Briggs J9O8 Sunday

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by randalthorr, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. randalthorr

    That was the most epic fight or what. The single longest and biggest three way battle in my PS2 experience so far. I have no idea how long it went on for, until VS finally took it; some four hours? And since J9O8 is in a deep depression, there were some good A2A with minimal ground interference.

    Awesome. GG
  2. Dingus148

    Hell yeah man, was great fun until my client crashed. Thanks to everyone involved, Briggs community is best community.
  3. SgtBreastroker

    I was the platoon leader of the TROL platoon. I had to shift tactics after TR kept on being pesky with C and the NC backcapping if I were to move my whole platoon. Eventually I decided that if we can't hold three points we'll hold two points and bleed you guys out. ;)

    It was a good fight indeed.
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  4. Tasogie

    You might wanna ask your Trol friends about their fetish for NEVER dieing in esf. I have multiple vids of TROL pilots suiciding instead of dieing to me lol
  5. theholeyone

    Is that where you guys are tactically? That splitting a platoon up between points on the same base is considered a shift in tactics?

    Some of your guys regularly do more squad centric objectives though right?
  6. Dingus148

    Trojan Trolls are actually a pretty good outfit. Before them, Briggs VS was utterly useless.Now they pose a significant threat, and it was TROL who got the ball rolling on that.
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  7. theholeyone

    All I'm saying is being good is about tactics as well as numbers, from what I've seen and heard, TT are all about numbers now, much more so than when I was a member. Which makes them a threat on the one territory where they are, but also a troop-sink for our forces that would be better utilised at other parts of the map.

    And TBH, I've seen very little change in the effectiveness of any faction that can be put down to things other than 4th faction/pop numbers or really annoying weapons.
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  8. Tasogie

    Briggs is a pretty bad server, the FOTM players are the biggest negative effect on the game. SOE really need to grow some balls na remove the multiple factions on same server ****. Arguably the only really good Clan I know of on Briggs is [IB]. they are decent people (the ones I have talked to) an they never suicide or faction swap.
  9. SgtBreastroker

    I don't really know of many Trol pilots who do that. I do know some of them have the mentality of "If I am going down, then you're coming with me."

    It wasn't near prime time and we only had around 16 trol members online. We had a majority of pub players in the platoon so it was a little bit unorthodox. NC dug in quite well and I saw no use for the platoon to run to A and C simultaneously to thin us out. By concentrating on two points we can let the random squads who somehow found their way to the Impact Site try zerging to A.

    But yes, we are more squad centric.
  10. SgtBreastroker

    I agree man, the population fluctuations throughout alerts are ridiculous. Last week during an Esamir alert the TR shot up to 53%.
  11. Dingus148

    You forget Feb then :p
  12. Tasogie

    Last night when VS won the alert, our numbers went up to over 60%, I saw TR down under 7% at one point.
  13. theholeyone

    Feb, wasn't that when VS was getting hammered by NC overpop?

    Good to hear, in my experience, squad level ops is where the efficiency is at.
  14. Dingus148

    Nothing like TR did...before the big Magrider nerf (and when TROL was just starting up) it wasn't uncommon to see VS with a pop advantage (45%+) with only a few squads out fighting...the rest were hiding in the warpgates. It used to make me angry, because I got so sick of fighting the NC when flinch made the fight unfair.
  15. theholeyone

    Tbh I can't remember any VS ineffectiveness from Feb. But this is amusing because Trol is still notorious for having platoons sit at the warpgate, I know they are just forming up or taking a break or whatever, but still, pot-kettle etc...

    Also, I think its a bit illogical to try and claim all the glory of whatever increases there may or may not have been over that time for one outfit simply because they have grown vastly. Maybe those who run around with the trolzerg have more wins against bigger forces than they used to; but on a map scale the story is much the same. In fact if I had to pick one faction that has come along in terms of map playing, I'd say TR, they just seem to have decent force allocation across the front lines most of the time.
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  16. Dingus148

    Thank you good sir, I'll take that as a compliment :p although most of that developed from being underpop for a few months.

    Not saying TROL is purely responsible, but I remember VS becoming a constant (as opposed to sporadic) threat and a lot of TROL plates coming up at the same time. Correlation =/= causation, but I suspect their constant pushes kind of bought the other VS outfits out of the warpgate.

    There was one or two highly active VS outfits....I remember seeing them, but I don't remember their tags. I only remember TROL because when I saw them I though "Oh great, wannabe anons founded themselves an outfit". That was right before they crushed us. From then on, whenever there was action you could guarantee a few TROL libs, mags, sundies or grunts in the mix, if not driving the push. Yeah, they're a zergy outfit, but they're not as zergy as some.
  17. theholeyone

    Yeh most of that comes down to simple numbers, such a large percentage of VS force with the same tags basically zerging on the same territory all the time will mean the when you seem them you'll notice, and get crushed. Yet when you don't you'll often have pop advantage and have an easier fight. Its the basic PS2 zerg conundrum, they win locally often, but they also often do that at the expense of the global fight.

    I can't remember any other outfits hanging out in the WG to the extent trol did/does. But the number of times I get TK'd around them does make me avoid them (it was never that bad before they were a zergfit) when possible... they're also pretty bad at running along the middle of roads and not listening out for vehicle horns, so we may be about even on the TK count :p
  18. Dingus148

    Ahahaha oh man, you should spend some time around Nightrage. Not saying all their players are fact some are pretty good. But the amount of times we die to people with KNTR tags...holy crap. "F---ING NIGHTRAGE!" is one of the more common expletives on our TS.

    Once, parked my Mossy in a hole at the top of one of Esamir's many large hills. Well away from the battle, I was taking a phone call and repairing. A KNTR sundy comes from NOWHERE, runs over my Mossy (kills it) then keeps driving without offering me a lift. It takes a special kind of dumb to pull off a maneuver like that.
  19. XRIST0

    Dam i just woke up :( missed all the action .
  20. theholeyone

    Yes, I think there are many parallels that could be drawn between the two. Funny thing is, you guys probably got more TS expletives directed at them than we did, they were a laugh to farm :D 'do we have enough numbers? oh, nevermind, its KNTR, of course we do :p '
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