Is it time to nerf engineers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bill Hicks, May 27, 2013.

  1. Zitroxious

    because most people are stupid
  2. Azarga

    The only "nerf" engies need is fixing AV-turret's hitbox.
  3. Bankrotas

    Well, I do agree with a nerf, but it shouldn't be too big one.
  4. HadesR

    I have always felt that Engi's shouldn't be able to repair their own vehicles .. It would promote teamwork and more 2/2 MBT's

    But it's a wish rather than a need so can live with it either way.
  5. TheBloodEagle

    Heh, bet some of these people are the same folks that make nerf HA threads because they are "too versatile", etc but it's entirely OK for Engineers, funny enough. I bet you can find some hypocrisy/contradictions going on.
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  6. Ravenorth

    I agree that AV mana turret needs a bit balancing, they are a way too big threat for tanks when you consider the fact that they have unlimited ammo and you´ll never run out of turrets. You can just put it on top of a mountain and bring havoc down to every tank you see around. They are very hard to hit at long range and before yo get to them your tank will be in pieces, even if you manage to destroy to turret, they´ll just put a new one in seconds.

    I also agree with the delay when entering to vehicles, but it should affect every class and only when they´ve taken some damage. Its very annoying when you catch some engineer repairing his tank and when you try to kill them they´ll just go hiding in their tanks, which is just lame. Adding a small 2 seconds delay when you´ve taken some damage is a very reasonable thing to do, since this game lacks a proper animation when entering to vehicles.

    If you dont check your surroundings once for a while when you are repairing then you should not be able just to go hiding in your tank when someone attacks you, its just bad game mechanic, which favors bad players.
  7. CNR4806

    Wait, so you're proposing a nerf because something hasn't been nerfed? Are you off your meds?

    On a second thought, yes, DO nerf engineers, but do not come back and cry when you find that the field is filled with even more HAs than before and you all can't find god damn ammo anywhere, or when the time that you want to use a base's turret and find that they're all black wrecks. Oh, on the rare moment that you decide to pull armor, don't expect anyone to help fix your tank, fit nanite autorepair 100% of the time or expose and do it your-- nevermind, your repair tool has been nerfed to hell and you can't get back into the vehicle before being turned into swiss cheese, do fit nanite autorepair.

    The only thing that DO need fixing is the rendering issue, which is NOT exclusive to the engineer class.
  8. Elrobochanco

    1. The Ace tool is their class ability.
    2. There already is such a delay because all the vehicles/terminals in the game only work once the ui prompt for them pops up....roughly .5 seconds after you look at them.
    3. Aim better.
  9. Virulent0o

    @OP, the engineering class plays a support role.
    Yet, your argument is to nerf their support ability.
    The only thing that could use a nerf is, like what others suggest, fix the AV turret.

    AV works too damn well against infantry. I'm using it for sniping infantry :p
    AV turret does a better job than AI turret :eek:

    Point 3: most engineers scurry away, from whatever they were repairing, when you shoot at them. Give it a try :)
  10. Kilmannan

    No, they really don't. Get your facts right.

    I'm laughing at people suggesting Engineers get nerfed (The only class I play). Lets see how it works out for you on the battlefield when there's no Engineers carrying ammo packs or they've ran out of repair gun ammo for your vehicle / MAX.

    Engineer is a thankless task, chasing morons who wont stand still but are shouting for repairs, constantly having to move your ammo pack about to keep the frontline resupplied and getting ran over whilst you're trying to generally help people out.
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  11. Izriul

    Haha! You noticed that too eh? Half of the whine and nerf threads on this forum are from him, chriss or stew360.

    Ironically, I think he plays the HA and the MAX, which pretty much says it all.
  12. Torok

    yeah nerf Heavy assaults! oh wait...
  13. MFP_TK_01

    Just another Bill Hicks thread. He's got an idea about something but hasn't put any thought into it. The biggest fallacy that is shown here is that you seem to think that something need's to be nerfed after a certain time period rather than because it has an issue.

    If there is anything that needs fixing it would be the AV turrets range and invisible missile. We're firing TOW's with an incredible amount of cable per shot. That cable should snap in very long range and the rocket just flies straight. As it stands we are the only class currently that can gain a high altitude vantage point and be able to fire rockets at a vehicle in the next hex over even if its a spec on the horizon. And with Tow missiles being quite large in life, we should receive an animation like that from a ESF rocket pod.

    Hit 5 (or 6 if you have a UB gun) for your turret. Before placing your turret down press B. Viola, instant ammo pack. You can now use your ammo pack slot for mines. Personally they should just get rid of the second ammo pack and keep the turret one. It's a bit redundant to have both.
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  14. Takoita

    AV turret needs to get looked at, I agree, but everything else seems to be in order, IMHO. In fact, some 'quality of life' additions like the mine counter and such would be welcome.

    (And unnerf the damn UBGL projectile arc, ffs. That thing makes -S weapon variants not worth the trouble. And the underbarrel shotgun could use a total rehaul and do something different altogether; while it may be fun to discharge it in the back of the head when you manage to sneak up on someone, it is a waste of certs and attachment slot otherwise).
  15. Mefi

    I want to use that damned utility ammo pack again. But after GU02 I don't have a reason to carry it anymore. Hey, my mines kill people thanks to that GU02 "buff".
  16. Jeno

    Somehow it never occured to me why there is this deploy message with the turret. Great thing the game explains nothing by itself. ;)
    Anyways, thanks for the info.
  17. MrForz

    It's maybe time to give them credit first before thinking of nerfing them. :p
  18. MBRicochet

    Wait. WTF...OMFG

    I have no idea that the turret alt fire mode= Ammo pack *Mind blown*

    <3 Now I can have claymores and infinite ammo!!!!. <3 <3 <3 <3

    Learn something new every day.....
  19. ladiesop

    The only real problem is non-rendering AV turrets and missiles.
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  20. Udnknome

    How about ammo packs don't resupply explosives of any type. No more UB Grenades, No more Rockets, No more AA or AV Max ammo.

    Enjoy nerfing everyone. :p

    Engineer is such a heavy support class it's difficult to nerf it without nerfing everyone. Yes, a single engineer can camp in a place indefinitely with unlimited ammo. But a single infantry isn't really a problem even with infinite ammo, only the group. I don't understand what your issue is?