Planetside 1 > Planetside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GhostofMachas, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. GhostofMachas

    Yes, I know the graphics and gameplay are light years ahead on PS2, but PS1 was more fun to play! There was purpose to battles, and a meta game for the commanders to move people to a particular place and there were reasons to be at that place.

    The way it is now, PS2 is just a Deathmatch game, but after an hour, I get really bored. I need a reason to fight.

    p.s. bring back Ants...Draining bases was fun!! thanks!
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  2. RasFW

  3. GhostofMachas

  4. Klondik3

    Was Planetside 1 really better?

    Why didn't SOE just update the game graphics instead of making entirely new game?
  5. RasFW

    In a lot of ways, yes. Looting enemy weapons, creating your own class, wonderfully balanced imbalance in the cert tree system, 10 continents, blah blah blah. List goes on forever.

    But I like PS2.
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  6. Eyeklops

    Because, initially, they had idea what they are doing and took a "BF3" stab in the dark not realizing that BF3 mechanics downright suck for a "non-resetting" persistent MMO. Fortunately they are figuring this out slowly, and moving more toward PS1 gameplay ideas (which were created from years of running PS1).
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  7. ent|ty

    But PS1 was hardly known.
    Even PS2 is really not known.
    Overshadowed by other games easily.

    PS1 is not a holy grail.
  8. Phrygen

    so brave
  9. Chinchy

    Planetside 1:
    Bad shooting mechanics
    MMO ESQUE TTK's 15-30 seconds
    Bad net code (ADA Strafe)
    looked like **** even for its time
    horribly imbalanced weapons (Jackhammer, Splat Max)

    This list can go on and on forever about all its problems but I'll stop here so the people wearing the rose coloured nostalgia glasses don't get to upset. That being said ANTs would be real nice.
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  10. Metalsheep

    Been asking that question since the tech test.

    IMO Planetside 1 is 1000x better still.
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  11. IamDH

    I never played PS1
  12. Bolticus

    Well you can now.
    All of us got 6 free months. :D
  13. Terrex

    PS1 had great original concepts. PS2 feels like a dumbed down version of a futuristic BF3. I am not complaining but the game took a large hit. I think most PS1 vets will agree.
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  14. IamDH

    SC users only :(
  15. Bolticus

    I didn't buy any SC and I got the free 6 months. ._.
    Try downloading the client and signing in.
  16. IamDH

    I'll try that thanks
    I hope its a good game
  17. Bolticus

    It has a great community! :D
  18. WaiZen

    If PlanetSide 1 is better then why are you still here? >.>
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  19. IamDH

    If we have Planetside 2 why would we want to play Planetside 1 lol
  20. Morpholine

    All six people are really righteous dudes.