ULTRA wins Mattherson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LanceTR, May 23, 2013.

  1. LanceTR

    ULTRA has officially won Mattherson. Night one of lattice, ULTRA successfully warpgated the NC. Night two of lattice, ULTRA successfully warpgated the VS. ULTRA is the superior fighting force on this server and dwarfs all the competition.

    That is all.
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  2. VSDerp

    *Claps hands* now time for me to log in and help my vanu on the frontlines ! going to make sure my spandex is extra tight.
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  3. LanceTR

    Don't cut off your circulation!
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  4. TekTR

    Awesome fights the last two days.
  5. VSDerp

  6. Giggily

    Yeah guys, good job getting our continent bonu- oh. Oh....
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  7. Nocturnal7x

    Who are you?
  8. Holomang

    VS never legitimately took the lock from TR in the first place.

    Stop talking about it like you earned it.
  9. SgtBreastroker

    And TR didn't legitimately cap Indar either. Don't act like you earned it.
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  10. Badgerhax

    And yet the continent is purple.
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  11. Pat Cleburne

    I don't know, Indar looked pretty red to me tonight. One would think that it would be the other way around considering your population advantage over TR and NC and the Mattherson Vanu hype.
  12. LanceTR

    Guys, this thread isn't about continent locks or how it was locked. This thread is merely stating that during primetime, with even populations, the ULTRA alliance successfully warpgated both factions, proving they are superior players.
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  13. EliteEskimo

    And thus with that true statement all the smack talking Vanu/NC appeared, talked smack, and all the TR smiled knowing they had won an epic battle against the odds, and with a population disadvantage. Glory to the Terran Republic, and Loyalty Until Death!:cool:
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  14. Cyridius

    ULTRA yet again proves its supremacy as the dominant force on Mattherson.
  15. Cl1mh4224rd

    But... not at the same time?
  16. andrewasdf

    Hooooooold on one minute. You absolutely did push VS to the brink, and well done! Multiple outfits coordinating together, wonderful!

    However, don't let your posting turn into worthless propaganda and factional idiocy. Indar was 33/33/33 for the entire night until TE tried to Galaxy crash Sacred and ended up crashing their own warpgate and subsequently ended ops.

    Please don't let your legitimate accomplishments be mired in this idiocy.
  17. Cyridius

    Yes, it makes sense that when a large TR outfit logs off, the NC population plummets.
  18. andrewasdf

    C'mon, man. It was 33 across the board for almost the entire night. Do you really need to take your legitimate accomplishments and turn them into stupid boasts? Complain about Sacred Mesa and be proud of pushing us to our warpgate, but don't boast and try to misrepresent population statistics.
  19. Cyridius

    Yup, it was straight even most of the night.
  20. Drealgrin

    The Terrible republic fails their end goal. As always.

    The Terrible Republic Mattherson relies on shallow meaningless victories that accomplish nothing to gleam whatever little pride they can to stop from losing their heart all together. lol. So bad.

    Vanu repells indar cont neutralization by holding a single territory. Digs in deep and repells the AVSA alliance.

    I wonder if poor little AVSA is even capable of defeating the Vanu?
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