What weapons or vehicles do the NC have that are "BEST" over other factions?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kimble, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. Kimble

    I cannot think of one? Is NC weakest? The guns are...I know a lot say SAW is OP but I never play HA.
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  2. FIN Faravid

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  3. Devrailis

    Ahem. :D
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  4. Mouse75

    Only for vehicle v. vehicle engagement though. Prowler is far better at killing infantry. So it's debatable.
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  5. Kimble

    Amazing how crappy the guns are. I played NC for months then last week checked out TR and it is night and day. TR owns when it comes to guns compared to NC it seems. The TAR is BEAST. O_0
  6. LeopoldXIV

    Well I don't play NC, so take this info "*** grano salis":

    Reaver (best at dogfights which are mostly hover+highest DPS rotary+fastest afterburners)
    The GD carbine with more than 800 RPM is beastly also
    Starting carbine-Mercenary (I see it alot, and not only on low BR's, much like SAW in that regard)
    Vanguard is godly vs armor with shield, but as stated above, piss poor vs infantry

    That's all that I can think of ATM
  7. SenEvason

    I prefer the Mercenary over the TRAC-5 and Solstice for a while. I also wish that I had access to the DMR for by TR char. Of course, this is all opinion. Not sure about the Gauss assault rifle. Some players are saying that the accuracy for it is bugged since GU10, but it was fun to play with a month ago.
  8. HannaDest

    The SAW and the Mercenary are really good. Other than that.....*shrugs*
  9. GhostAvatar

  10. WaiZen

    Hacksaws. NC Max. Aegis Shield.
  11. P4NJ

    Best close range MAX, best dogfighting ESF, best anti armor tank, best starting weapons (for people that know how to use them at least)... Lots of stuff. But other than a few things balance is good now.
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  12. HannaDest

    I think the time when the NC was the King of the Biolab is long gone.
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  13. Mxiter

    -Vanguard main gun + Enforcer beat a prowler + vuclan against infantries and is a beast agaist AV.
    -As said above, the reaver is a beast at hover dogfights. It also get the famous AH.
    -200-500 weapons. (gauss saw, reaperDPR ,ACX-11) The ones 200 damages automatic infantries weapons.
    -167-600 weapons. (mercenary, gauss rifle, anchor, EM6) second best DPS 167 damage weapons (cyclone is the first and is also NC)
    -Max at close range (when ZOE will be balanced).
    -Effective infantries weapons for any range and any classes.

    Well others vehicles are NS...
  14. WaiZen

    Y u no get my sarcasm. :(
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  15. HannaDest

    Aaaaw sorry for that :(
  16. GRiMtox

    "The grass of your neighbor is always greener than your own." - an old german saying

    Everytime I play NC/VS I'm getting orgasms. The Gauß SAW does amazing damage, the Reaver is easier to fly, the Scatter-MAXes are pure awesomness. No Bulletdrop of the VS is ****in' amazing - every noob can sniper with that. VS camo is the best. Saron and Enforcer are ridiculous AI-Weapons.

    On our side: Striker, MBT and MAX Lockdown is crap in most situations. Our Weapons damage is miserable. Our camos got more red than NC/VS got blue/violett. Vulcan is absolutly crap - now and with GU11.

    The list is expandable. You only see the good things on the other side and the bad things on your own side. Nevertheless there are things that have to get nerfed.
  17. LT_Latency

  18. TheRealMetalstorm

    Reaver's an excellent duelist.
    1 on 1, it will NOT lose to another ESF given equal pilot skill.
    Mosquito's fast, so it's a good interceptor, but it can't hold its own against the reaver or scythe.

    Look at these numbers and tell me the Vortek isn't clearly superior.

    Reaver Vortek
    1. DPS: 100% of Vortek
    2. Proj. Velocity: 650m/s
    3. Certs required for 1 clip kill: 0
    4. Maximum certable clip increase: 35+10 rounds = ~30% increase
    5. Max. "Spare" rounds fraction: [ 45(max) - 35(gib) ] / [ 45(max) ] = 22% of mag can be missed to instagib ESF.
    6. Max. Burst length: [0.05s * [45-1]] = 2.64s
    7. Damage per Mag: 388 * 45 = 17460
    Scythe Turbolaser
    1. DPS: 95% of Vortek
    2. Proj. Velocity: 550m/s
    3. Certs required for 1 clip kill: 300 (lvl1 + lvl2)
    4. Maximum certable clip increase: 40+10 rounds = ~25% increase
    5. Max. "Spare" rounds fraction: [ 50(max) - 44(gib) ] / [ 50max) ] = 12% of mag can be missed to instagib ESF.
    6. Max. Burst length: [0.05s * [50-1]] = 2.45s
    7. Damage per Mag: 308 * 50 = 15400
    Mosquito M18
    1. DPS: 90% of Vortek
    2. Proj. Velocity: 650m/s
    3. Certs required for 1 clip kill: 700 (lvl1 + lvl2 + lvl3)
    4. Maximum certable clip increase: 50+10 rounds = ~20% increase
    5. Max. "Spare" rounds fraction: [ 60(max) - 57(gib) ] / [ 60(max) ] = 5% of mag can be missed to instagib ESF.
    6. Max. Burst length: [0.04 * [60-1]] = 2.36s
    7. Damage per Mag: 237 * 60 = 14220
    source: ps2calc for dps, game shop data for others.
  19. ReconMarauder

    The Gauss SAW is versatile and exceptionally powerful at suppressing fire and at long range, the Anchor is the most versatile LMG in the game, the GD-7F has an exceptional rate of fire and still is usable at range given the player knows to burst it, the Gauss rifle is only rivaled at range by the SABR-13, the Carnage BR is the most versatile assault rifle in the game, and the Mag-Shot is a Manticore with less spread while flying in ADS and from the hip when standing, and it has greater projectile velocity as final insult.

    I find the very notion that you would make this despairing, self serving thread in the manner you did disgusting, and judging from your other threads you are either exceptionally stupid or are afflicted by diarrhea of the mouth and are not capable of thinking anything through to its conclusion.
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  20. GhostAvatar

    Game shop data?