[Suggestion] Revert the Infil glow

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FrontTowardEnemy, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. FrontTowardEnemy

    The whole point of being an infiltrator is to not be distinguishable from friendly targets etc. The current situation makes it too easy to immediately know if the infil is friendly or not. Not glowing? Shoot it.

    Yes, I know this has been said before. It does indeed warrant another unique thread about it. Actually, it warrants dozens of threads until it gets fixed.
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  2. ExarRazor

    yea, I agree. when I first saw it in the patch notes I was like 'oh cool now maybe I wont accidentally TK friendly infils if is spots them when im in fight mode'

    now that ive seen it in action im thinkin to myself 'why the hell did they do that? its a massive nerf to infiltrators'
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  3. AntonioAJC

    Uhm, what? I don't get what's so bad about it. Only friendlies can see the glow, not enemies, or am I missing something?
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  4. Ripshaft

    lol that's the whole point of being an infil? Interesting =p lol much like the faction specific cloak sounds and the jumpjet sound change, the reaction to this is totally mental, it's not mirrored in reality. I've had no more or less difficulty or success running around enemy troops cloaked, though I've had a suspicious lack of being shelled by friendly tanks while balls deep in a tower, and generally not dying to friendly spam.. so... yeah. that.
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  5. Wintermaulz

    That's the point. In the heat of battle, it wasn't always easy to see the Doritos over the heads of friendly infiltrators, making it easier to actually infiltrate. Now you don't need to take that second or two to figure out if they are friendly or not. This is one huge nerf to infiltrators across the board.
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  6. Robes

    His argument is, if you see somebody cloaked that isn't glowing, you know right then and there its NOT friendly.
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  7. AntonioAJC

    That's good isn't it? Even before the update, we had markers on our infils that were cloaked. Putting the glowing lights doesn't change a thing.

    I agree.
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  8. Gadamlu

    this, which makes all cloaked infils, immediately identifiable as friend or foe as soon as you spot one cloaked
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  9. vulkkan

    I don't play infiltrator often, but I feel the need to support reverting this "quality of life update" for infiltrators. It makes it way too easy to immediately identify hostile infiltrators if they aren't glowing brightly in your faction color.
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  10. Robes

    Yes and no, just really depends on which way you want to look at it.
  11. DramaticExit

    Okay, so lets explain this really simply...

    Before the change:

    You are an NC infiltrator.
    You cloak.
    You sneak behind the TR's lines.
    You look very similar to TR cloaked infiltrators.
    The TR take a while to work out if you are friendly or enemy.
    This gives you a few seconds in which to decloak and shoot before the TR know what's going on.

    After the change:

    You are an NC infiltrator.
    You cloak.
    You sneak behind the TR's lines.
    You appear as a glass statue.
    The TR spot the glass statue and INSTANTLY know it is not a TR infiltrator.
    They shoot it.
    You die because the enemy now have an easy way of distinguishing you from their own infiltrators.

    Results of the change:

    Non-infiltrator players can instantly tell if an infiltrator is on their side or not.
    Infiltrator players have a harder time infiltrating as a result of looking different to their target's infiltrators.
    Infiltrators get friendly-fire killed less often.
    Infiltrators get killed less often and are less effective, as enemy players are in no doubt as to whether you are friendly or enemy.

    "Oh, that infiltrator is not glowing, therefore shoot at it."
    Whereas before it was more like...
    "That is an infiltrator, I do not know whether it is friendly or enemy... OSHI-" *infiltrator decloaks and unloads SMG rounds into the confused target's face*

    This is a nerf to the infiltrator class as a result. Understand?

    To those of us who play infiltrator, particularly in a CQC or infiltration (rather than sniping) style, getting friendly-fire killed was not a big deal. It was just something that happened, and a reasonable price to pay for the ability to blend in with the enemy's infiltrators.

    Get rid of the glow.
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  12. ACE McFACE

    So apparently the whole point of being an infiltrator is being teamkilled.:eek:

    Only friendlies see that glow anyway so its not a nerf, if anything its a small buff because you (probably) won't die from friendly fire as much.
  13. DramaticExit

    Please, read the post above for an explanation. Think about it as if you are an infiltrator.

    If you are around the enemy (which is where you SHOULD be, if infiltrating) would you rather look like your targets, or would you rather look different to your targets?
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  14. RipperTR

    I always shot first, looked for the dorito second anyway.

    The thing I like about it is it easier not to TK those damn infiltrators that cloak before crossing the road.
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  15. Locke

    I agree that this should be reversed. It's very obvious even at range that when you see a cloaked target that it's an enemy infiltrator. Previously you at least had to look a little harder to tell if it was friend or foe. Certainly when I have been playing Infiltrator people's reaction times to shoot at me have gone up a lot to the point where the cloak is even more ineffective than ever.
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  16. Meeka

    You don't play as an Infil.

    If you're NOT glowing; the enemy immediately knows you're an enemy and shoots you... so you will die a lot more sneaking around enemy bases/lines.

    To me, it's like dumbing down hockey and putting in glowing pucks because some people are too slow or stupid to recognize a puck.
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  17. Bape

    Agree infiltrator are so easy to kill now as soon as I see a cloaked shadow looking infiltrator I know right from then that hes an enemy and he is automatically dead.
  18. MasonSTL

    I think the point of the cloak is to be hard to see, not hard to be determined as an enemy.

    You get killed by the enemy more, but killed by friendlies less... seems like a horse a piece to me.
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  19. HadesR

    I haven't seen one thread yet from Infi's complaining about being accidentally Tk'd and screaming for these " glow " changes.

    You should tell that to the Dev's .. Maybe they will fix the low setting ****
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  20. RHINO_Mk.II

    WTB cloak slot item that makes me glow the enemy's colors while I'm stealthed.
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