GU09 and Connery/Helios Merge this week

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ultimatestormer, May 20, 2013.

  1. Ultimatestormer

    Unfortunate that they posted his on Twitter before these forums. Just wanted to let the community know.
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  2. RHINO_Mk.II

    Someone make a TwitterSide2 logo please, I'm too lazy.
  3. Lacrimosa

  4. Peacemaker12

    My body is ready.
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  5. vaxx

    So TR Helios will get the pop increase it needs. VS Connery will get pop increase it needs. And NC on both servers will get another heap of more NC pop it doesn't need.

    This is a dumb way merge. Look what happened to Waterson/Jaeger.

    I have a feeling this wont solve anything.
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  6. Flashtirade

    Every day gets us a little closer to triple cont locking for the NC.
  7. TheJosephChrist

    Is there any list of what's including in GU09?
  8. MilitiaMan

    Sweet sweet cannon fodder!

    If everything snafu said is true, it will be glorious!
  9. Dr.Destro229

    I might be NC but I might make a TR/VS char after the merge I need a change from Mattherson
  10. Blarg20011

    Ha, you mean like the critically under popped TR on Helios did a couple days ago?
  11. Cl1mh4224rd

    Not yet. Patch notes might be out later tomorrow if the update makes it on Wednesday.
  12. Puppy

    TR? Underpopped? This'll be extremely new to my VS Connery brain.
  13. Blarg20011

    Yes, on Helios TR has the lowest pop consistently, with VS next and NC taking the lead (as always.)
  14. Pikachu

    On friday I bet. I'm very curious what balance changes they have done. Have they listened to our complaints about battle rifles and MAX AV weapons? Or will they add an NS smg and sniper rifle.
  15. ShiningArmour

    We TR of Helios know your pain my spandex wearing comrade.
  16. Zar

    yeah well get ready to feel it again lol with all the nc pop you are bringing with you god only knows how badly imbalanced the pop will be now. hope i am wrong but if i see 50 nc pop vs 25 tr and vs pop at prime time, i think ill take a break lol. for the record this is not a doom and gloom post this is a, i am concerned about having one big imbalanced server over one imbalanced server / one kinda under poped server. if i am wrong great hope we have battles that are massive.
  17. xThundergodx

    That aint happening at least not on prime time, contrary to all the propaganda during prime time and on weekends the population is relatively balanced, it aint perfect but it is far from being overwhelming as people claim. In fact in quite a few occasions during prime time i saw VS actually get the highest pop (mind you it was during 3x% pop for all 3 factions and VS comming ahead by a 1-2% but it still happens). The time things are really troublesome for the other factions on Helios is from around midnight till 1-2pm at those specially early in the morning it isnt unusual to see NC sitting on a 50% world pop due to the chinese outfits flooding in while most of the player base is either sleeping or working.
  18. HMR85

    Well that 50% NC pop is about to be in for a rude awakening when the 50% Chinese pop for TR says hello come early hours of the morning. The Japanese VS pop usually hovers around 30% early hours of the morning also for Connery. It sounds like the NC Chinese players are going to have their hands full.
  19. ShiningArmour

    Well that is nice to hear! I guess the Chinese NC will have more stuff to do in the early/late hours!
  20. BalogDerStout

    I can't see this being a good thing.