What was your best ever "fluke" kill?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Meeka, May 26, 2013.

  1. SooperDog

    Hitting the C4 on a mag with my lightning viper and getting 3500+ XP
  2. Cuze

    My best fluke was on Esamir just after launch. I was squad leader and moving to our sunderer as I got my new orders on TS. I opened my map so that I could see where we were supposed to go next. All the sudden over comms I start hearing "Cuzie Watch out! Scythe!"

    I hear that close my map and pull out my dumb-fire rocket launcher just as the scythe starts swooping in. I activate my shield and take a wild shot at it as it approaches and begins firing it's rocket pods. My rocket connected, killing the Scythe and leaving me with less than half my health.
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  3. sam38

    I shot a decimator shot at an infantry at ceres farms and missed only to get a 3/3 lib kill like a full 3 seconds later. it was teh lawlz
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  4. GhostAvatar

    I had one similar to this only last night and really made me chuckle. Our squad was on Amerish traveling between bases in a sunndy, when we noticed an enemy sunndy along the road about 100m away. Of course both sunndys opened fire on each other, while the HA's disembarked and also opened fire. With both sunndys taking heavy fire, both sides retreated behind cover and deployed. We had a nice heated engagement for a few minutes killing each other from our respective defensive positions, while trying to take each others sundies as well. Normal tactics ensued on both sides with engineers repairing the sunndy from damage, people manning the sunndy guns to hold off flankers, and guys from both sides trying to advance and kill more than being killed to push them back to the sunndy. I went in for a suicide engineer run and managed to lay some mines under there sunndy. But I was not fast enough and the sunndy had already deployed seeing me coming and and started to drive off before I could detonate them. In doing so it exposed the already heavly damaged sunndy to our guys and it got destroyed. Anyways there I was thinking I had wasted the mines, which was a shame.

    So anyways, after all that we did the normal thing of repairing the sunndy, got back in and started to head off again. Within moments we came under fire from some air. So normal thing we drove the sunndy to cover, deployed, switched to bursters etc. and scared off the air. Only we had deployed meters from where the previous sunndy was and my tank mines, remember those tank mines ;)

    After all that we repaired up, switched gear and waited for dead squad member to redeploy. Anyways we had got back in and was about to undeploy, when a fully crewed Harasser out of nowhere came flying directly at the sunndy for a suicide run. Probably some of the guys from the previous sunndy looking for revenge with a run of their own. And within only meters of their objective before they bail, BOOM!

    Remember those wasted tank mines? Guess they weren't wasted after all :)
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  5. sam38

    now that is awesome.
  6. Deronok

    Had a fluke death, once. Was jetpacking over a building, and RIGHT as my head came up over the roof, I got nailed by liberator debris, no chance to react.
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  7. Drealgrin

    no scope headshot with bolt action the milisecond a VS turned the corner (playing my NC alt)
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  8. sam38

    taking a sniper shot at guy and hitting a cloaked infiltrator standing about 50 meters in front of my target in the head with no idea he was there
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  9. Latrodectus

    ^ this
  10. LysdexicPenguin

    Two so far that come to mind.

    First was today. Gunning a grenade launcher for a Sundy. Took a random pot shot at a Mossie and connected giving me the kill.

    Second was a blind Sauron shot as the Mag was ducking behind a bridge post. Head shot on a random infantry.
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  11. Haruk

    Some guy blew up my sundie, and it fell on him.
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  12. Zitroxious

    shooting a droppod out of the air with a tankshell

    oh and i killed a mossie the other day with my furyflash, that was definately a fluke lol
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  13. Wintermaulz

    Back in December I was dogfighting in my mossie. I spotted an enemy reaver gunning down a friendly liberator. Having a2a on at the time, I locked on to him at max range. Just as the missle is about to hit him, he uses flairs and the missle shoots past him. It ended up hitting the liberator I was trying to save, and I got a triple team betrayal :(
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  14. Haruk

    And this.
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  15. xeroslash

    A few days ago during an Amerish alert, I had my Decimator drawn while attempting to aim at enemy armor in the distance. Suddenly, an enemy Light Assault popped right in front of my face. I panicked and shot my Decimator, scoring a headshot kill on the LA.
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  16. Andy79

    somehow got the killing blow on a sunderer with my bursters, I wasnt getting any kind of red crosses that I actually hurt it, I just fired on it cause everyone was (try destroying a sunderer with bursters in VR and see how long it takes ...)
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  17. Finli

    Fired a Dalton shot at a Mosquito and missed. A few seconds later, I got a Vanguard kill.
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  18. Blarg20011

    Saw a Reaver come screaming over head, low and fast so I fired a shot at it (Prowler,) Reaver disappears behind the rock that my shell arced over and I get a kill on it, didn't even get to see.
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  19. joe smo

    My best fluke kill was with my trusty TRAC-5 S's UBGL.
    I was running around and stumbled upon a small group of people and thought I would wip out my UBGL and take a few pot shots at em, well I took aim and pop'ed some random HA that jumped around the corner of the rock I was next to, in the head killing him.

    I was so surprised at that random kill that I then walked around the same corner and was promptly gunned down :rolleyes: at lest I got his friend:D
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  20. AnuErebus

    Deciding to take a random shot at a low flying reaver with my RAMS .50. Next thing I know, Reaver kill.
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