I just realized something, assault rifles are basically the best weapons!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FPSnoob, May 15, 2013.

  1. FPSnoob

    Just looked through the stats sheet and I realized that ars have basically the best parts of all the guns!

    Fast carbine reload, smg level recoils, and lmg damage drop off (welL for some)

    Wth? They are basically just smgs that can be used at ranged

    I think I will be giving medic class another try :p
  2. Sen7ryGun84

    Grats lol. Gonna play more medic now?

    The NS11A is one of my favourite weapons in the game. Its deadly accurate, great reload speed, great projectile speed and reminds me of the G3A3 assault rifle (as made famous by a crap ton of other shooters over the years).
  3. Kupcake

    Not big news, but I'm glad you've come over to the cult of the medic. Great damage, great accuracy. Only thing the LMG's have on them is magazine capacity, but with the fast reloads of some AR's, not a big issue.

    There are actually tons of HA players who would rather use assault rifles, if they had the choice.
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  4. Badname3073

    Hipfire cones are not too impressive though
  5. Fenrisk

    The funny thing is Medic is the least played class. Strange when you consider they are required for a strong squad set up.

    I find that Infiltrators and LA's are only useful in niche situations that last 2 mins and are not useful enough to be one as a constant in any squad. Unless of course your a solo player wanting to farm kills but not do anything useful = significant amount of players.

    Infiltrator game play = Switch class / hack terminal /switch back.
    LA game play = Switch class / fly to sunderer or ScatMax / C4 / switch back. Although LA's are great for hiding beacons :p then you switch back of course!

    I think Infiltrators and LA's need a tactical reason or role in a squad that encourages players to stay on that class even after they hacked the terminal or run out of C4 or placed that beacon.
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  6. Alarox

    The main advantage that carbines/assault-rifles have over LMGs are initial CoF.

    LMGs start with about 25-100% more CoF in the most common firing positions, depending on the weapons being compared.

    Stand ADS move and stand hip-fire move are basically the two most common firing stances in battle.

    LMGs generally have 25% more CoF for stand ADS move and 100% more for stand hip-fire move.

  7. Kupcake

    True. But you've usually got an incredible CQB AR choice, too.

    The Viper for VS is really good. 800 RoF, carbine hip CoF's.
  8. Bill Hicks

    Gauss Rifle > all other ARs
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  9. RHINO_Mk.II

    Pity the NC RoF assault rifle has neither the 10 extra rounds TR get nor the .75 movement ADS multiplier of Vanu.
  10. WalrusJones

    The SABR has a hipfire worthy of clapping at, as does the TAR, Carnage BR, and a few others on the VS side.
  11. phreec

    Welcome to the secret cult of zombie masters. Grab some refreshments from the table over there and upgrade your healing tool to maximum rank as soon as possible. Everyone will thank you for it, including yourself.

    We've got two .75 AR's, both high RoF.

    I don't know about the TR arsenal but for NC the NS-11A is a downgrade from the Gauss Rifle. It has good accuracy but lacks the punch for range and for CQC it doesn't really have the RoF. It's a terrible gun in my eyes...

    It's basically a G3A3 without the 7.62×51mm ammo. Closest I've come to a G3A3 is the Reaper DMR for NC Medic. It has the 20rd mag and everything, too bad it sucks though.
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  12. FPSnoob

    Trs have 40 magazine capacity
    With extended mags... My god

    I think I usually overlook medic because I always see a crap ton of really bad ones around
    Either trying to revive when the enemy is in their face or skipping over people

    I guess I can just look at medic as having constant med pacs with reviving being a bonus
  13. Fenrisk

    The SARB is the best semi-auto TR weapon for long range combat by a fair margin. It's the only weapon worth using other then a sniper rifle if you want to shoot enemies at a reasonable range.

    I consider it to be the only weapon in its class that got it right for once in terms of TR weapons.

    Not on the SARB. 30 round mag but its great regardless.
  14. Badname3073

    Well, I does look like ARs are somewhat better than other weapons at medium ranges. But, what else would you possible give to a medic? The medic is a class which does not have any battle abilities whatsoever, it does not have a shield, a cloak, a jetpack, or a turret. The medic's arsenal of offensive abilities is quite lacking. So, it has to be compensated somehow, thus medics get ARs. I think it is fair.
  15. Badname3073

    TR's TAR gets 800 rpm, 0.75x ADS multiplier, and 40 ammo magazine all in one package :D
  16. WalrusJones

    The SABR also suffers from virtually no bloom, has a good hipfire (And if you are going to semi auto it at range, there is no reason to equip the grip.....) that is even better due to the fact that it doesn't really bloom, and the fact that the gun basically compensates for its own recoil in most combat situations.
  17. Fenrisk

    ROF, COF ADS MAG size don't mean a whole lot in this game since shotguns were released.

    Now its all about finding that one weapon in each category that's great outside of shotgun range with low damage drop off and the least amount of recoil possible.
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  18. vaxx

    I have been wanting LA's and HA's to have access to AR's for a long time.
  19. Fenrisk

    If LA's and HA's had the SARB i would cry tears of joy!
  20. gudman591

    Yup. Laser accurate, very low recoil, non-existent ADS CoF. First two bullets may miss the target, but after that half the mag can be put dead on. Ideal mid-range weapon, slap 4x scope on it and kill poor TR who can't fight back.