Get. Out. Of. THE $!#% SPAWN ROOM.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AtroposZero, May 2, 2013.

  1. AtroposZero

    Every outfit leader should make this required watching for every one of their new recruits. Teach your boys to fight, to die, to win. I'm tired of watching a cluster of nancies huddle behind shields, too afraid to go out and try to win back that next inch.

    God, that clip is so good it gives me the chills.
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  2. LonelyTerran

    I blame Garbage base design and morons standing in front of 1-way shields.
    Their are several options
    2.Get several engies to place sundies all over the base to counterattack
    3. Trying a push from a spawnroom usually ends in your side feeding certs to the spawncamping team.(I abhor feeding certs to a spawncamping team)
    4. Farm certs from the spawnroom because leaving will result in insta-death from every angle.
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  3. Jrv

    Even in bases with tunnels, ONLY ORGANIZED OUTFITS use the tunnels. It's SO MUCH BETTER to use the tunnel when a tech plant or amp station is overrun, but everyone just stands next to the door. Meanwhile, people taking the tunnels are catching enemies off guard and getting flanking runs.
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  4. FateJH

    5. Design better bases.
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  5. NoctD

    Who cares about winning back that next inch - sometimes you just inflict losses on the enemy and make them pay the price for that next inch they want so badly.

    Stop feeding your enemy and being a lemming. Play smart. The time to leave the spawn room is when the big fat zerg comes to your rescue, not when you're outnumbered 10 to 1. If not, use guerrilla tactics!
  6. ent|ty

    Hmm let me see.
    Let's leave the spawn room and get blindsided by 16 players farming the spawn for certs.


    turn the tables around, farm the enemies stupid enough to be seen from the spawn room, and make myself a couple thousand XP, then /suicide when the room flips to deny them any menace points.

    I know what I'm doing until I get options for defense.
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  7. FA18

    >put spawn buildings inside another building (building-ception)

    >add multiple exit hallways ( 3 or 4 )

    Problem solved, public players are to lazy to camp multiple exits unless it's by an objective.

    Only an organized outfit would take the time to try and deny spawn exits.
  8. Liberty's-Call

    I completely agree. I feel like this is a relatively new phenomenon too. No one used camp the spawn room until the base was truly lost. I swear as of just a month or so ago this was not a problem, but now it's rampant.

    People give up immediately and just hide in the spawn room. And not just small groups. LAGRE groups of players, 20+, just hold up in the spawn room and hope for a few free kills.

    Players used to fight till the base was undoubtedly lost; and even then some. Just today I had a decent size group of enemies camp their spawn in s small base. We had just arrived and had barely begun to cap the point.
  9. HLM

    I'm just wondering why there has been a sudden influx of these threads suddenly.

    Don't get me wrong, so-called team mates hiding in spawn piss me off to no end, but this has been going on since spawn rooms existed.
  10. AtroposZero

    This is what bothers me. I don't expect anyone to leave if the base is truly lost and you're outnumbered 8:1. That's silly. What concerns me though is the people who sit in a biolab spawn room as soon as the generator flips and the SCU is threatened. With the sheer number of defenders around, you could go re-secure those areas and possibly save the base. Instead, they look at a 10 minute timer and try to see how many kills they can get from behind the shields. It's not fun or exciting, it's just farming. There are better ways to get a dopamine rush, imo.
  11. notyourbuddy

    Well, I'm tired of platoon leaders screaming at everyone to leave the spawn room when any attempt to do so results in instagibbing by the horde of angry MBTs, Libs, ESFs, and infantry who all have their guns pointed at the spawn room. The people huddled in the spawn room aren't a bunch of sissy nancys too afraid to fight they have just decided to use their brain.

    There is a time to rush out and a time to realize the base is lost. Simply feeding the enemy free xp accomplishes nothing. So as such I think this should be required viewing for all crazed psycho Platoon leaders who think every fight needs to be Custer's Last Stand.

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  12. Holomang

    If you've been pushed back into the spawn room and are getting camped you've lost.

    Time to go somewhere else.
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  13. Vetto

    There bigger gripes then that... like engineer never healing maxes >.o

    Without these guys no one would be sitting there. I mean who can resist all that XP getting thrown at your feet non stop.
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  15. Jalek

    I really haven't seen large numbers on Connery except once, when a 2 squad infantry fight at a tiny outpost turned into a massive air and armor zergfest for one side and everyone ended up in there with vehicles and infantry in plain view of the shields.
  16. Aussiejeff

    Indeed. It's not all bad for these campers either. Ever wonder why sooooo many hordes of suicidal campers camp in front of spawn shields at Biolabs and seem quite willing to die? Well, they are magically revived by their friendly horde of attendant medics who earn el heapo XP, bonus XP & ribbons. Then there's the hordes of camping Engies repping hordes of suicidal Maxes and throwing xxxxpiles of ammo everywhere. Thus earning el heapo XP, bonus XP & ribbons.

    It's Farming good fun for all!!! Yep, I see the comical side. After all, its a GAME. Not a military simulator.

    IMO if anything, bases atm are far, far, far too easy to infiltrate and cap. There are just too many easy ways in and most large bases would require around 50 players at least to hold off a similar amount of attackers (ie 1 to 1 ratio). The real game dynamic should be one where it's almost always possible for a brave few in heavily fortified defenses to be able to hold off a horde of attackers for a reasonable length of time before succumbing to overwhelming numbers (more like 1 to 5 ratio). Now THAT would be more like RL and far more satisfying to play in the defensive role.

    Attackers should have to go through hell and back to siege and cap large bases - not the current walk in the park scenario. With that sort of dynamic, more bases on the continents would at least have some defenders at home to ward off attackers - rather than the current scenario where many bases are capped then abandoned, since who cares if a few enemy re-cap. Awww, we'll just re-cap easy too later and so on ad-infinitum.
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  17. FrankManic

    Try the "reflex check"

    Step 1. Throw a grenade at them

    Step 2. Yell "Reflex Check"

    Step 3. They're either dead, or they're not in the spawn room anymore.
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  18. Chubzdoomer

    If the KDR stat were to be taken away -- or just the Deaths stat, for that matter -- I think we'd see a whole lot less selfishness overall.
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  19. NovaAustralis

    Simple fix:
    make spawn room shields block bullets BOTH ways.
    Now you have to get out of the spawn room to fight.

    Also, tunnels.
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  20. LahLahSr

    First of all, no outfit "leader" can get outfit members to run out into a crossfire and get cut down when the spawn room is camped.
    Secondly, any outfit "leader" who is ignorant enough to try and turn an outfit into her or his personal little Jonestown is going to be looking for a new job pretty soon.

    However, even fairly modest powers of observation will tell anyone who cares to take a look, that players typically are pretty good at assessing the odds. Most players take on pretty poor odds and unless everyone truly is instagibbed, you'll still see attempts to break free.
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