Revert the Lasher, NOW

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by treeHamster, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. treeHamster

    It's stupid, useless, and can't hit the broad side of a barn without sticking the gun in the enemy's gut or ADS'ing which is how you point a giant shoot me sign on you in a CQC.

    I just tried to use it in a freakin' tower fight and kept ADS'ing pointing the stupid thing DIRECTLY at people and they'd just walk up and pump shotty me then walk off. It's utterly useless.

    If you want to make it a CQC weapon you have to jack the RoF up to like 750 rpm or higher. The autoshotties have a better RoF than the Lasher and those are MEANT for CQC, not "adapted" for it.
  2. Chemicalnurd

    I think someone doesn't understand how to use the Lasher properly.
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  3. RHINO_Mk.II

    Found your problem.
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  4. HamOnRye


    And if they don't are you going to throw yourself on the floor, while kicking and screaming? That's a good way to get sent to your room without dinner young man.
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  5. Zamos

    Lasher is a weapon for hipsters.Its not meant to be used seriously .
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  6. treeHamster

    Guys, I know how to use the Lasher. It's suppose to be a long range weapon that you use to play support with. Except SOE's change was to make it "comparable in CQC to LMG's", except it's damage output is lower than EVERY OTHER VS LMG coming in at a measly 1277. The Ursa (a long range LMG) even beats it out at 1330 DPS. The rest of the LMG's are in the 1500 range. On top of ALL of this, they can get headshots for double damage while the Lasher can't (as far as I know). Even if it does, good luck getting one with a 100m/s bullet velocity (compared to the rest of the LMG's that run in the 600m's range).
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  7. gigastar

    Tried it defending a Tech Plant, at the backdoor bottleneck where the Lasher is supposed to be good.

    Pretty much got the same results.

    Switched to Medic w/ Corvus after respawn and came back, and the only thing that got past me afterwards were infiltrators and MAX's.
  8. gigastar

    The Lasher can headshot, but the bonus damage is mitigated by the splash effect which doesnt count for headshots.

    Splash damage, which by the way, is mitigated by flak armor.
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  9. treeHamster

    They need to switch it back because it's entirely useless the way they changed it.

    Also using inside the Tech Plant is one of the few places where ADS won't matter because you don't have to worry about people shooting back. Try using it on a flight deck or shooting down a staircase. You turn into a giant shoot me sign that doesn't move.
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  10. Jonesing25

    Lol, Vanu finally have to ADS with a weapon and, of course, someone makes a QQ thread.
  11. Fned


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  12. Sian

    Man, one of the (sort of) saving graces of the Lasher was that it was barely worse hipfired than ADS. If you had a little trigger control you could hipfire all day with near pinpoint accuracy. This made up for horrible DPS and super-slow projo speed, somewhat.
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  13. illgot

    what a useful and insightful post. Keep it up.

    What confuses me is that many of the weapons in the original Planetside have years of balancing behind them, yet the devs want to completely ignore that and create a whole new often useless version of that classic...

    I don't get it.
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  14. Benton!

    Yeah it's not like this is a totally different game with different TTK's or anything...
  15. Jkar

    Overall I like that the Lasher finally is somewhat accurate while ADS and hipfire while moving around is only 'slightly' worse than before, I miss hip firing it against snipers at long range though. ;)

    The extra damage is noticeable and very welcome. Ran with it all day and had a constant 3+ KDR with it. I was expecting nerf cries for the Lasher next. The only thing I would wish for it would be a .75 ADS movement speed.
  16. TothAval

    Same for me(except a 3 kdr, but still higher than usual), used it in biolabs, tower fights, open field battles,
    small outposts and a tech plant, weapon works even better now than before the patch and i already liked it
    before. In close quarters it is a bit more difficult, but still acceptable.

    In my opinion this weapon finally got finished.
  17. FnkyTwn

    Remember when the Magrider was OP months ago?

  18. MasterTater

    Give us the LASHER from PLANETSIDE 1. - Enemy Lashing accurate laserbeams which only lash the enemy and have a decent direct hit without those fked up bubbles. With the massive bloom after 2 shots - the whole area down the sight of the gun is covered blue sparkle from the fked up bubbles. Its not only completely inaccurate now - its completely useless because you dont see anything except blue balls after 2-4 shots. Do those ... [Fill in whatever describes your impression] at SOE test what they patch at all - or do they only let NC test if VS weapons are weak and fked up enough to let NC/TR have their easy mode ? Actually considering that most devs and decision makers play NC/TR exclusively then you know why VS gets the most fked up trash overall.

    SOE completely broke balance by giving their beloved NC faction the most overpowred gun in the game by raising the JACKHAMMER in function to the PS1 equivalent - double and triple shot mode killing everything even faster than a scattermax with dual hacksaw.

    => Time time to give us what the lasher was meant to be and was for5-10 years. An AOE weapon which did not cause instant weapon lock after 5 mintues.

    [You still wonder why SOE favors one side so massively biased? I would say no wonder when the core developer team plays NC and TR almost only - so they pinch a big loaf on 1/3 of their paying customer base regulary by trash nerfing VS to the ground.]
  19. Macchus

    Lasher was a joke in ps1 most of the time . then they overbuffed , everyone rolled VS and they nerfed it ...
  20. Macchus

    Only if they MAKE MCG a really cool guy again ...