Please remove the 10k cert cap.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by illgot, May 16, 2013.

  1. Zan_Aus

    Yeah but you could combine that with a el cheapo script that takes a few additional actions each day (eg passively sitting a character at several base captures a day or auto-destroying/repairing gens at some random amp plant. You'd very quickly have a character with 20-30k certs if left unattended.

    Any "grindable" MMO is susceptible to this sort of thing and while it may not seem worth it to us there's a whole market out there for it.
  2. illgot

    the only safe place to run a script in PS2 is either under the world using a hack or at the Warpgate. Any other place and you will quickly be destroyed by an enemy or friendly that has noticed all you are doing is macroing.

    The 10k limit has no real use. If someone is steadily gaining 1000 certs every day then the devs can look into it, but if a person is just logging in to get the 48 certs every day, what's the issue, are they not smart enough to tell the difference?
  3. siiix

    actually this is not a 1st world problem but a problem only at least somewhat wealthy players have

    but that's irrelevant, because this forum is for game related issues

    no matter where you live if you cant pay rent or are hungry that has nothing to do with the game , there are plenty of rich kids in the 3rd world as well, not to mention the developing world

    and besides this is a free2play game.. it attacks rich people like a magnet.. only in free2play games can you spend significant amount of cash, even if this is probably the cheapest free2play game i have ever seen
  4. Primarkka

    The supposed carrying force of an FPS is meant to be the gameplay. We'll see how that turns out if the TTK is not raised.
  5. Vashyo

    Reading at your posts, your biggest issue is that you want to save certs for possible future items and class skills? I doubt SOE will suddenly add something for a class that requires 10,000k to upgrade immediately and you will keep getting more certs fast anyway.
    all the new vehicles they will add can only have max ONE cert tree in use at a time so, you could just max the ones you feel are the best and then play and get more certs to unlock the other trees if you feel like it.

    Unless you've maxed every single thing and bought every single gun I don't see how this can be such a problem, I can understand your concern for future inconvenience in not gaining the things u want immediately. but I feel you are going a bit overboard. If the cap was set lower I would fully agree with you, but as it stands I find 10k plenty for anything. Just keep doing some micro-purchases (100-200 certs) daily even if you never get all the use out of them.
  6. Total_Overkill

    illgot, just how many certs DO you have?
    I mean, your character by itself hasnt even earned 7,000 certs since its creation, so how many did you get from the refund?
    20,000? 50,000?
  7. illgot

    I got about 8k certs on my three mains from common pool items I purchased duplicates of months ago (mostly camo and a few vehicle weapon duplicates). My three alts I keep parked in the VR only have 1500 or so certs from logging in every day since I created them (a month ago). This stacked onto my 2-3k certs I just didn't see a need to spend at the time pushed me over 10k when the refund went through.

    With 200% experience bonus running at all times you can easily reach a few hundred certs even as bad as I am at shooters (and I am really bad at shooters). Imagine an average or even great player with a constant 200% experience bonus. 10k certs will be an easy goal over the course of a couple of months.

    I have 3 mains, one of each faction, and 3 alts, one of each faction I leave in the VR to test weapons before I purchase.

    I play irregularly, sometimes manically for a few days when I have off, other times I'll go 2 weeks not really playing, just logging on and purchasing the odd item on sale.

    With the cap on and my membership soon to end, I'll not even have a need to log on every day or even be bothered to check the sales to spend cash on this game.
  8. NovaAustralis

    Any chance of changing the "10000" to "99999"?
    Shouldn't be too hard...
  9. IronWarrior

    Most likely they won't really change the cap because if they made it higher or even unlimited, players would just horde certs to allow themselves to buy any new weapon as they are released.
  10. Regeta777

    What's wrong with that?
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  11. illgot

    I suppose those few people that earn thousands of certs without spending a dime on subscriptions or boosts are valued more than players that drop 125 dollars on a six month subscription and a Heroic Boost (or more for weekly boosts), plus spend about 500 dollars more on SOE points.

    People with money and people that spend their money are not using certs to unlock weapons. We are spending 1.25 cents, or 2.50 cents, or god forbid, 7 dollars on account wide weapons and saving our certs for weapon upgrades, vehicle upgrades, and class upgrades.

    I am not saving my certs so I can waste them on weapons that cost less than a trip to McDonalds. I am saving them for things I can not unlock with cash. I am saving them for upgrading everything I purchase for a few dollars.

