Looks Like the Rumors are TRUE

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sunderer, Jun 25, 2013.

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  1. Sunderer

    TR on Mattherson are quitting and moving over to Waterson.
    There seems to be a 2:1 ratio of new TR players to opposing factions gaining ranks.
    Welcome to Waterson new TR!

  2. VSDerp

    they're not leaving because of buzz. it's because of the vanu.
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  3. LT_Latency

    Oh god, There are all ready lot of TR here on Waterson.

    Just give us some of your VS we don't want any TR or NC.
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  4. VSDerp

    im thinking about starting a vanu toon on waterson since us vanu on mattherson dominate and that's pretty boring.
  5. Tommyp2006

    So is THAT why we had such a MASSIVE flood of TR today compared to normal?

    I would rather see Waterson and Mattherson get merged that have Waterson get flooded with more TR, that doesn't solve anything.
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  6. zedfonsie

    This explains why I saw a 45% tr population during an alert today...
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  7. Zorlox

    yeah, they think the solution to the problem is to become the problem on another server.
    oh, and to those that claim it's ZOE. might want to check the numbers higby just mentioned on twit.
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  8. darkagent

    im pretty sure buzzcut quit completely and he also pulled his outfit out as well. i dont think the changed severs i think they actually quit.
  9. Eclipson

    TE are coming to Waterson? Waterson is probably one of the server that defiantly doesn't need more TR. Please, just go somewhere else. I don't want to be stuck in a zerg more then I already am.
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  10. mr.hanky


    Why not just stick to matterson and fight the good fight? Does the TR really need a bigger pop?
  11. Geneaux

    Only now you guys realize the absurdity of a extremely high populated faction over another? *facepalm*
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  12. Pat Cleburne

    There has been talk, and a few people make alts there, but I don't think it's widespread. I've played a whopping 6 hours there. My outfit has 4 members out of 160 who have alts there. BWC played there for 24 hours just for ***** and giggles. Honeybadgers members have posted that they considered Waterson or Connery but as of now haven't done anything.

    In the grand scheme of things, most players I've talked to aren't interested in transferring, but a few are playing there. Now of course I can't speak for randoms.

    And no, it has nothing to do with Buzz/TE. It has everything to do with VS having triple our pop most of the time.
  13. LT_Latency

    The problem with ZoE is you have to fight maxes ******* everywhere. Against the other 2 faction they hardly pull them outside but because they are fast VS keep using them even outside. It's just not fun to fight against maxxes all the time
  14. Morpholine

    Why would they drop a (presumably) high BR TR on server to begin with a brandy-new TR on a different server, just because their leader's moved on?

    The idea baffles me, really.
  15. Zorlox

    as per higby TR still always pull more maxes than NC or VS.
    all delusions on mattherson have been shattered about the zoe.
    how about we all just go back to blaming the magriders.
  16. NoctD

    I'm off playing certside ie. low risk easy certs and not PTFO for the most part. Follow only huge zergs around or ghost capping and such. Or playing my alts outside Mattherson.

    Let the ensuing boredom kill my enemies! :)

    P/S - This is what I did in the "final days" on SolTech when VS got overpopulated as well... and I would say more than half the TR on SolTech are totally lost from PS2 now, if not more. No one even remembers E911 anymore.
  17. Zorro

    Seriously? Waterson is as badly unbalanced as Mattherson, except it is the TR there.
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  18. LT_Latency

    It's where they are used. Did you even read??
  19. LT_Latency

    No it's not, NC and TR go back anf forth the only faction in trouble in the VS who need more people
  20. Zorlox

    I always face maxes outside everywhere. I figured the part where I mentioned tr pulls the most maxes in the game answered that part.
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