Nerf the range of the Prowler

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chipay, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Chipay

    They're able to shoot further than that spawnshields render, i know TR is all about easy to use weapons, but this is going a step to far.

  2. Van Dax

    That's a problem with all tank weaponry sir, there was a TR in here like last week saying the same thing about mags (trololol)
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  3. LynxFury

    Tanks should have the best range in the game (since we don't have arty)...including further than AV turrets and other infantry weapons.
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  4. Locke

    This is a problem with spawn shields not Prowlers.
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  5. EliteEskimo

    But I need that range to try and shoot AV turrets plinking me from over 500 Meters away!:eek:
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  6. SpcFarlen

    Its a new mechanic to stop people from sitting in spawn while all the points are being flipped. GET OUT THERE SOLDIER!

    But ya its a bug with render distance and shields. Stop with the "nerf everything" mentality. Also, im only saying that because i only use a prowler and am TR :rolleyes:
  7. Chipay

    No other tank is able to shoot from that far (further than 290 meter).
    It's as much a problem caused by the spawn shields as it is a problem by the Prowler.
  8. Tommyp2006

    Do you even vanguard? Or lightning?
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  9. FateJH

    If a vehicle that shoots straight isn't capable of hitting something outside of its visual range, like a vehicle that shoots a drooping projectile can, then I'm very concerned that we're all doing something very wrong.
  10. Bolticus

    Learn to account for drop.
    Problem solved.
  11. GSZenith

    the fudge?
    that, render dis AP rounds on ESF's? sure.
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  12. chrisbeebops

    Just report them for exploiting the shield render bug.
  13. Phrygen

    spawn-shield issue. Not a prowler issue.

    So No.
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  14. xArchAngelx

    this thread is probably part of the reason why SOE Devs don't read the forums. "ZOMG!! A PROWLER SOME HOW KILLED ME THROUGH THE SPAWN SHIELDS....NERFS IT MEOW!!"

    all tanks have the same effective firing distance. No tanks can shoot through shields. You were standing right next to a doorway, you could have been hit by AOE splash coming through the door, which happens a lot with explosives. We all know about the underbarrel GL and bio labs, same concept.
  15. Lolroflcake

    If your beyond a certain range the shields don't render and the game pretends they just don't exist, allowing projectiles that are fired from said ranges to pass right through where the shield would be. Not that I encourage you to try, because it is super lame, but your Magriders can do the exact same thing you just need to learn to shoot.

    As someone else has said in the thread all tanks have roughly the same effective range the only limiter is the tankers ability to deal with the bullet drop and the velocity of the shell.
  16. Kundalini

    A simple fix for the shooting through spawn shield bug would be to make all infantry inside the spawn room invulnerable similar to how your invulnerable in the warp gates... it would also balance the game out by stopping friendly fire when everyone is clustered together and that noob throws a grenade which bounces back inside. It would make spawn rooms much more defensible and even out the battle when you got a platoon camping outside. Just my 2 cents.
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  17. Decelexevi

    The problem is that spawn room shields stop rendering at a distance shorter than when infantry stop rendering.
  18. applepienation

  19. AntonioAJC

    Welcome to Nerfside 2.
  20. Zar

    you have never played another tank then lol i can do that in vanguard