ESF update is this month...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LeopoldXIV, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. DashRendar


    Why do you keep inserting this jibberish into every thread even if the thread is not anything to do with it? All you are doing is whining for a nerf. Whining horribly like a little girl whose favorite dolls best dress just ripped.
  2. Kapernum

    Started doubting at your first sentence. Stopped reading at "awful roll rate".

    Get more experience.
  3. WaiZen

    You basically want to nerf the Reaver because it's good, at what it is meant to be good at : A hard hitting slow ESF.
    As a Reaver pilot, it's really hard to escape from a mossie or a scythe, so usually you just have to fight back because that "best afterburner" won't do Jack to help you escape. Yes, you can outrun a mossie for 5 sec, but in the next 5 sec he would have caught up.
  4. TheRealMetalstorm

    Lol if small arms are causing you to lose to dogfights, i'm worried.
    All I can tell you at this point is that the reaver has a superior primary weapon,
    cruise speeds do not matter at all in a dogfight,
    reaver has the advantage in manoeuvrability that matters in a fight (aka its small yaw disadvantage is nothing compared to its v.thrust and accel/top AB speed advantages)

    the misconception people have - of the "bulky, slow reaver" - isn't accurate; the thing is the most agile fighter in a head to head fight. It's slow in transit though. ~25kph slower if I remember correctly.
    Well, that's one way to put it. Something like reminding people about how it's blatantly superior in every aspect, haha.
    But eh, you can't fault the facts presented.
    They paint a clear picture.. of course if I were you, I'd hate to have the truth thrown around too carelessly..

    p.s. i'm not biased, i personally think the striker is complete ********, and zoe is overdue for nerfs to AV weapon damage.

    edit: your little girl who just ruined her doll's best dress analogy was honestly excellent +1, i lol'd a little
    Best afterburner won't do jack to help you escape, because even in a mosquito, against a good enemy pilot, you're not running anywhere.
    And anyway, best ABs + best v.thrust means best manoeuvrability in a dogfight. I don't see how cruise speeds matter much except in terms of pilot convenience.

    It's like saying someone who can walk 30% faster than another person who can sprint 30% faster, is at an advantage in a game of Dog and Bone.
  5. SgtBreastroker

    As well as an Esamir and Amerish lattice scheduled in the same month?

    Yeah I doubt that.
  6. Brewergamer

    Lol so true.
  7. DashRendar


    Rate of Fire:
    Mercy - 426
    Blueshift - 366

    Damage per second per arm: (calculated using the above RoF)
    Mercy - 887.5
    Blueshift - 872.3

    Cone of Fire Bloom per shot fired:
    Mercy = .05
    Blueshift = .06

    Mag capacity:
    Mercy = 50
    Blueshift = 40

    Ammo pool:
    Mercy = 350
    Blueshift = 280

    Potential damage per reload:
    Mercy - 125 x 50 = 6250
    Blueshift - 143 x 40 = 5720

    And when it all comes down to it, the TR Max is underperforming relative to the other two Maxes. See nobody cares? One aspect is unimportant in the larger picture, and better stats doesn't always mean better performance, and it doesn't guarantee success.

    The Reaver has a better nosegun, so what? Its rocket pods are a joke to rocket pods, they're easily the worst of the three by a good margin, so lets talk about that? The Mosquito is best at performing evasive maneuvers because it doesn't bleed as much speed as the others and that makes it an easier craft for beginners to learn to fly, and it has better rocket pods than the Reaver but not as good as the Scythe. The Scythe is the king of both farming infantry AND killing vehicles becuse it has CLEARLY superior rocket pods. So the Reaver is best at killing enemy air... who cares? If you take that away, it has nothing left. The Reaver can do with having 5 less shots in mag stock all things the same it would be a very balanced system. The mag size is the only unfair aspect and would bring it into balance IMO. However, with posts like thereals***storm here constantly on replay, I don't think we can expect it to stop there, it'll probably swing far the other direction and ruin what good the Reaver has left in it. Thanks therealmetalstorm for ruining it for the rest of us.
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  8. TheRealMetalstorm

    "TR Max is underperforming relative to the other two Maxes. See nobody cares? One aspect is unimportant in the larger picture"
    "One aspect is unimportant in the larger picture"
    "larger picture"
    Not when ZOE is part of the "larger picture".
    ZOE's the answer to your question.


    Note that I only concluded that the Vortek is the best rotary in my post, not the Reaver ;)

    Also, you forgot to use proper comparison parameters scaled to damage dished out instead of per shot basis (which cannot be used due to different refire times and "worths" (damage):

    CoF bloom per unit time:
    TR MRC3: 0.5 * 426 = 213.0
    VS BLSH: 0.6 * 366 = 219.6

    Damage dealt per unit time:
    TR: 887.5
    VS: 872.3

    Bloom per unit damage:
    • TR: 0.24 arbitrary units
    • VS: 0.25 arbitrary units
    So this clearly shows how the MRC3 blooms slower, YET does higher DPS than the blueshift.
    Now this is what would be considered a good comparison, jsyk.
    Then there's all the crap about initial CoF and CoF maximum that we haven't talked about (VS Blueshift has smaller CoF cap - better for sustain, but larger min CoF - worse for bursts)
    this is how you do a comparison ;)
    But anyway,
    ^ concluding vortek is superior based on stats of vortek vs other similar weapons
    ^ concluding TR max is superior while looking at mercy stats

    you would be 100% correct in saying that the mercy is superior, especially after you consider the better analysis I provided.

    whether or not it is completely out of line like the Vortek, or just a tad bit better, is something I won't comment on.
    btw, why didn't you compare it to Mattocks?
  9. DashRendar

    Something tells me if you have to ask, you aren't worth the explanation.
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  10. LeopoldXIV

    Jesus stop arguing about ESF effectiveness. That's what's Vehicle discussion for.

    Let's just settle on either:"moved back to August" OR "info not worth sharing since it's underwhelming". :(
  11. shd

    Could i please see your profile page ? You seem to be on an anti-reaver crusade on these forums, so i would like to know if you are actually a good and experienced player who knows what he is talking about so i can post a constructive response, or if you are just another but.hurt whiner who want's everything that killed him get nerfed. In which case i will find better use of my spare time.
  12. Loui5D

    So many terrible pilots whining.
  13. Zotamedu

  14. Scorponok

    well i cant blame people for wanting the Reaver pretty much beats the **** out of the other efs...
  15. Kunavi

    You got your stuff it seems. ESF = Next in line for Flavour Of The Month :S
  16. Sparks

    Didn't want the Reaver nerfed just the other ESF guns brought in line with the Vortek which is now finally happening :).
  17. Scorponok

    yea from what i saw on that update said that all nose guns will be able to kill a other esf in 1 clip..and thats without upgrading ammo clip...guess we will see alot of aircrafts blow up faster now then.
  18. Kevorkian

    How did QQ about ZOE get injected into this thread?
  19. treeHamster

    For the people saying Reaver's are the slowest, the Scythe is the slowest ESF for traveling. It's average flight speed is slower than the Reaver by a fair amount and even more than the Mossy. Then you throw in the crappy v-thrust plus an entire lack of hover ability and you get the crappiest ESF.

    So stop defending the Reaver and go try to fly a Scythe. The thing totally sucks and is last in category for everything except ramming. It just so happens nobody flies it unless they're at least a decent pilot and even then they mainly use it for ground pounding and AV.
  20. Kevorkian

    It appears to be #1 in almost every category.
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