The state of the Phoenix

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Reaper, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Reaper

    The state of the Phoenix is quite troubling. The fact that the missile moves so slow that most air vehicles just move out of the way even if they were hovering is pathetic. Also if i direct hit a mosquito or scythe it only brings them to a critical state, Totally Unacceptable!
    To top this off our max ability is a ******* joke, give us the original shield and the real phoenix not this ****** knock off. This game needs to not feel like a polished game one day out of every 3 months, what the hell Sony
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  2. Messaiga

    Phoenix is not really intended for AA, but it is certainly useful against those hovering ESF's and Liberators. I still cannot help but feel this thread was a waste of text and space on the forums though, considering you provide no constructive ideas or opinions.
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  3. ThreePi

    I think its fine and actually pretty upset at how underused it seems to be. Maybe this is just endemic of Mattherson NC who can't help but fail at every turn, but there have been far too many instances where I'm standing safely behind a hill just plinking a Mag or Prowler on my own while it gets repaired faster than I can do it damage. All the while I'm cursing to myself knowing that if there were just two or three other dudes doing the same thing as I am we could cleanse the world of MBTs.

    Yes, hitting Air outside of hoverpodders is very difficult, but whereas mass Strikers can be (temporarily) thwarted by smoke or breaking LOS, a group of Phoenixes is game over for ground-based armor, or at least should be if people paid attention.
  4. 5ou1

    I just wish it would dumb fire another 15-20m after the end of its TV Guided range. I don't think it should really be used to take down aircraft unless they are dumb enough to hover in one spot. Overall I like my Freedom Whistle
  5. Bill Hicks

    The phoenix is really good when used with other phoenixes but that is the same way with the lancer and that weapon is good against air.

    Why do we get a weapon that whistles, telling everyone its coming, can be easily shot down in a large fight, has a very small range, hard to control, and makes you sniper bait?

    durrr cus you can shoot behind cover! oh so people using other launchers dont use cover too?

    They said the 300 m range is a technical limitation not a game balance feature.

    we should be able to

    - see the rocket on our minimap. So we can actually use this behind cover. As it stand we have to have a perfect picture in our heads to shoot.

    -faster reload. The phoenix is the lowest dps launcher in the game

    - Allow us to expend more fuel for a faster rocket. Im tired of having harassers move an inch at the last minute to avoid my rocket.
  6. Pikachu

    Phoenix is great when groups use it. The problem is that there are no groups since 99% of players are low levels who use default weapons.
  7. Darthbob509

    I wish nc got the striker. that thing is sexy. The pheonix is way to situational . You need to guide a damned rocket while standing still. So its pointless to use it outside the spawn room due to the fact that you will usually get killed. Fire and forget FTW.

    Now wheres my javeline launcher that i wanted soo badly D=<
  8. geekrider

    Well you don't need a LOS to fire the Phoenix. If you know where your enemy is. Also you can't dumbfire the Striker. And I hate it when a MAX appears out of nowhere and I'm rocking a Striker.
  9. Darthbob509

    Lets just agree that we all got shafted with the faction anti tank weapons. all except for that vanu laser cannon. :p
  10. Liewec123

    i too feel the stryker envy, i bought phoenix back when it OHK'd infantry, it was nerfed within the week of me buying it and i reverted back to the default launcher which is so much better than the long reloading, weak damaging, short ranged ph00enix.
  11. RHINO_Mk.II

    Phoenix was decent when you could reload while guiding the rocket. Now an engineer can outrepair a MBT against 2 phoenix users at 250m+ This is unacceptable. DPS loss over distance is the stupidest thing ever for an AV weapon that can be easily outrepaired AT POINT BLANK by a single engineer. Imagine if the Striker lost 10% of its damage for every 100m it flew.... it would be about as useless as the Phoenix in its current iteration. The only redeeming factor of the phoenix is high alpha damage, but that only works in groups, and a group of people standing still guiding rockets around is sniper/lolpod/liberator fodder.
  12. TheKhopesh

    Then why does it get bonus damage multipliers (More than any other rocket type so far) against air?
  13. William Petersen

    It's a pain in the nickels, but it's *SO* gratifying when you finally do land a shot on an ESF and explode it moments later. Of course, if they're pristine with the Fire Suppression System there's no boom, but seriously, who uses that?!
  14. TheKhopesh

    The Phoenix NEEDS some way of using it effectively (And consistently!!!!) against air vehicles.

    Currently, galaxies take so little damage from these, it's really only used to hit them for an assist.

