Planetside 2 Engineer Level 6 Toolkit Anti-Vehicular Mine(s) Defuse Video

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by TerranRepublic1205, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. TerranRepublic1205

    The last rank of the Repair Tool now allows Engineers to deconstruct enemy tank mines. This will reward the Engineer experience.
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  2. ShadowAquilaX

  3. IamnotAmazing

    uh did you really just stick a camera in front of your monitor? there are plenty of free programs that record your scree
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  4. RHINO_Mk.II

    I prefer to defuse mines with my carbine. That way they defuse all the ones next to 'em as well.
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  5. Rikkit

    But sometimes it is usefull to disarm them, without blowing them up (when they are under your deployed sunderer, or you just want to be silent)
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  6. Staticsilver

    Rikkit omg i didnt even think of them being under your sundy
    you literally just enlightened me to why this update was useful
    i thought it was useless bc you can just shoot them, but now it has actually a very small yet usefull use!!
  7. IamnotAmazing

    wow thanks for pointing that out, silly me :)
  8. AntonioAJC

    Looks cool! Though, you do now there's a feature in the game that lets you record right? Look up on the key bindings and find the button for it. For me it's the Re Pag, in the opposite side of delete.
  9. RealityWarrior

    Or when they are in a room full of people and shooting it will TK someone.
  10. Predatorus

    Oh wow.. another reason why every engineer should take this skill to level 6, Nice find!
  11. Pikachu

    So when will we be able to defuse c4?
  12. OmgWtfImba

    If you're in a position to defuse C4, you probably killed the guy who laid it, in which case it would despawn shortly anyways.
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  13. Tommyp2006

    Including a recorder built into the game [IMG]
  14. Adept

    Mines don't really xplode under non-moving sunderers, so if the suicide engineer is taken out - so the mines can't be shot - , you can defuse the 2-3 tank mines.
    This seems to be this feature's most common use.
  15. HeadshotVictim

    I run Mineguard 4 on my sundi.
    I get more exp repairing the dmg from exploded mines, than defusing them :D
  16. Steveru

    I love this feature, but I have not yet been able to use it. Why in the hell is this reserved for the final level?? Couldn't it just be really, really slow on lower levels?

    It's like the devs are getting off on discouraging teamwork. "You have to play THIS long to be helpful"
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  17. RealityWarrior

    One reason to add it at the final level is...

    That gives you a reason to buy it. MANY people don't bother with the last level cause of its expense.
  18. TheBillOf3D

    I defused them around a sunderer. I tried to defuse them in front of tanks but "DON'T MOVE! MINES!" is apparently understood to mean "FULL SPEED AHEAD!!!". So they got defused at a much higher resource cost.
  19. GraphicJ

    Next time use the toaster. I heard it records better than the potato.

    :D tee hee
  20. deggy

    So I was doing this to mines under a friendly tank...

    And an ally shot the mine as I was diffusing it.