[TGWW] The Great White Whales

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Dreadnaut, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Dreadnaut

    Hey all,

    I'm Dreadnaut, a Liberator pilot and one of the Founders and Officers in a new Outfit called:

    (It's a play on the Liberator and our ALL WHITE camo'd Libs)

    We are a new Air Cav Outfit and we're just now starting to look for other highly skilled pilots to join us. We're supporting all of the VS Outfits on that server like Azure Twilight, NNG, GOTR, and many others while they run operations.

    We're looking for some other highly skilled pilots either in Liberators or (mostly) Scythe's to come be part of some of the best pilots on the server. You can check out our current member list HERE. I believe we have some of the best Liberator Pilots in the game like Retrogreq and Soquez, with amazing gunners like Dougal and Plasmaszap (even though he's French, we still like him =P), as well as some very skilled Scythe pilots.

    We run comms on a TS3 Server and we're usually online from roughly 5-9pm PST, and sometimes more. We're a very fun group but when we fly we get down to business and the chatter about silly stuff stops for the most part.

    This is an elite group, which means we're looking for elite pilots in the BR 50+ range. This doesn't mean that if you're a lower BR that we won't accept you, but you'd better be REALLY amazing if that's the case as being BR 50+ shows us you're interested in the game and you're a motivated individual.

    This is not an outfit for everyone, we are being very selective in who joins for many different reasons. We're here because we want to fly with the best the VS on Mattherson have to offer.

    If you're not looking to join and would like us to support your outfit, please email me HERE. If you just want to fly with us, but you're not interested in leaving your own outfit to do so, we may be interested in having you join us on our TS3 Server as well.

    Couple extra notes:
    • If you're a jerk, don't bother contacting us.
    • If you run your mouth more than you play, don't waste my time.
    • If you aren't a good pilot, we're not the right Outfit for you.

    Thanks for reading,

    • Up x 2
  2. Plasmaszap

    Amazing Outfit. Perfectly skilled players

    Here is one good example :
  3. Dreadnaut

    I can't edit, the post, so the other links don't work, but the main link should still work.
  4. Kartoffel

    As a member of DA, I look forward to working with you guys sometime. Just don't steal LocalParasitez from us. :p
    • Up x 1
  5. Dreadnaut

    We're here to work WITH you guys, not poach members :)
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  6. Plasmaszap

  7. Jaamaw

    When we need air support, we call for the Whales!
  8. Soques

    The Great White Whales are officially looking to Recruit members. If you think you have what it takes to fly with us. Send a pm in game to Soquez.
  9. WaaWaa

  10. Kartoffel

    Not looking to jump from [DA], but if you guys would ever like to a do a joint ops night sometime with us, I'd love to see you guys in action backing us up.

    If you're short a gunner, I'm always up for gunning, although I'm still improving my ability to take down ESF's with a dalton. ;)
  11. Dreadnaut

    Give us a shout anytime, we're always looking to support outfits like DA.

  12. Forlorn Hope

    I had fun fighting you guys on Amerish last night. You guys have some great gunners and pilots. Fun fight at Moss Basin and the Bastion all around. I am pretty sure you guys have Dalton'd my Lib like 10 times in the past 4 or 5 nights hopefully I can return the favor :).
  13. Valiant Viet

    My outfit's Air division loves fighting you guys.You have the most competent VS pilots in your outfit.
    • Up x 1
  14. ThunderSock

    It was an honor to play with TGWW the other day. Dreadnaut's a nice guy if you can land one or two Dalton shots.
  15. Dreadnaut

    Seems to me like the nicest people in the game, are the pilots/gunners. Granted there are always exceptions but pilots seem to be good people. ThunderSock it was nice having you with us, sorry we didn't talk much ingame, we're always chatting it up on TS :)
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  16. WaaWaa

    You should stream Dread!
  17. Plasmaszap

    I want to send a warm welcome to our newest 2 members : Cilindra and Sorestor (gunner/pilot duo :D)

    TGWW welcome's you and we hope your gonna have as much fun as we are.

    A special thanks to necrate and Aarth for being such active players and for making such a great scythe patrol unit !

    Thx to every other TGWW for make this outfit the coolest place to be on TeamSpeak and on Planetside2. Its all about quality rather then quantity :D
  18. Dreadnaut

    Quite true Plasma.

    I'm very competitive, and I want to win, but that doesn't override my desire to have fun and enjoy the game and chat with my buddies on TS. TGWW is a small but fun group that has proven itself to be VERY deadly in the air and when supporting the faction for terrain acquisition :)
  19. WaaWaa

    I hate you! GO AWAY!
  20. Dreadnaut

    Don't make us run 4 Shredders...don't do it...