[Suggestion] Stop spam the C4

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Séfurie, May 23, 2013.

  1. Séfurie

    Hi i'm here for 1 weapon the C4

    At the start of ps2 the grenade was to op and it was every time spamed on the ennemi.
    Now it's a spam of C4... I don't say nerf it, but stop spam it!

    If we lock the C4 it's a tactical explosif, but not a grenade.
    The probleme, when i play on planetside2, i see C4 every-time, every-where and used for every-thing.
    The grenade cost 75 and the C4 cost 100. Finnaly, there is not a so big difference, so a majority of players spam it.

    My idea to stop that C4 spam, is to up the price for 300 ressources.
    If the C4 is expensive, the player going to save his stock of C4, use his brain for better tactical objectif and STOP spam his c4.
    Maybe the C4 is hard for use to blew up a xam or something else, but on cobalt almost every players are equiped of C4 and i see every time kamikaz running on you, they don t look where they put his c4 and boom he blew up something or nothing...

    PS: I'm french and my english is not perfect, but i'm glad if you understand what i mean!
  2. Slev

    God no... I rarely see c4 bricks. Honestly, if you make it 300 resources, it means I get 2 bricks every 20 minutes. You're telling me I need to spend all my bricks to almost kill a sundie? You've got to be kidding me. Tell you what, they can cost 300, if they also one hit a sundie.
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  3. Dis

    Stop spamming your dual hacksaws, I'll stop with the C-4. Deal?
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  4. theholeyone

    C4 is nicely balanced TBH. OHKing maxes an infantry are fine as they can be revived, and the infantry has to get very close to use it (or very sneakily high above). Either of which is soft counterable. If you see too much C4, chances are you play too much max and don't use the Aegis sheild which apparently mitigates a lot of the C4 damage.
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  5. phreec

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  6. LibertyRevolution

    Grenades require 0 cert investment, carrying 2 blocks of C4 cost 700certs..
    And for that 100 resources per block, if you kill the guy who threw it, it goes poof...

    OP is a max player is mad that C4 can kill him..
    I feel no sympathy for anyone with an NC max as their avatar.
    You have 6 shotguns on your arms and you couldn't kill the squishy that is tossing C4.. l2p.
  7. HellasVagabond

    Sure it is....2 C4 bricks currently do 140% total damage on MBTs.....Completely balanced and not in need of a nerf.....
    (And the toothfairy is real).
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  8. Séfurie

    Seriously, if i write that, it's not because they use a c4 on xam, I write that because players abuse with the c4 to kill every thing it's limite c4 trolling!

    In a fight on vanus i see every time light assault trolling spaming her c4 to try to kill something, there is no tactic in that, it's not fairplay it's not funny to be blew up for every thing

    Go in cobalt you going to be surprised!

    you understand?
  9. DoubleTake

    I think C4 gives too much AV power to one single person. You can instantly destroy MBTs, slightly damaged Sunderers and MAXes. Even without balancing in mind, it's just not fun to have an entire battle end because one guy flew over the rock with a jetpack, slapped a couple of bricks on your Sunderers and blew it up without anyone really being able to do anything about it. Yes, he could've pulled a tank, but at least people would be able to see a tank coming and have a chance to destroy it and if they do, it'd take that guy at least 6 minutes before he's back with another tank. A C4 suicide bomber doesn't lose anything unless he dies during those seconds between tossing the bricks and detonating them.

    Hell, I think the game would've been better off without C4 from the beginning. They could've improved Infantry rocket damage against Sunderers instead and made the HA the go-to class for AV like it's supposed to be. Or they can at least nerf the thing, make it only viable against infantry and MAXes instead everything on the ground.
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  10. theholeyone

    Do you make a habit of letting infantry that you can OHK get close enough to you tank, and leave them alive long enough to place 2 bricks and detonate them?

    I smashed a prowler who had just deployed last night with 2 medic delivered bricks. Was hilarious fun, but took a lot of doing to get close enough, and some very poor situational awareness on the part of the prowler driver.
  11. theholeyone

    Again, why do you let them get close enough? Why do you only have one sunderer for an entire battle?

