Planetside 2 ultra on ps4

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NuclearMissle, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. NuclearMissle

    Skip to 12:52
  2. FischiPiSti

    Off topic, but he said the only reason why theyre not making cross-platform, is the patch approval process? If theres no technical issues, or the M+K vs gamepad isnt an issue, i would be glad to wait 1-2 months to get a big-big patch instead of 1 small every week
  3. Maidere

    It's a PC gameplay;
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  4. SgtBreastroker

    PS4 playing PS2 on ultra?

    Not gonna happen.
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  5. sindz

    Just like this:

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  6. XDDante

    it's kind of funny how Higby mentions that if you have a beast of a computer you can max out PS2 yet their engine is supposed to run well in most PC'S...
  7. Panssarikauha

    Well it doesnt matter how "beast" a machine is, most modern, "medium"-grade PC's can run the game on the same settings as a top of the line rig can, and still slow down to the same FPS in large battles.

    P.S. Also, a very nic pic, one which I havent seen been thrown around. I will steal that and pass it along.
    P.P.S. While we wait for the emulators.
  8. Nocturn0l

    Why not?

    PS2 is poorly optimized on the PC and for multi-core CPUs. When they fix this it's quite possible it can run 1080p and 60 fps on the PS4.
    Remember that optimizing games for consoles is much easier and the Hardware in consoles is around 2 times as powerful as in a PC when the games are optimized.
  9. Rogueghost

    I don't know, I have similar specs to the ps4 and I get around 40 frames on ultra at any given time in ps2, and thats 10 frames above the standard 30 for consoles.
  10. Camycamera

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  11. Maidere

    SOE stated multiple times that they CANT use up to 4 treads. And now they will magically do it? Realy?
    And I doubt it will be 1080@60, since even BF4 will be 720@60 on next gen.
  12. Nocturn0l

    They also stated they intend to optimize mutli-core support for the PS4 version which will also transition over to the PC version
  13. haldolium

    Oh dear.

    That **** around around 13:00 is just horrible from any possible perspective.

    I want to punch the moderator in the stomach as well. Such a dumb PR extension...
  14. Maidere

    Before PC version hit beta they also stated that a regular PC will handle PS2 just fine. Blatant posing is one of the SOE's natural abilities.
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  15. Ganelon

    These are the Ultra textures they recently released in the options menu, it still won't be capable of getting the awesome lighting effects you can get by editing the .ini.
  16. Mauller

    This is a very massive misconception thrown around all over the place, especially put out there by marketing people to make the console hardware not seem as mid range as it is.

    While they can optimise for a single platform and gain a small performance boost, in some situations a near doubling in performance can be achieved for specific things but in the overall program its never twice the performance once everything is factored in.
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  17. InfraRedPS

    The PS4 won't need to run an entire Windows operating system in the background, of course it'll perform better than a PC of the same specification. The developers can spend all their time building the PS4 client for only one set specification of hardware, not the millions of combinations possible with a PC.

    Installing drivers on the PS4 to get PS2 to work? Nope. The game runs directly on the hardware.
  18. Nocturn0l

    Low level programming can increase the performance quite a bit and consoles have other advantages too, they don't have the bottlenecks a PC has, no PCI bus, instead shared memory, which also is faster and reduces read and write cycles,

    also John Carmack agrees:
    and i know people working at Crytek that say the same
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  19. LT_Latency

    Not going to happen. Demos are always a bunch of PR BS to sell product. ps4 is like a mid range computer. They can't wave a magic wand and get it to run and better or they would have waved that magic wand on PC along time ago
  20. Lafladitu

    here is a rather intressting read. the article adresses some of the benefits that PS4 has compared to a PC

    I believe that the Playstation 4 can run Planetside 2 quite well, it is also easier to optimize for.
    I think that SOE Live will be a really intressting when we will see the first gameplay on PS4, I can barely wait to see it though