    Against liberators, it's near useless. Liberators tend to hover around 800-900 meters up, and there is a horribly short range on the phoenix rockets.

    Against any ESFs (Those that are not exceptionally poor pilots), you must find an ESF that is facing directly toward you.
    Additionally, the ESF must be between 75 and 225 meters away from you in order to hit it accurately (And it must maintain this distance for around 2-4 seconds. Thats a LONG time for an ESF to stay still). Too close, and you cannot predict it's movements enough to hit it. Too far, and all last-instant adjustments will cause it to over/under shoot, missing by mere inches.

    Obviously, the damage MUST remain the same, as it's usefulness against air (On the excessively rare times you get a hit) is the one and only reason to get this launcher.

    the current range is one of the largest problems.
    The current range is 260-300 meters, it varies. I do not know why.
    This should be extended to 500.

    The maneuverability when used against air is not adequate.
    An additional 20% maneuverability is a must.

    The missiles seem to cease to exist when the camera loses connection from going beyond the max distance (I am not 100% certain of this though).
    This should be changed, the missiles should simply go into a standard dumb-fire after the camera stops guiding it.

    Additionally, the missiles travel far too slow. Hiting an ESF (And liberators more often than not) is nearly impossible if it is not sitting still, or moving toward you (Closing the gap). A Base mosquito can travel about 50% faster than the rocket when on a straight path.
    The base speed of a mossi is 240 KPH, meaning the rockets travel at 120 KPH ~Approximately~ (A harasser with the boost and lv 1 racer chasis can outrun a phoenix rocket while boosting).

    If they added new ammo types just for the Phoenix, it would add to it's uniqueness, and make it a viable AA option.

    I was thinking ammo types modeled after aircraft frames (You fly it, so it would also allow for a modicum of personal preference based on what you're best with).

    Each ammo type would be suited for a common situation.

    -Ammo capable of extreme range (And higher speed to cover the extra distance) to hit Liberators hovering at 800-900 meters.
    -Ammo with extra maneuverability (And a little more range, the current is just horrid) to take on ESFs (Some way of closing the gap when they're not flying straight at you, as that would be an absolute must).

    You get the idea.

    The only precaution needed would be to make each ammo type cost 200-250 certs, so as to keep them from being overused.
  15. Messaiga

    The part about the range, how it is only about 300 meters. That is not a number they can tweak at will, it is a technical limitation within the engine of the game that causes it. I have no idea how SOE could potentially fix it but I definitely agree that the Phoenix needs more range, and for aircraft it needs more speed and maneuverability. I just don't want the Phoenix being used in a way that is as cheesy as an AV Turret, where it is: I can see you, but you no see me *fires Phoenix/AV Turret again*.
  16. Pikachu

    Give it an after burner feature so we can hunt aircraft more. :)
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  17. Alchonis

    only 300m range...
    can be outrun by a lightining
    can be shot down
    takes forever to reload and can only reload after camera is disengaged
    only hits armour as hard as a shrike not a decimator
    you can not move your character while steering it
    has a completely unfathomable hitbox leading to many friendly fire issues
    makes a ridiculous noise that can be heard over 100m away
    turns so slowly that it often cannot take advantage of its advantage because it cant turn quick enough to go behind the obstacle and hit something.

    All of this negativity because of 1 gimmick that it often cannot even make use of...
    This is the worst launcher in the game but god damn it I am going to keep using it for that 1 time when the angle is just right and I can make that round the corner shot happen.

    Please SOE just alter some of those points, it doesn't have to be all or even half of them just throw us a bone here.
  18. Messaiga

    Actually the Phoenix is faster than the lightning, it is just that the Phoenix does not have the range to catch up from where you are shooting. It has the same reload speed as default rocket launchers, and it hits armor as hard as a decimator. It is possible to make great use of the Phoenix's turning if you are very experienced with it, and I use it most of the time when I am outside of Bio Labs/Towers cause if I wanna use it like a dumbfire rocket I can just fire and press 'E'. The rest of the things I have not mentioned here are correct in what you had said. IMO I would give it longer range an an afterburner cert line, I should probably make a thread on it but not right now.......
  19. Naithe

    Tbh we need shorter range on the other av options, not longer range on the Pheonix. =/

    MBT's are never gonna be more then fancy artillery pieces, if they can loose half their health, before the targets are more then small dots on the screen.

    That could help, if it disabled control of the missile, so you could line it up, then hit "afterburn".
  20. Pikachu

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