    I want to save my certs so that anything that looks interesting I can buy and then fully cert out and use. That is why I bought a subscription and boosts. Not so I can cap my gain at 10k then keep buying flashlights for every weapon I purchase.
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  12. }{ellKnight

    Are you actually asking that... really? Certs don't give money to SoE, SC does :p

    If you could hoard certs then what's the point of buying stuff with SC?

    @ illgot
    Spend some of them, with a 200% boost and the passive cert gain you'll be able to get them back in no time if needed. Pimp out your other classes, try different play styles, it can be quite fun.
  13. illgot

    If a person drops a few hundred dollars on a game, do you think they are going to waste their certs purchasing a weapon they can buy cheaper than a sandwich at McDonalds?

    No, they are going to buy the weapon for a dollar or two, maybe 7 if they spend all their double or triple points, then fully upgrade it using the certs they save.
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  14. }{ellKnight

    With the boosts you have you can spend them and earn them back in no time. The problem isn't SOE's cert cap, the issue is you refuse to spend them even though you can easily get them back.
  15. Stew360

    Spend a few 500 to 1000 K certs once in a while in your classes etc.. and youll be good to bank 10K certs all the time as well as boot up your classes abilitys and weapons vehicules ?

    Serisouly iam battlerank 70 and i had tons of certs and never bank more than 3000 so yeah lol
  16. illgot

    True, that is part of my issue, along with the fact that the 2 classes I play, I don't need to upgrade anything else. I also upgraded the one vehicle I actually use (flash) as much as I need.

    Why should I be forced to spend the certs on things I do not want or intend to ever use?

    I hope when the recert items come in the cash shop they allow you to recert your whole account and only refund up to the cap of 10k. The rest of the certs get flushed down the toilet. Considering they don't mention the 24 hour cut off or 10k cap anywhere on the subscription or boosts page, I wouldn't be shocked if they pulled this so people would be forced to keep subscribing and buying boosts.

    I play 2 classes. Engineer and Infiltrator. I mess around with Max and LA but really don't like those classes, they don't fit my style and have already sunk a few thousand certs in both.

    I also sunk a few thousand certs in 2 ESFs, 2 Sunderers, 1 MBT, and 3 Flash. The Flash are the only vehicle I actually enjoy because it synergizes with my Infiltrator and Engineer.

    I don't need to currently upgrade the 2 classes and 1 vehicle I really enjoy anymore. I was just going to save my certs until the new changes to the Infiltrators comes along or a new vehicle shows up that will be more fun than the Flash. Then I can buy what ever I needed off the cash shop and immediately upgrade it using my certs.

    Why should anyone who doesn't need to spend their certs "just toss it on anything so you can earn more certs"?
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  17. Regeta777

    I wanted to bold that because that is the crux of the argument. There is no point in wasting your certs on bullcrap you wont use just to avoid an arbitrary cap that was hidden away and has no given purpose.
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  18. }{ellKnight

    This will probably sound like me telling you how to play and enjoy the game so apologies for that but do try to flesh out your other classes as well. You gain a lot by being versatile especially when you start rolling with an outfit, this isn't PS1, you gain a lot by spreading out after you have your main class(es) certed and trying to get all your classes and vehicles at a decent level.
  19. The King

    As we all know, you can never play a character and get to the cert cap limit just by logging in and out each day. They don't want people to hoard 100k+ certs and when they decide to change a faction, they can get pretty much get everything ever needed for all 6 characters.

    The cap is reasonable and I am glad it is there.
  20. illgot

    I have spent thousands of certs in the Medic, the Max, the Light Assault, the Sunderer, the Magrider, the Sythe, the Mossie.

    I don't really enjoy any of those classes or vehicles. I have a completely outfitted Liberator (not many certs spent, just bought all the weapons on the cash shop) hate it.

    The only class I haven't wasted certs on is the Heavy Assault, because it is no where near my playstyle, head on full charge go and die.

    The only 2 classes I enjoy is the Engineer and Infiltrator. Engineer for defense, Infiltrator for sniping and general offense.

    The only vehicle I enjoy is the Flash.

    Across all 3 factions I have the Engineer and Infiltrator pretty well fleshed out. I also have the Flash as fleshed out on all 3 factions as I am going to take it.

    I do not need to spend thousands more on each of the classes and vehicles to know they are not my style.

    I'll see you guys in about 4 months when you start hitting your cap and really have nothing of interest to spend your certs on. Maybe then I'll just start telling you to keep spending your certs on FlashLights just so you can keep earning certs as you play.