Planetside 2 no Place for Dedicated Drivers & Pilots?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KlyptoK, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. MorganM

    Good follow up questions.

    Boosts: I never use resource boosts you buy in the depot but I do have a 3 month subscription so thats a 35% XP & Resource boost right there. I also use the map filters to help me find Infantry resource bonuses. I honestly never use any other filter; Infantry are the only resources I'm constantly low on because I use a lot of them for medkits, C4, mines, and grenades. Can't even remember the last time I was out of aerospace or mechanized.

    Is My Faction Dominationg? Rarely... VS is horribly under populated on Waterson. Sometimes we manage to get most of the VS on the server in one continent but that doesn't last long... other two are so grossly over populated they can still out pop us on a ny given content... usually all 3 at once. Again I use the map to find the resources I'm looking for, go fight there for 15 to 30 min, and I'm full again.

    Do I fight in only Mechanized hexes? The only resource I seek out specifically is Infantry. Yes I do play in mech or aero hexes but I don't specifically seek them out because I'm rarely low on either of those. Most times my air or ground vehicles last long enough to regain the resources I spent. Not always... but most times.

    How long is your timer? Well I didn't know we were in a timer measurement contest! LOL I assume you mean the resource timer... I don't actually know. I check it now and then to see when my next payload is but I never really checked to see what the max on that timer is. I guess it's never really mattered THAT much. I play for 15 to 30 minutes... check my resources again... boom they are all full.

    Only times my resources don't fill up fast is when I'm just sucking wind and not getting many kills =/ Those are the times I switch to support class or pull a vehicle and get some good gunners to do my dirty work =)
  2. TheBlindFreak

    First, you can't compare a half-fixed vehicle to a game mechanic in a free to play game. Like I said, don't act like an entitled brat.

    Second, do you have any idea how this works? "just to see what would happen" mean they get hard stats and numbers to help devise a better resource system. And it wasn't just blindly thrown out there. There was a real problem with the vehicle/resource dynamic, and while this doesn't completely fix the issue, it did help the spammy vehicle problem a bit.

    So I don't see why you complain about it being implemented when 1) it's temporary and 2) it gives them data to work with that will help them come up with a better solution.

    Like I said, be patient. And if you really want to help the devs, play the game. Contribute to the metrics and stats instead of going to the forums and whining about it. This is exactly why they don't listen to the forums much.
  3. IamnotAmazing

    that was my point, what does it matter for certing out/maxing your acquisition timer if you need resources? I don't have a problem and I out live the stock acquisition timer 99 percent of the time on my mossie even though i have it maxed out. I just think that soe should make the max acquisition timer equal to the number of resources to get back to the level before the veichle was pulled.
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  4. IamnotAmazing

    ( not whining) I understand that it is a work in progress thing but this did just about nothing to help vehicle spam, this just hurts dedicated drivers/pilots. The way to prevent spam is for specialization where you can only cert into/pull one vehicle.
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  5. Spiritualised

  6. KlyptoK

    If you were paying attention my signature shows my real ingame name. You can even click on it to take you to my profile. That account you linked to was to play for a time with a friend I know who lives in California.

    I have 32,997 Certs in my Vanguard (I keep a spreadsheet) with all 3 main cannons just about fully certed (missing the last ammo or two on some of them) and Auraxium on 2 of the three with the third close behind.

    My playtime in a Vanguard is 190 hours plus however many, many hours over the months the game was in Beta (those character stats were frequently wiped though).

    I have fired 40K+ shells with 62% accuracy.!/5428010618040144225/vehicles
  7. Cab00se187

    If you going to sit and do nothing then yes it should take you hours to get the resources to pull what you want. Go actually participate in battles that are in the mechanized resource area and guess what, you gain resources back for actually do something. Put in some goddamn effort people. ******* self entitlement kids these days
  8. Spiritualised

    Coolio, Ill have a mooch. As far as your sig goes, I can only see the thing with the tank and Klyptok. I turned the sigs off ages ago because of a really annoying budgie one. I don't see anyone's sigs. You said you were a dedicated vanguard driver and I wanted to see what that actually meant. Ill go and have a look in a min. I did think it might not be you or maybe an alt, hence the if in my post. Before I go look at your stats page I will say this, I really, really hope it shows you play your vehicle and dont just farm infantry with it, even if only to restore some of my faith in the game.

    Just looked at your stats 2000 odd vehicle kills in vangaurd. 8000 odd total in vangaurd. You need a tractor not a tank ;) Just glad your on waterson means I can go get my vangaurd hunting gear on :)
  9. deliciouspizza

    That's ridiculous. This is a video game, not life. People should be able to play the way they want to. If someone wants to ONLY fly or drive tanks, they should be able to, within reason. Waiting an hour for a tank that you've spent thousands of certs on and station cash on is not reasonable. There are already reasonable protections against vehicle spamming, they're called the acquisition timer combined with the time you have to spend time actually driving back to the front.

    There are players who have joystick and head tracking setups and when they play Battlefield games they only fly planes and that's totally fine. Most players play multiple roles but it's beneficial in platoons and outfits to have specialists. There will be nearly just as many vehicles on the field as there was before, the problem is the specialists' preferred play style has been ruined, their certs and station cash wasted.

