[Suggestion] Class-Specific Implants

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by deggy, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. deggy

    I don't like implants. Lemme just get that out there.

    That said, I feel like certain ones should be limited to certain classes (or at least kept away from certain classes)

    Sensor Shield: Infiltrator only. They've been asking for it for ages. It helps Infiltrators without pushing other classes into niches where they don't belong.

    Safe Fall: I don't think anyone's going to be using this, so... I guess it can be universal.

    Awareness: Jury is out on this one, I don't think any class should have it. Maybe MAX only.

    Thermal Reduction: Infiltrator, Medic, Engineer, Light Assault. HA and MAX should not be able to do this.

    Enhanced Targeting: Everyone used to have this ability, so universal. If it was going to be specific, probably Infiltrator and Light Assault would get it to give them some added teamplay powers.

    Battle Hardened: MAX and HA. All the other classes are supposedly "lighter" than those two, so it makes perfect sense.

    Clear Vision: LA and HA. The two classes that can carry those grenade types.

    EMP Shielding: HA only. It would allow him to activate his shield after an EMP where he wouldn't otherwise be able to.

    EOD HUD: Engineer and Medic. The support classes, given an additional role in detecting mines and claymores.

    Regeneration: LA and Infiltrator. The others spend a lot of time close to Medics, those two are more distant and lone-wolf.

    Thoughts? Anger? Suggestions of P2W? Suggested changes to my allowed/disallowed classes?

    Please try to keep the rage against implants themselves out of this, this thread assumes that there's nothing we can do about the fact that they're going to exist. I'm just trying to keep them from breaking the game.
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  2. JonnyBeanTown

    I agree. This is the best way to do it if they are going to be implemented. That way each class can be specialized. Nice Idea
  3. deggy

    Thanks. The idea of a Thermal-Shielded FracMax gave me nightmares last night, so I figured I'd do this little writeup.
  4. KenDelta

    I approve of this post , SOE needs to read this and apply it :<
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  5. deggy

    Thanks! Not all of them are certain. Awareness seems like a good one for MAXes since they generally take longer to die.

    I suppose we could give Regeneration to Medics and Safe Fall to Light Assault to make them feel like they got something special.
  6. deggy

    SS = Sensor Shield
    SF = Safe Fall
    AWR = Awareness
    TR = Thermal Reduction
    ET = Enhanced Targeting
    BH = Battle Hardened
    CV = Clear Vision
    ES = EMP Shield
    EH = EOD HUD
    REG = Regeneration

    So to make a list based on class:

    Infiltrator: SS, SF, TR, ET, REG (5 possibilities)
    Light Assault: SF, TR, ET, CV, REG (5 possibilities)
    Medic: SF, TR, EH (3 possibilities)
    Engineer: SF, TR, EH (3 possibilities)
    Heavy Assault: SF, BH, CV, ES (4 possibilities)
    MAX: SF, AWR, BH (3 possibilities)

    That makes the light classes (LA, Infiltrator) much less dependent on their equipment, which makes sense. To save weight, they use implants instead of heavy armor.

    The support classes get some additional functionality, like identifying mines, that only they can do, but not too many options.

    The heavy classes (MAX, HA) get options that let them ignore some of the counters to them, but they don't get to be at all stealthy.

    The classes with specialty grenades (LA and HA) get to ignore the effect of their own grenades, too, giving them increased utility.
  7. Benton!

    This is actually a very good idea!
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  8. Blarg20011

    Great idea, one thing though, I would give CV to all the classes that DON'T get those nade types, so the can't walk into rooms and throw them at their feet. Ok honestly I just wouldn't put them in the game at all.
  9. CrimsonDaemon

    I like this idea better.
  10. deggy

    I've accepted the fact that they're going to be there even though I don't like them. Now it's all about damage control. Like not allowing C4 carriers to be shielded from Proxy Radar.
  11. jak

    I would argue that Sensor Shield also would fit with LA since we're also an infiltration class behind enemy lines.
  12. Blarg20011

    That would be a quick way to get C4 nerfed.
  13. jak

    It will at some point, I'm sure. However, I would find it VASTLY useful in ordinary combat with my carbine, which is where I would use it 99% of the time.
  14. deggy

    That was the very reason I left it out. No class with C4 should get immunity to Proximity Radar.
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  15. deggy

    Bump for the after-work crowd
  16. KanoHe

    You should post this in "Ideas and Suggestions" subforum.
    And I totaly agree that implants should be class specific only.
  17. RomulusX

    I support this idea as well!
  18. IamDH

    Disagree, i play HA and everything i'll get is bad/ unsatisfying
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  19. MorganM

    Light Assault already has safe fall; their jets.

    What's the point of limiting class on these? Just to make them feel more special?

    Generally speaking I want more options not less. Let me decide how I want to use my safe fall. Maybe some LAs would love it and I just don't get it; fine by me.
  20. deggy

    The reason I left those out was because Medics have the F ability to regenerate and LA can use their jets to safe-fall. It wasn't because they'd be too good, it'd be redundant.