Please remove the 10k cert cap.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by illgot, May 16, 2013.

  1. St0mpy

    my god what are you going on about, no sense = no sense? you speak as if ive never spend a bare penny on the game myself, and why do I even care what you want? this is a thread about the cert cap not things you want from your membership or how you choose to spend your certs :D

    if the OP cant be bothered to click a few buttons to remove a k or two into some skills or vehicles then why does it matter if its 10k or 100k, unspent/unused is still unspent/unused, you make no sense in anything so far, so is the world round or not?
  2. LT_Latency

    No i said, I don't need to buy boosts or guns because Getting things faster is going to end up being a waste of money as when I cap out after getting everything which means they make less money off me.

    It's best to get peoples money as fast as possible in video games, New games could come up and they player could be gone.
  3. LT_Latency

  4. Regeta777

    I agree with the OP, and it wouldn't be hard for SOE to fix (change 10000 to 1000000, literally add 2 0's), but there is a possibility that they put that at 10k for some reason that they haven't said.
    Supposedly this company listens to it's players and takes their feedback into account, so make sure your suggestion gets to the right person, illgot, and I bet they will fix it.
  5. The_Shruberer


    I suppose if you have no job/school/girlfriend/family/responsibilities, sure.
    550 certs/day is 137,500 xp, which is roughly 6 hours of no-slacking gameplay (which is almost a full-time job)

    I average 90 certs a day...
  6. Laraso

    I became a member for priority log-in cues, and I bought a heroic boost for 6 months of 50%+ resources. The extra XP is nice, but it doesn't affect gameplay.

    Honestly, your reasons for wanting to cancel your membership are ridiculous. It's similar to suing a fast food resteraunt because they put pickles on your burger.
  7. RF404

    Daily certs are acquired even if you have over 10 000 certs.
    You can't earn more certs through xp gain once you reach 10k, but the OPs argument was that it was limiting the use of his subscription... which it actually isn't.

  8. Total_Overkill

    Lets be honest here... the OP actually macro farms all day long and would like to come home from school every day to a nice stack of 30,000 certs instead of the meager 10,000 he receives now.
  9. stonemap

    I am unable to find a player profile under the OPs forum handle.

    Kinda fishy........

    Lets see that killboard OP.
  10. vulkkan

    Illgot returns from a hard day at the biolab. Despite his incredible playing, not one of his actions earned him a single cert point as he refused to spend a single cert from his 10K reserves. While other players practically drool and beg for 10000 certs, Illgot pouts and stares angrily at the cert screen. He screams and throws his pet white tiger across his gold plated palace, cursing the ridiculous limits on the rich. His old Ferrari is falling apart, but despite earning more than 28471946 million dollars a year, he refuses to replace it or fix it, due to his stubborn beliefs that the Ferrari dealership is run by a bunch of capitalistic moronic members of the mafia, who will inevitably switch out his Ferrari with a Ford Pinto, at least to his beliefs. Instead, Illgot sits at home and rages at how he cant spend a single cert because they'll get nerfed! Even the flashlights!
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  11. Aristel25!/5428013610474329841/stats

    This is you OP isn't it, because if it IS actually you, either you're lying and you're NOT a paying customer (52 score a minute Average? Not with a Sub and 6 month boost as you claim) Or if you are you're one of those guys who Macro farms all day long to increase his xp/Cert gain while he's not home. Either way something smells fishy.
  12. Luperza Community Manager

    We had to add a cap and 10k was what the development team decided on. For now that's what it'll be, unless they decide to change it for some reason. :)
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  13. Jomar

  14. Nocturnal7x

    What was the explanation the dev team gave/has?
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  15. theholeyone

    Probably something to do with balance as they bring new changes out. Like guns, vehicles, 10k is pretty much guaranteed to cert up one vehicle, or buy multiple guns. So in any single release you're good to go, but stop playing for a few major game updates and you won't be able to cert out everything that has came up. Which seems fair enough.
    Also, if they ever bring in other options like cert gifting, or certs payable for cosmetic items, a hoarded amount of certs has the potential to cause large inflation or other issues.

    I think the 10k seems pretty fair due to such reasons.
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  16. Nocturnal7x

    I know there are potential reasons, id like to know the official reason though.
  17. theholeyone

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  18. illgot

    try looking up my character illgot and tell me if being in the 20-30s means I'm macroing 30k certs.

    I have a lot of disposable income for games I enjoy. I will invest in games if my purchases hold their value. So far in APB Reloaded I have spent close to 3,000 dollars in the last 2 years. In PS2 I have spent nearly 500 dollars and would have spent more but there is not a lot of customization options I enjoy.

    I support games that I enjoy, and stop supporting games which I perceive as having less value. Having a 10k cert cap greatly reduces the value of my Heroic and and six month subscription. I am never low on resources and sitting in queue does not bother me on Mattherson because I play all 3 factions and always jump to the lowest populated faction for more of a challenge.

    I am not going to keep leveling my character and earning zero certs because I hit a cap which serves no purpose.

    If you think limiting the amount of certs is a fair exchange to stop people from saving up and instantly investing all their certification points in a new vehicle or unit... that makes no sense. Do the devs care about creating a hard balance between veteran and new player? Had anything the devs done stated they want people to play at the same level? Nothing the devs have stated says they want everyone to fight on the same level playing field. I do not see new players being given upgraded weapons and vehicles because they are facing veterans with six months of experience and upgrades.

    that is me (one of my six characters), I usually play a sniper and sit around doing head shots. Lately I've been tossing around with my TR Max. I'm not a great player, never stated I was. But I enjoy the time I play.

    It is sad the developers want to stick with a 10k limit. It will be the reason I will not renew my membership or purchase anymore boosts. Once there is no reason for me to log in every day and gain my 48 certs (on my six characters) I will probably stop spending money on the game for months at a time and just check the forums for updates.
  19. Primarkka

    But all Higby & co. has been saying, is that the weapons are just sidegrades and 10-year-veterans should have a marginal (20% at max) advantage to the newest of a player.
    Obviously all that they're DOING is what you're describing.
    You do realize having 10 players who don't pay anything is a more valuable resource for an MMO, than having one guy who pays 500€?
  20. illgot

    sad but that's what I am starting to think the devs have in their mind. If this game had a lot more customization options and allowed us to use multiple customizations on our vehicles, I would have dropped double that easily by now. I'm a sucker for pretty things, don't really care about weapons as much because they are constantly changing, but love customizing my characters and vehicles.

    Oh well, maybe in another six months once a lot more players hit the cap and start realizing they are paying for nothing, the developers will notice a quick drop off in membership and boost sales.