Armor nerf accentuated by being TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jachim, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. AtroposZero

    So, yeah, this affects everyone equally. Are you trying to argue that the Prowler is supposed to be a zerg unit? (easily killed but cheap and fast to return to action?)

    I'm not sure what you're getting at here. There are plenty of ways to make strategic errors with your vehicle employment, regardless of faction; this applies to any type of vehicle. The only difference is, when vehicles actually cost a meaningful amount (I've always argued that the costs need to be increased even FURTHER than what's currently on test), you have to actually care about what you're doing when you're in one.

    Right now, most people treat vehicles with about as much respect as their infantry kits (i.e. none). When you're certed most of the way into the cooldown timers, they're effectively spammable... just rotate between vehicle types and you will almost never have everything on cooldown or be lacking for resources (unless your faction is getting pounded hard, in which case YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE STARVED FOR RESOURCES.) That is a broken paradigm.

    I would be 100% in favor of a sweeping revamp to vehicles, where they were made extremely expensive (consuming most of that class of resource as a cost) but were wicked in combat and took some real enemy firepower to down. Right now, a vehicle is little more than another MAX exoskeleton with a different skin and movement physics.
  2. Jachim

    Yes, if the other two tanks have zero downsides. Absolutely.
  3. Jachim

    No, this does not affect everyone equally. Please respond to my post with actual rebuttals. The glass cannon archetype will not work as it stands, especially when to become said 'glass cannon', you must make yourself easier to kill while the other two factions BENEFIT from the higher resource cost to some extent when fighting TR.

    And no, the Striker does not excuse this at all. This is strictly a discussion of vehicle balance with the new resource system, and no, I am not saying the TR's tank should take less resources, I'm saying the 'fix' they're implimenting hurts TR far more. FAR more, I'd go as far as to say it HELPS the Magrider and Vanguard because of their incredible comparative survivability.
  4. Xasapis

    Magburn is a poor choice vs TR.
  5. Jachim

    Wrong. It's the perfect choice, so long as you have side armor. To properly use a Magrider you're typically hugging a corner anyway, strafing out to fire and strafing back in to avoid fire/repair. Caught in the open, a Prowler deployed with a secondary should defeat a magrider with a gunner if all shots land, but it'll leave the Prowler in the red, easy fodder for a stray gnat to blow it up, and it must undeploy to get to safety... multiply this by the fact that at LONG ranges (ie: vs a Vanguard) the Prowler is defeated soundly due to the Vanguards ability to shield the last few volleys, thus destroy the Prowler in a headon long range fight. Plus, it can sometimes back up or move forward to cause more difficulties for the Prowler gunner and pilot. Oh, and at long range the Prowler factional secondaries are terrible. I never run them, I almost always have the rocket launcher.

    TR factional secondaries are all close range. The Prowler deploy is best used at very long ranges where the projectile speed bonus is multiplied by the inaccuracy of a strafing Magrider. Don't even get me started on the Vanguard, which can with its powerful long range secondary can decimate a Prowler duo easily.

    I'm not saying /as it stands/ the Prowler is underpowered. When used properly, it is more effective than the other two at supression and the like, but overall it has by far the lowest survivability. It will die more often just by the sheer fact that it cannot mitigate at all, unlike the Vanguard and Magrider which currently can, through different means.
  6. Xasapis

    I'm sure you know better what's work vs TR on my server.
  7. woooow

    You are all wrong. This affects me the most. I mostly play infantry and will have less stuff to tag for assist xp. Stop being so selfish and consider other people for once.
    • Up x 1
  8. Vixxing

    The Vulcan is getting a range-buff if you got a secondary gunner with Vulcan + NV and still get C4'ed id yell at my gunner not cry on forums...
  9. xArchAngelx

    Range buff yes, but the Vulcan sucks versus infantry..
  10. SgtBreastroker

    Well cry more, we are getting our ZOE nerfed to beyond nothingness.
  11. nitram1000

    Says the player with access to Strikers, HAH you couldn't make it up.
  12. KanoHe

    Why i'm even replying to the braindead thread ...
    No, seriously ? How you managed to apply the word "nerf" to recourse cost increase ?
    Your Logic failed you
  13. Vixxing

    Yah right... i actually gunned a bit as Vulcan gunner you sure you or your gunner dont suck?
  14. sindz

    Any decent magrider driver will not use magburner but smoke since the TR has something called a striker that clips through objects.
  15. ACE McFACE

    I think c4 is, if not balanced, at least 'priced' (in terms of resources) pretty fairly. Its the most expensive disposable item and is far less versatile than say the AV turret, whose only balancing feature is the fact you can't place it anywhere you like, add a resource cost to them.
  16. Grayson

    I say Strikers....
  17. Macchus

    going forward usually works better ...
  18. Chipay

    He was in front of me, what was also in front of me was TR fractures.
  19. FoxD3v1lsW1ld

    I'd rather say the armor nerf is mitigated by being TR. Strikers are still gonna spam-kill my Magrider without me having a chance to do something about that. And additionally, the fact that TR have the most pop and therefore hold more territory ( = more resources) is gonna make it better for you as well.
  20. Macchus

    well i guess in that situation , i still woulda went forward ... your gonna die either way , but ask yourself what is the lamer death , LA c4 derpiness , or fractures ?