Wow, Lattice is BORING

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ent|ty, May 23, 2013.

  1. Macchus

    i believe there is a higher majority of people who arent happy and counting like's isnt gonna tell you ****e when a large percentage of the population dont come to these forums ............

    all it will tell you is that more people who are pro lattice are reading a pro lattice thread .

    wht this forum actually needs is a dislike button alongside the like button , i think if we were able to compare those numbers it would tell a different story .

    but i guess we could do everything your way . im gonna count how many times lattice is mentioned in this thread and that should give us a good idea of how many people know about the lattice in this thread about the lattice . that makes sense right ?
  2. Advanced Darkness

    Because we arent 16 our gaming experience is irrelevant now. The new thing is try something for 5 mins, dont like, thus it must be crap. What actually may be crap in that equation is the gamer itself.

    Lattice on one cont. is more of a test than a full release. its amazingly incomplete with it only being on one cont. and no cont. locks in game yet.
  3. Captain Kid

    It's odd because in my opinion this is one of the biggest issues.
    And would solve a lot of problems infantry has versus vehicles and solve flow problems (stalemates).

    And even if it wouldn't do that it would make infantry gameplay damn more interesting and fun.
  4. Chemicalnurd

    Lattice isn't perfect yet, but it's much better than hex and will mature to be excellent. Seriously, stick with it, it'll get better. Don't whine or we'll go back to the bloody hex system and the game will never have a chance to improve.
  5. Hosp

    And the argument that most people who dislike lattice don't use the forum is any more valid? Go ahead, start a new thread, gameplay section:

    Post 1 ) Like this post if you Like Lattice
    Post 2) Like this post if you Dislike Lattice

    Instant poll. But of course, by your argument, that wouldn't be valid because lattice haters don't use these forums.
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  6. maxkeiser

    Plenty of people disagree.
  7. Advanced Darkness

    heh we used to but then that was part of the game and it was pretty fun especially if you wanted to take a break away from the massive battle scene and drop back and defend a base from small groups or solo enemies. Or play cat and mouse. Back then i'd play solo for hrs and try back hacks and gen drops just to cause trouble. Was great. The game wasnt about who could get the most kills or some kill streak..i left that back in quake (choose a number)
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  8. Macchus

    well we pretty much all use the same type of apparently gunpowder based weapons , so why wouldnt we have a shotgun ?
    everyone gets an lmg , wow original , everyone gets a grenade , ok i guess , i dunno balls of plasma contained in a forcefield were to futuristic ... everyone can fly a plane wow there are no unpiloted drones in the future ... this game is just like any other game . and i could go all day about how this weapon coulda been this or this coulda been that or why they put bolt actions in and plasma rifles yada yada .

    why shouldnt some guys be able to have a certain playstyle in an open sandbox type game . SOE introduced the means and the tools to pursue different styles , alot of it taken directly from other games , and now theyre are trying to force everyone into one or two large battles all the time instead of the constant warfare that was going on before lattice when there were still frontlines . they were just more fluid and allowed multiple playstyles and tactics . the "massive " battles can be fun and should be , but why give someone grief for being upset that they can no longer be effective in the role that SOE provided all the tools for ?

    Well I clearly prefer the Lattice. I was tired of the 3 vs 16 and 16 vs 3
  10. Macchus

    exactly trying to determine anything on these forums is useless as a large percentage of game pop don't come here . not hard to understand . and the the few of them that do come here are not enjoying themselves .. as in the few of that large percentage . and you can tell who they are by reading their posts and alsothe fact that theyve never posted before the lattice ....
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  11. PhantomOfKrankor

    During the 'Crownside' days, which I believe was way overblown as being a more serious problem than it was, you could avoid it. People liked The Crown because it was defensible and for the most part safe from vehicle spam and you had a chance vs larger numbers. People liked the Crown because they could bounce to TI, Xroads, Zurvan, Ceres in their own little world, then leave if they wanted to do something else or when their outfit started logging on. People that didn't like The Crown could go around it. I didn't play The Crown that much, but I felt that it should be there for the people that did like it and it shouldn't have been changed to the most poorly designed base in the game as it is now.

    For people that liked the Crown... well, it's gone. For people that hated The Crown, new Crowns will be created. They won't be the same for everyone, for some it may be a Biolab (which I also remember a lot of people complaining about), for others an Amp station sub-base, whatever. The difference is they won't be as easy to avoid and it will wear on people, and I'm not talking about a few months, I'm guessing weeks. Instead of chats on comms about how much people hate The Crown when you check the map and see a fight there while you're capping something six Hexes away, I'm anticipating hearing more "I hate having to fight through this base" , "naw, the next one is worse" during the fight at that base.

    I'm not saying there weren't other hated bases in Hex that people 'had' to play through, but I really think the psychology will be different now. We'll see... inb4...
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  12. SgtScum

    Otoh more people agree. At least no one is complaining in my outfit nor were there loads of angry /yells in chat about it either.

    We simply fought now that fighting is mandatory instead of this silly notion that 4 guys running around the map willy nilly ghost capping the fringes of the map whilst everyone hangs at the biolabs or crown farming certs was somehow both engaging gameplay and the pinnicle of strategy.

    FFS.. :rolleyes:
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  13. Hosp

    So you choose ignorance over even a sample size of proof?

    Remember, if a majority of people don't use the forums, the ones who do should be a nice proportional sample size. Say we have 100 people forums to a 1000 person game. While there could be 20 Nays and 80 Yays, that should translate to 200 and 800. Which is still a valid sign of the game as a whole. Would the numbers be exactly, could end up 300 to 700. But the sample suggests it wouldn't be off by a huge margin.

    Not doing this is putting your head in the sand.
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  14. skeeter1337

    When people say they want on a (mmo = massively multiplayer online game)3v3 or 6v6 means there pc can't handle more.
  15. maxkeiser

    Dislike of lattice has NOTHING to do with ghostcapping (which I never did anyway). Stop bringing it into the thread. And I heard plenty of dislike of the lattice in the platoon I was in - indeed, many logged off or went to another continent to get away from it.

  16. PhantomOfKrankor

    A person upset, drained by the game and thinking about quitting is less likely to check the forums, set up their forum account and make a post arguing against the lattice compared to someone whose interest in the game has been reinvigorated by lattice and plans on sticking around for a few more months. They're more likely to just log in less and less.
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  17. Macchus

    i tell you that the forum population is unequal in regards general population and your answer is that a population that doesnt represent the actual ingame population can somehow give us an even slightly accurate picture ? anything done would be so unbalanced due to what ive pointed out that your numbers would most likely be meaningless .. questioning biased info is not putting my head in the sand . its being smart .....
  18. Macchus

    Agreed the lattice wasnt to stop ghost capping ,that was something they were doing anyways . they just changed the rules a bit and made so you would have to have an adjacent territory to hack it . that is not something that the lattice changed we still had adjacencey in the hex system ......
  19. Macchus

    read my self qoute .....
  20. maxkeiser