    For the casual vanguard player like me who can only play for about two hours a day, the latest update has been a game breaker. If I want to play as infantry I'll log onto BF3, no offense devs.
  10. Cab00se187

    Then get off your *** and go get your resources. No one is going to hand them to you. Instead of ******** and moaning and wasting time, you could actually fight in a mechanized zone and have your resources back in 10-15 mins. Grow the **** up
  11. KlyptoK

    Well, if you want to look at it objectively. I got 4,000 Vanguard kills in the first 30 days of the game.

    Basically, I knew what was going to happen coming out of Beta so I spend my SC on HE shells and an Enforcer and enjoyed rolling on the tears of Infantry for the first month before they started nerfing HE. But by then it was too late, I already had Auraxium on the HE cannon in the first 5 days and 4,000 kills after the nerf. (was top 3 on the server on kills for several months after).

    Also with Vehicle Kills, it is far far better for the driver to allow the gunner to get the kill to maximize EXP for both you and the gunner. I intentionally allow my gunner to finish off vehicles whenever possible, even at the expense of taking another hit. (The Assist plus Gunner Kill is greater than the exp of you just killing it as your driver, plus it is far less selfish to share with your gunner ) My goal is not to score vehicles kills by any means necessary as long as I can afford it and I'm not alone.

    If you look at the score earned in a tank vs the # of kills you will notice the discrepancy.
  12. deliciouspizza

    Look out, internet tough guy over here.

    Again, this is a freaking video game, dude. People should be able to play the way they want to as long as it's not a detriment to other players, which vehicle specialization isn't.

    Let me re-iterate: Sure, I could play as infantry for a while and get the resources. My question is: why should I have to? It seems arbitrary. The new resource system is supposedly designed to make resources more of a strategic consideration for factions. But the reality is, the over-riding objective of all the factions is already to capture more hexes. Yes, the new system adds more incentive to capture territories but also makes it MORE DIFFICULT if you're already losing. Not only is it redundant, it's counter-productive. The devs should find a different way to reward players for capturing hexes besides making it even more difficult for the opposition to capture hexes.

    There will probably be just as many vehicles in play even though the dedicated vehicle players won't have near as many vehicles because the new resource system will make vehicles more of an important commodity. Not that I understand why any player would want fewer vehicles. That just means smaller battles, unsustainable vehicle columns, fewer spawn points and, oh yeah, FEWER CERTS.

    Again, me and thousands of specialists like me are getting screwed for no good reason. Maybe I should just BRO UP and DEAL WITH IT LIKE A MAN.

    Or maybe it's crappy game design and the devs should fix it.
  13. Cab00se187

    Because that's how you play the goddamn game, bro
  14. IamnotAmazing

    lol it took a 1000 certs to go from 57 to 58 percent :)
  15. KlyptoK

    The percentage is actually based on the total unlock slots and not the cost of the certs it took to unlock it.

    Depending on what you unlock it can go up by 1-2% with spending less than 10 certs (zoom lvl 1 on all weapons for example)

    I expect it to cost me over 75K by the time I'm done
  16. Spiritualised

    I wouldn't know where to begin looking to track the first mths kills lol
    I rarely pull tanks so I wasn't aware of that gunner driver points thing, thanks for the info. Still gonna keep my eye out for your vanguard when I get a chance though hahaha. Just hope you don't see me first :)
  17. Halon

    Gut reaction to the title of the thread is that PS2 is heading that way.

    There is a lot to be said about the state of the game and the direction it is going, but I'm not going to go over it here.

    If SOE wants people to spend their money and limited amount of free time playing their game, it's probably a good idea to let them play how they want to. Other games do a better job of infantry focused combat with a sprinkling of vehicle play.

    PS2 needs to play to it's strengths and not devolve it into "Who can spam more heavy assaults in a game with poor performance and dynamic rendering?"

    Sorry Klypto, I guess we are both SOL.

    Maybe I could convert my infantry & air resource pools to mechanized?
  18. IamnotAmazing

    I know it just makes me laugh that it takes a 1000 certs for 1 percent, I am only at 35 or so percent on my mossie, i really don't want to have to unlock the banshee and a2am but whatever not even going to use them :)
  19. Winfield

    Hello name is Winfield.

    I'm with Drivers Anymous and I drive a vanguard and let me tell you...

    I LOVE THE THING I'M DRIVING. Every shot I take on my Vanguard makes it count, whether I take it on an enemy infantry player, vehicle or air vehicle. It feels satisfying. I like every moment of evading enemy fire from their tanks. I like every moment of evading their anti-tank fire from infantry. I TRULY ENJOY THEIR MAGRIDER FIRE. I ENJOY EVERY AND SINGLE PROWLER PROJECTILE I RECEIVE.

    Gentlemen. I enjoy the combined arms of this game, I enjoy it in it's every shape and form. I enjoy infantry with launchers on vehicles. I enjoy infantry flanking vehicles with C4 or antitank mines. I enjoy tanks vs. tanks fights of every sort. I enjoy tanks being taken down by ESF fire, I enjoy tanks being taken down by friendly tank fire. I enjoy every kind of combined arms in this game that exists.

    Gentlemen..this is war..this happens..the best you can do is.....enjoy it.
  20. KlyptoK

    Well it's not like I'm ever going to use Fire Suppression on a MBT, but I unlocked it anyways. I'm just unlocking whatever is the cheapest first.

    Ultimately my goal is to have it where anyone can walk up to me and ask for a MBT in any configuration with any cammo and I can put it together for them.