No matters if SOE work on battleflow Hossin was suposed to be out in May ? So what happen ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, May 17, 2013.

  1. Stew360

    I would like to know if it the battleflow work was just a excuse to not deliver hossin in may ?

    I know that this game need to have a true battleflow revamp but still , Why SOE havent show a prototype ? a screen shot or a video of Hossin already ?

    the continent was suposed to be fully release in may so they should have, like facility prototype the art team should have made some environement already that we can see ?

    I would really like to see in game hossin screen shot or video and i dont get why they do not show it to us already ...
  2. MasonSTL

    Remember that they changed the scheduled date on the roadmap to "unscheduled" because SOE found that the Lattice system is more important. They stopped production on it because they want to get the lattice right and probably had to change a lot of the layout.

    From what I've seen on Indar via the PTS Indar went under a huge revamp, let alone the changes that have to be done on Amerish and Esamir, so yeah I can see why its taking so long. Stew it's pretty simple and not some kind of conspiracy.
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  3. Jrv

    Oh boy, Stew post.

    Getting popcorn.
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  4. Tommyp2006

    more like, must be time to go to bed.
  5. Stew360

    this is exactly what iam reffering to

    They change it , not so long ago so that mean that hossin was already partially finish , i do not get why they havent show anything at all already

    Iam asking if they use the battleflow as a excuse to not been able to deliver hossin in may ? or is it really because they have map designer only working and focusing on indar outpost remapping ?

    I doubt tramel work on redesign the zurvan outpost rigth ?

    So i would like to see where are the interlink facility , also where is hossin how it look like we are in may they are suposed to have stuff pretty much almost ready at least for the environements , plants , rocks , etc...

    So why not showing us ? marketing ? hype ? i dont know but i really want to see a new continent already
  6. Kapernum

    Sometimes in life.. you don't always get what you want, whenever you want.
  7. SgtBreastroker

    It is still May bro.
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  8. MasonSTL

    what do you mean by this? Tremendous work on Zervan amp?
    If that's what you mean than no they are working on more, waaaaaaay more. From what I saw almost every base is being redesigned and some bases where removed completely. Roads where changed for example the road that goes from Highlands Checkpoint and Quarts Ridge was removed and is now rerouted next to Indar comms. The base between Hvar and Andvari has been roved along with the road between them. And those are just two examples of a lot more changes that have been made. But to tell you the truth I really don't know why they haven't given use any screen shots at least. But I'm not too concerned about it.

    EDIT: Going on the PTS for some shots of the new layout of Indar. And there is a 1,700 Mb download maybe the answer you are looking for Stew!
  9. MasonSTL

    Nope. Just some new helmets and map changes.
  10. Nogrim313

    even an FNO content session wink wink, nudge nudge just giving us an idea of what the combat on a swamp world is going to look like. im hoping for some rivers so our magriders actually get to use their supposed main feature in a place where it matters
  11. ArcKnight

    yeah but we still deserve a preview even its a terrible one
  12. RoMoronik666

    One time I went to a restaurant and had to wait for my table. True story.
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  13. Turkeys!

    Is there anything you don't ***** about incomprehensibly?
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  14. Torok

    It‘s not the excuse, it‘s the main reason for its delay, it‘s gonna be epic <3
    man i‘m so excited for the upcoming update next week, hossin can wait,
    and btw i want searhus more than Hossin :D
  15. Crashsplash

    You know TRay is art director and that's not the same thing as level design?
  16. Grotpar

    I feel like they should make a Stew tag, kind of like the SOE tag.

    It would be applied to every thread Stew makes. I think he deserves that kind of recognition.

    His name should also appear in Blue, this will make it easier for us to see what Stew posted.
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  17. Stew360

    Ive been playing and running around the test servers i know everything that going on there

    Tramel isaac is a senior art director lol he do not make level design

    he make arts

    So the arts of hossin is (( maybe not finish yet ))

    Or its finish and not put toghuether

    I doubt that tramel as been involve a lots in the outpost change etc.. they did those change with , already prexisting respawn room and piece sets

    All that is like (( lego )) and its a map designer job i think ...

    Anyway i remain curious about why they did not show a single screen shot yet of hossin ....

    Also in the test servers you have (( WARP TO HOSSIN )) thats make me even more curious about why we havent seen anything yet
  18. Stew360

    yeah Searhus could be epic if done well , i hope theyll reproduce and improove many aspect of it
  19. Liquid23

    they said repeatedly in interviews that they never stopped working on Hossin... they are just waiting before finalizing things because of the other large changes they are working on... no point in finishing it only to have to change everything again before it can release
  20. CrimsonDaemon

    From what it looks like, they are only putting the lattice system for Indar at first. Assuming this is true, they are probably going for a slow transition into the new system for each continent. Once they feel out how it works live with a full server, they can adjust to compensate for unforseen items and feedback, which may result in its removal for all we know. I am not too particularly bothered by the fact we havent seen much of Hossin yet. There is still a lot of work for them to finish what they have and its a good idea for the "quality of life" updates that Higgles mentioned after GU9 so there is a lot on their plate.