ULTRA wins Mattherson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LanceTR, May 23, 2013.

  1. CrimsonDaemon

    It seems like everyone here was just happy to have a good fight and a good time. Except you. Try and lighten up a little bit and just say "not bad, but we will get you next time!" There is no reason to be disrespectful.
  2. Drealgrin

    don't mistake trash talking for disrespect. TR are the number one brainless zerg faction on Mattherson. They do it very well, and there's something to admire about it ;D
  3. Scorpio

    Since when a server is just one continent? What happened with the other two continents, did the TR had control over Esamir and Amerish? Or did I missed something?

    Anyway good fights across all fronts, it has been a blast, the past few nights.
  4. Phrygen

    The only things these threads prove to me anymore is that Mattherson is the best server in planetside 2.
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  5. NoctD

    Uh - I've seen the VS zergs on Mattherson... you guys bring 10x more guys than is needed and you talk about TR's brainless zergs? I don't know, but I've never seen that sort of crazy **** zerg in TR form ghost capping a base and just waiting for the timer to finish. Almost wish the TR would do it sometimes, cause those odds are impossible to lose with... but they tend to go finding big fights instead.
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  6. Drealgrin

    LOL, They only fight fights they can overwhelm with. Vanu fights to the last man, TR fights until they lose a foot of ground then redeploys somewhere else to keep up their shallow k/d ratios ;D
  7. Strykar

    Major kudos to the TR. This is why I like fight you guys so much more than NC, I can actually expect a real challenge. :cool:

    But let's get one thing straight. An empire isn't warpgated until they have literally nothing but their warpgate. That isn't what happened tonight.
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  8. LanceTR

    ULTRA wins again. Complain more VS.
  9. CrimsonDaemon

    This is why I am really looking forward to Friday night ops. I expect the best from all the Vanu tomorrow and I shall give you the same!
  10. DonC

    Skip to 4:30

    THAT ultra alliance?

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  11. Nuggetman

    LOL you failed to remove us from skydock with the aid of the NC. You did not warpgate anything. You could not even remove us from one little hex. As soon as we left that hex after the server restart the entire map turned purple.
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  12. Drealgrin

    buzzbutt effectively neuters the entire TR faction. I'm convinced that without him and his mindless thralls the TR would actually be top faction on Mattherson like it is on the other servers.
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  13. RoyAwesome

    Wow. This is literally the first time I've seen someone calling taking 'Most' of the territory 'Winning'.
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  14. Dis

    To reach that point, the VS were significantly outnumbered at every base/outpost by the TR and NC.

    What an accomplishment.
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  15. CrimsonDaemon

    Whoever made that video must be some sort of scientist. I would have never figured out that a computer could act as a time machine and transport a grown man into the past to become his 13 year old self.
  16. DonC

    That's Johnny boy for ya!
  17. LanceTR

    We did in fact warpgate you. We controlled all territories surrounding your warpgate. If you actually paid attention we didn't even try to fight you at the Skydock, it was pointless. Too much lag and it's virtually impossible when you have an entire faction camping one base. We captured all of your other territories and claimed victory. Enjoy being warpgated every night, because it's going to keep happening.
  18. LineTrap

    Hey, whatever it takes for ULTRA members to keep their morale up. Wouldn't want them to get so discouraged that they stop logging in. Heh heh.

    I just wish someone would lift this burden of holding the most valuable continent off our shoulders. Would be nice for VS outfits to be able to focus completely on Esa/Amer alerts for a change...
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  19. Phrygen

    VS pop is a little to high for that, but at peak hours conts do fill up. You guys were at 42% most of today

    VS pull some serious zergs on mattherson. The other server VS don't know how good magrider zergs can still be.
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  20. theholeyone

    Lol, so to paraphrase 'we fought some of you on our own terms and then we'll just tell everyone we won!'

    This sort of internet smack talk is what give alliances/outfits a bad name.
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