Lattice doesn't stop ghostcapping.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chipay, May 31, 2013.

  1. Chipay

    This picture wast taken today 17:05 GMT+1 on the European server Ceres.
    [IMG]Now aside from the fact that you can see my toolbar with the date as proof, you might also see that there are no Vanu players in Tawrich Recycling while there is a platoon/squads of NC capping the base, AKA NC is "ghostcapping" a base.
    Lattice does not stop "ghostcapping", we need a better system, this one has too many fronts.
    I suggest to only have 3 lanes in this game: one from VS WG-NC WG, NC WG-TR WG and TR WG-NC WG.
    This way we can stop ghostcapping once and for all and make the huge battles even BIGGER (SIZE. ALWAYS. MATTERS.).

    Also, don't come here with "then why aren't you going to that base", because i could've done that as well in the Hex system and we all agree that that part of the Hex system was completely broken.
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  2. meucha

    You don't even understand what ghostcapping means...
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  3. Naehloseht

    I fully agree with the OP, we need MORE restrictions! Only 2 Lines per empire!
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  4. Rogueghost

    Two lines pre empire is way too much, each empire should only have one line, which leads straight to the crown.
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  5. Naehloseht

    Oh my god you're right man! Why even both having one line?

    Why not just make the ONLY base the crown, and people spawn at points A, B, and C, and if you are not the right color, well too bad.
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  6. Rogueghost

    But first we need to give the crown its original cap locations back, so we don't take the chance of someone walking away from the fight.
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  7. Chipay

    Ofcourse, ghostcapping is when an empty base is being capped with no players defending and attacking.
    But the forum-people have used this scenario as ghostcapping AKA the Ghostcapping platoons that evade eachother and capture empty bases. I think this last scenario perfectly fits with this thread and thus i say: ghostcapping.
  8. Naehloseht

    I fully agree, this is the best idea ever, we dont even need to market it. Just shove it out the doors ASAP.
  9. Nyscha

    That is not ghost capping.

    Ghost capping only happens with hexes because one guy can effectively run around the entire map flipping everything he can and redeploying after each ghost cap and then going for a new one.
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  10. Naehloseht

    So why are you not stopping that "one guy", if you stop him, then you wont have to worry about it.
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  11. Nyscha

    Because you can stop one guy travelling around the map as the undermanned faction which can barely defend itself against the enemy zerg let alone another guy running rampart around the map?
  12. Ash87

    How do you propose people stop him?
  13. Naehloseht

    IDK.... Kill him...... ya know, doing that thing were supposed to do in this game, killing other players?? Do what any normal person would do in 1v1 fights, and if you cant handle it, get 2 or more.... I mean... 3 people cant stop one person? 3 people is enough for a Lib crew.....
  14. Ash87

    So, what about 10 second later when he respawns at another base and pulls another flash?

    What did killing him accomplish?
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  15. FendleyFire

    Okay so I fly there in my mossie to "stop" the guy and then we have 2 scenarios. Either he isn't there because he has moved on to another hex or he is there, I kill him and then 2 minutes later he would just fly back and put another hack on.

    What is shown in the OP is not ghost capping, a large force has moved in to capture the base and are hanging about to defend the capture.
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  16. KlyptoK


    Ghost Capping is flipping a point at an empty base and then getting on your flash and riding off into the sunset.

    What you are talking about is more force concentration.
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  17. Naehloseht

    Ok here's this thing, two people killing him, one person capping the point. Its not rocket science, I swear.
  18. Cl1mh4224rd

    There are two definitions of ghost capping used in this community.
    1. One or few people flipping the control point(s) for a baset, then moving on to another region to do the same.
    2. Larger groups (multiple squads or platoons) rolling through lightly defended regions while avoiding a larger fight.
    This is the first definition and could have very easily been solved with some very simple changes to the capture mechanic. The second definition is what some people excitedly claimed the lattice would kill forever, and to which Chipay is referring.

    I'm finding it amusing that when some pro-lattice person claims that lattice kills the second definition of ghost capping, no one drops in and says, "that's not ghost capping". But when someone points out that the lattice didn't actually kill the second definition of ghost capping, as some have claimed it would, pro-lattice folks jump in with, "that's not ghost capping". :rolleyes:
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  19. Naehloseht

    If he isnt there, congratulations you stopped the terrorists little Timmy, now have a boy-scouts badge. If he is there, you kill him, keep note of it, because I doubt he can spawn 2 ESF in less than 5 minutes.
  20. Ash87

    But that isn't the point, what did killing him prevent? He just has to go to one of the other 29 places that are uncontested.

    Did you -Prevent- him ghost capping, by killing him at one base, one time?
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