    And to address the inevitable 'well we didn't want them to get so close but they just came out of nowhere' response, try not parking so close to nowhere next time!
  12. HellasVagabond

    It's not really hard to get behind an MBT....Using an ATV you can do that in no time, same with a harasser. And then we have flyboys who jump out of burning ESFs, place 2 bricks and boom.....
    PS2 mechanics can be abused so easily that there are countless of ways for people to use C4 (much like strapping them to ATVs, switching to infiltrator, cloak the ATV and throw it on an MBT.....
    It needs to make LESS damage to MBTs.
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  13. Bill Hicks

    C-4 is one of the really fun things in this game. I love use the chaos of battle to jump off the railing in a tower and lay one stick of c-4 next the bright glow of 9999 engineers repairing 9999 maxes in one tight area and getting 10 certs for 100 resource.
  14. Bill Hicks

    Where are you buddies? I kill plenty of LAs trying to lay some clay on my baybay.
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  15. theholeyone

    ATV rider can be gunned down by infantry pretty easily, and MBTs even easier. ESF pilots, well, the burning wreckage of an ESF should give you some warning there might be a pilot around, who can also get gunned down by infantry.

    It seems to me that unsupported vehicles should be open to suicide attacks. Its a valid tactic to stop vehicle spam overrunning a base which cost significant resources too I might add. Why is it so hard in a combined arms game, to get some support for vehicles?
  16. Afifikas

    First, they cried about the AT mines being abused as demo-charges on sundies.

    SOE responded by making it large pizza slices which everyone who is not blind can see, laugh and shoot it up. Even if its a friendly mine stack. Also, the mines now float.

    Now, they are coming for the C4 crying that C4 is being used by demopacks. Have fun. SOE will probably make the damn things so damn big and shiny with all sorts of flashing lights.
  17. FigM

    the HA missile spam is 1000 times worse than the C4 problem. And HA missiles don't even cost resources
    same for AV MANA turrets

    It's laughable to complain about C4 while those problems remain
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  18. Séfurie


    there is best exemple for the c4 used for every thing in this video
  19. Chazt

    C4 is the only way that the massive amounts of vehicles in this game can stay balanced. I swear everytime some sort of vehicle counter makes itself apparent everyone in vehicles or maxes complains that "oh this is ruining my fun it is too easy for them to kill me" but they have no problems killing 40 guys who have with no method of countering the 8 mosquito's with rocket pods or 20 tanks camping a spawn room. C4 is the only thing that makes AV possible with infantry and is the only way a solo infantry unit can contribute to the team. Face it, the majority of rocket launchers suck when used singularly, it can take 3-4 shots to kill a vehicles and more so depending on the level of armor certs that they have. With this in mind it is nearly impossible for an infantry unit (even a heavy, which is made for AV) to kill something like a sundy or MBT with what they have available simply because
    A: They will be spotted and killed before they can get a 3rd shot off
    B: The vehicle in question may do something drastic like, I don't know, move.
    C: Get repaired constantly, making the attackers efforts in vain
    D: Depending on the level of armor it is entirely possible to not kill a vehicle having spent everything on it (you will get pretty damn close though) unless you hit it in the back with every shot.

    With the game like this infantry need some way to counter vehicles, it doesn't have to be an op heavy counter, but a counter nonetheless. I think C4, a weapon which has to be used in close proximity to a vehicle (already a challenge for slower classes like the HA which is usually needed for a rocket shot after the c4 is detonated regardless), costs resources, can be destroyed or gotten rid of by killing the placer, and needs an upfront payment of 700 certs just to acquire them is more than enough balance to counter its Anti-vehicle potential.

    Tl;dr: Get over it :D

    Being used as a method of killing heavily armored targets like a max suit and vehicles? Yeah that is what is is meant to be used for. Sure it can kill infantry units well too but that is only in the scenario that there is a bunch of infantry units packed into a small area, not moving and don't notice the guy throwing it, which rarely ever happens. You are aware that the most C4 any infantry unit can carry at one point is two right?
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  20. applepienation

    1. They are a pretty damn large Cert investment, 200 for one block, 700 for two.
    2. They cost 100 infantry resources.
    3. Arm time. Kill the person who dropped it before it goes splodey, all those resources are gone.
    4. They have a large risk/reward to actually get the damn thing on target.
    5. They aren't nukes.
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