Max balance in 6 months

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NightFalls998, May 27, 2013.

  1. NightFalls998

    Before NC max nerf:
    NC >>>TR > VS

    After NC max nerf:
    NC >> TR > VS

    After max abilities:
    NC > TR = VS


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  2. Jrv

    I don't understand this idea people have in their heads about hacksaws being too powerful. The ZOE Max, using dual blueshifters, can kill infantry up close JUST as fast, while ALSO having larger clips, longer range, faster reload, and better maneuverability. The Heavy was always the soft counter to Maxes. ZOE max is just a tough heavy basically, better at killing infantry and able to easily kill NC Maxes by kiting.

    VS>NC>TR when it comes to MAXes. The terran MAX is the worst technically, but it has its advantages like AA superiority and fractures.
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  3. Kronic

    NC MAX is no longer that good and VS MAXes have never really been bad (back in the Cosmos days). I can tank an NC with my kintec armoured mercy MAX face to face and the VS have weapons with higher DPS than the mercy so you're no longer worse than an NC MAX as long as you suit up preoperly. Also, ZOE, lockdown and the Aegis shield are not equal at all. ZOE is the best since it's not situational at all. Just press F and you become a better MAX, simple as. While with lockdown, if you deploy in any infantry fight you'll just get a deci/AV nade/conc nade/hail of bullets/C4 to face a couple times and die. With dual fractures you'll better hope that tank doesn't see you or you'll get 2 shotted with not time to undeploy and run away. Lockdown is best for AA and that's it. All while the Aegis shield just blows. Doesn't have enough coverage. So if you ask me, VS have the best by far, followed by TR and then NC.
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  4. NightFalls998

    I like how in your sig you have a br14 vs character.

    So how long did you play as a zoe max? 5 minutes and decided it was OP because your main character is TR?
  5. Kronic

    I've yet to use ZOE, that alt is for heavy/light assault play only. But as I said, ZOE isn't situational like the TR and NC equivalents, pressing F just makes your MAX better. It gets rid of the main limiting factor of the MAX class which is its mobility. The armour penalty doesn't matter when your not getting C4d or deci'd as much. ZOE MAX is like a HA on crack that can side strafe at hip fire speed while still being able to accurately hit you 40m away. Not to mention the number of VS MAXes has skyrocketted since the ZOE implementation, which only amplifies the problem. Incredibly annoying to fight against. I'd rather have the old scatmaxes, at least you could run away/conc/deci/C4 the damn thing with relative ease.
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  6. ComradeHavoc

    In what world is a NC max better than a Zoe max?!
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  7. IamDH

    TR = NC = VS (in general)
    Just different traits in each faction
  8. Sea of Ink

    VS > NC > TR.

    and stats aren't currently updating, but I've been playing my VS alt all weekend.

    edit: Then again, I can't honestly say that b/c I don't main a TR MAX. So, inherently, I don't know how good/bad a TR MAX really is. But VS is awesome right now.
  9. Vanus Aran

    I think Aegis-shield is the coolest.

    ZOE is cool no doubt but can backfire very much.
    Never run into a building with ZOE active. Even normal Infantrymines will blow a good hole in your healthbars.
    You are fast yeah but in big Zergfights the risk of taking a Bazooka to the face is veeeeeeery big. Just eat a few scratch-bullets before, they are enough to turn you into a sudden 1-hitkill should a rocket hit you afterwards.
    Use ZOE only if you shoot. Dont leave it on out of lazyness.
    Enemy Lightassaults and their C4 will thank you for that, so much.

    I found an NC-Max in the hills between Snake Ravin and Crossroads.
    But I couldnt kill him even tough I was in a Lightning and hit him several times directly with Tankshells.
    Cause of his Aegis-shield! Couldnt find out yet if you can just drive them over regardless of the Shield but I find their longevity astounding. All other Maxes would have been food, but not the Aegis-wielding one.
  10. Nyscha

    The VS/TR maxes didn't instagib entire squads though in seconds, or make it impossible to enter a room.
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  11. Bape

    fixed it for you.
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  12. Dragonblood

    It's just sad that the lockdown ability is just useful at ranges 100+m with fractures or bursters.........any attempt to use it at shorter ranges is a deathwish.
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  13. Jrv

    Well, your MAX does that better than an NC max now.
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  14. Grayson

    VS and TR MAXes are better in every way now.
    Since ZOE maxes has their little unlimited Goku buffs the NC max is now the worst. Why? ADADADAD + pop out & shoot tactics, (and the crappy hitboxes.) It's still usefull againts infantry like all other MAXes, but not really againts other MAXes.

    About the TR vs NC MAX...i just leave this here.

    So currently is would say TR>VS>NC (just slightly worse)
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  15. Takoita

    Did you check the date on that video?

    Troll harder.
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  16. Izriul

    now that the novelty has worn off I'm seeing more NC max's than anything still. When there's a group of them 5-6 or so, and they have flak armour and a few engi's and medics behind them, they are far more effective, especially when they work their way to the spawn doors and just camp outside with shields up. It's still the easymode max that requires no effort, and they still instant gib infantry - which ZoE doesn't do, but ZoE max's can easily be instant gibbed.

    Basically ZoE's more effective in 1v1 combat, but a bunch of hackmax's are more effective in groups and with support.
  17. Wildclaw

    Before: NC >> TR > VS
    After weapon adjustments: TR=VS > NC (TR lost their Mercy advantage which is why VS caught up)
    After abilities: VS >> TR >> NC

    I personally expected the abilities to bring TR and NC closer, but it was TR that gained the most. Probably a mix of the shield being problematic in its coverage, and lockdown working well with AA/AV that provide a higher sph.

    Below is a reference of MAX performance, thanks to Cupboy before he stopped providing his data. (which is a massive loss to the community as a whole, as it will no longer be easily possible to point out the total ignorance of posters in threads like this, or even to make objective judgments by your own at all)

    2013-05-03 - 2013-05-16
    Class  Faction    Chars    Avg. time  Avg. score/hr
    MAX        NC      7239      2.58      11467    (+164/-166)
    MAX        TR      7234      2.73      12108    (+163/-165)
    MAX        VS      7291      2.71      12125    (+160/-162)
    2013-05-22 - 2013-05-24
    Class  Faction    Chars    Avg. time  Avg. score/hr
    MAX        NC      985      1.79      11350    (+372/-360)
    MAX        TR      1116      1.83      13231    (+374/-364)
    MAX        VS      1554      2.03      14113    (+357/-348)
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  18. JackOfClubs

    Wait, what? D:
  19. Goretzu

    Only in Opposite World. :)
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  20. Joram

    Nope, the hackmax instakills infantry, so the ZOE cant kill infantry as fast.

    You guys know how much damage does a decimator shot to a ZOE max? just found out an hour ago, 84% of his total hp.