factions, and population will become even more unbalanced.
  11. leo4444

    Some of us only play one character, I play TR on Connery and we always have the least in population and somehow manage to win alerts. So 99%? Stop making up fake statistics.
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  12. Lady Majestica

    Yes some people will be unhappy, but seeing as this is how xp has been awarded since alerts came out, it's no different now than it has been for months.

    GU13 is fixing a HUGE issue with faction switching for the alert xp. That's a big + in my view. Not getting alert xp if you disconnect is a smaller issue, and one I have no doubt SOE will patch very soon. Heck, it may already be in this patch and just not mentioned in the patch notes. We all know SOE always has stealth stuff in these things. The whole "I played for an hour and left so I should get 1 hours worth of xp" is another issue. XP has NEVER been awarded in such a way in PS2. It's not like we've had dozens of threads complaining about it before now. Maybe a couple, but it's never been a major issue.

    To be honest, it also seems like awarding xp in such a manner could be abused as well. For example, I play a TR character for an hour, then it becomes clear the NC is going to win, so I switch to that character. Basically the way you want xp awarded would mean I'm getting the lions share of the XP on my NC because that faction is winning, yet I still want the xp for my TR as well. Again that simply encourages faction switching. Instead of simply awarding it to a 4th faction alt, now I'm getting some for my main and some for my alt, which is even worse imo.

    No, I still believe the best way is to award xp at the end of the alert, to base the amount off the time played during the alert, and to be logged in in order to get the xp.
  13. Lady Majestica

    Yep, because I've never seen a faction that won without having at least a 1% pop advantage..............ever...............I mean in it's NEVER the history of PS2...................not once.................ever........

    Except for all the times it has happened..........but those don't count obviously.

    Sorry but I've seen factions with less pop, that have won every kind of alert there is.
  14. Ash87

    Shouldn't we... you know... see how this actually works, before stating it doesn't work?
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  15. KuramaBingyi

    Yes, because you would have chosen not to log back in. You would have had your chance to log back in and continue the fight in order to get your XP reward, but you wouldn't have taken that chance -- nullifying your reward. It doesn't matter how much effort you would have put into it during the first half of it -- if you willingly abandon the fight after being disconnected from the game, you shouldn't be rewarded the full amount. In fact, you shouldn't be rewarded anything.
  16. patricio_z

    OP, can you at least give it a shot before dismissing it?? its not even live yet FFS ... it may not be enough but its certainly a step in the right direction, no more showing up 5 minutes before the end of an alert and getting full XP for nothing
  17. Lady Majestica


    Run away..........
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  18. Excretus Maximus

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  19. patricio_z

    They should get rid of PASSIVE XP GAIN on alerts, XP should be tied to your performance during the alert, your faction holds 2 of the 3 biolabs??, you have an 66% more XP with each kill, heal, repair, whatever, you been fighting since the start?? more XP for you... this way you will EARN that XP, no more people idling at the warpgate blocking the queue and doing NOTHING until the time runs this not fair? is that hard to implement?...Im amazed this has not been implemented from the start...
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  20. Bearcat

    I never change factions during alerts, and this change made alerts less relevant for me. If I log in and an alert is already underway, there is less reason to participate. If I am at an alert from the beginning, I better hope I don't have to take a short break or have a crash because that will **** my bonus for winning too (which, honestly, I rarely get anyway since I play underpopulated empires).

    Oh well :(