Do you enjoy your MAX today more than at release?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Pikachu, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. Pikachu

    I sure don't and I bet most other NC doesn't either.
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  2. Chewy102

    I want to, but the lack of range as a NC MAX makes me not able to keep up in a foot zerg push. Stopping an attack and then pushing the enemy back to their base with near nothing but infantry makes having shotguns kinda not a good idea. The most I do in those pushes is be a wall for revive needs or a bullet sponge. Can't tell you how many vehicles I was able to keep focused on my shield to give my team time to go for rear shots or C4/mine runs.
  3. Kiddneey

    VS here, and nope - I don't like MAX as much as I used to.

    I used to run Buster MAX in support of some of Miller's finest VS pilots. With the colossal cost increase and nerf to bursters, MAX isn't viable for that any more. Now I gotta use Skyguard.

    I still use MAX, but I don't enjoy it as much.

    And in case anyone is wondering, no, I don't use ZOE all the time.
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  4. Anghammarad

    It's not as exciting, no. Most people know how to deal with MAX suits now, unlike at launch, and the increased cost doesn't help you forget that you're walking in a paper thin armor.
  5. Crosseyed

    Increased cost killed my MAX playing post GU11. So no, I hate it compared to past experiences.
  6. Purg

    Ok, I'll go against the grain.

    Yes, I do. Though, I use it a lot less often than I used to. The Ravens are a better AV weapon than the Falcons ever were (though, I was adept at hitting moving vehicles at 300m+ provided they kept a constant speed/course). I grew weary of using slugs (have at least 2000 kills using them but the randomness of their CoF and the nerfs to them made them a lot less fun to use) and have changed my playstyle to predominantly CQC. I also spent a lot of my time as a Burster MAX for the first couple of months which was a thankless and XPless role prior to the buffs to assist XP. I rarely use Bursters these days which has also contributed to my enjoyment. Despite disliking the shield as a concept prior to release, I use it exclusively on my MAX.

    Since April I specced up a TR MAX and since ZOE I also specced up a VS MAX. The differences made playing them have kept MAX play interesting.
  7. Tungsten

    Same here.
  8. Liewec123

    i enjoy it but i wasn't around at release, but i can see were you guys are coming from,
    it seems every other patch they're nerfing us in some way lol
  9. Takoita

    Pounders were somehow made even worse than they were already. Bursters have piss-poor range now too. Increased armor values from the suit slot is nice, but SMG still out-DPS me way too easily, IMHO.

    I'm currently taking a break from MAXing.
  10. Adept

    I enjoy TR max and VS max, but I'm playing NC max with slight disdain - compared to release state.
  11. Plague Rat

    It's about the same for me. Maybe even a little more so now after the resource change. I used to pull it and treat it like any other infantry class, and I'd ditch it just as quickly if I needed to do something else. Now I feel compelled to make the most out of it since it cost me 350 resources too pull, and it's lead to some interesting and fun times.

    Though I admit I'm a little jealous of in regard to ZoE and Fractures, and a little resentful over Aegis shield. Nothing that's actually been done to my MAX or the game in general has really hurt my enjoyment of it. But then I've been using mattocks since I first picked up MAX, both as scatter and slug, and they by and large seem to avoid the nerf bat every time, so I know I very that I'm an exception.
  12. SlaineMor

    Always enjoyed Maxing! my preferred and most certed class!! Its very difficult now with the increase in resources though which is downright rude considering the cool down timer etc but without Zone control I struggle to afford to field one.
    Started playing as NC though but got very bored with only being viable in CQC so started again as TR and was getting much more playtime until the costs went up!!
  13. Booticus

    I had awesome fun with mine tonight, I was defending this base that was overrun with enemy liberators, so I ran to the terminal and switched to Burster M.. Oh wait, wait, I didn't have any resources, nvm.
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  14. Maarvy

    Nothing changed for the vanu .

    We got 1 week of zoe that was fun .... now we just have a ability that makes u dioe faster and not much else .

    We got those stupid vortez pisol **** that is half as good as using our original AV wepons

    Bursters got nerfed

    Ill sum up how ive always felt about the VS max in 1 sound ... "Meh"
  15. ohmikkie

    Yep I still enjoy VS MAX. Only tried ZOE+2 but it never felt worth it (before the nerf). Blueshift seems to be a lot better. I must admit it does get boring after a while as an AI MAX with plenty of engineer support.
  16. Chubrokoli

    Before GU6 it was fun to play as an NC MAX but now playing as a TR/VS MAX is much more funny especially because you have much higher range and ammo.
    As VS you have at least the always sprint MAX and as TR you can camp a room with lockdown but with NC you have a shield that doesnt have much durability and size + we have only post gu6 garbage shotguns.
    I, pikachu and some other people want at least a reflecting aegis shield to make it useful.

    Next big issue is the ultra deadzone falcons with their slow and ultra visible projectiles. Also why did SOE put the OHK ability away it was very cool to kill not moving idiots that think a NC MAX is ****(what it is now, unfortunately)
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  17. KodiakBlack

    The SMG thing winds me up, small calibre weapons aught to have a separate higher resistance value on the max, it just feels wrong getting dropped by a couple of infils with SMGs, I've stopped maxing of late, Just feels like there are too many hard counters to warrant the cost, TR max hasn't had any fun-factor added since launch with the exception of fractures, lockdown is too situational, I barely ever use it.

    I'm not sure what I would change even if I had the power to do so. But the fun's escaped somewhere along the line.
  18. Pikachu

    You mean GU7. ;)

    You testify to the rumored OHK ability too? :eek: I only experienced it in VR, on the other hand I always ran dual hacksaw or dual falcons in real game so not much opportunity to see if 1 falcon should could kill past 30m range like in VR.
  19. Pikachu

    Makes enough sense to reduce damage further against small bullets yes. I would have liked if they did this to shotguns too. No longer NC MAX killing other MAXes in 1 second... well at least I wanted that before they nerfed all shotguns.
  20. Paqu

    MAX has been my least played class right after medic. I have gotten more hours into it for the past few months and is now the third least played class so the resource cost change hasn't affected much to my MAX usage. Except for the AA duty. Bursters are quite inaccurate now and the cost has made it so I dont feel like pulling the MAX just to deal with few aircraft and then going back to infantry like I used to.

    I have blueshifts but I haven't really used them for a while. Its just bit boring.

    But dual Comets and ZOE level 5. That is great fun to use outdoors against infantry and armor. Especially when defending an amp station so I can use the jump pads to quickly move around the base. So for AV duty Iam enjoying the MAX a lot more than at release when I rarely used it against armor even tho I had dual Comets back then.

    For AI duty I can't really tell. I hardly used it for that for few months after release when everybody was saying how bad the VS max is for it. And I was dumb enough to believe it. Then one day Quasar went on sale so I bought it. It sure was up to par with TR MAX, but no way close to NC MAX. So I had a blast with Quasars and later bought the Blueshifts when they got buffed. But Iam not enjoying that part as much as I used to at the time I was using it on AI duty with Quasars.