Expect TR pop decrease...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AdennTM, May 2, 2013.

  1. AdennTM

    This is from one of my outfit mates. He posted it on our clan's forums in a thread about the recent update.

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  2. Mambakiller

    As of like 10 minute sago, this game ceased to exist on my computer.
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  3. ladiesop

    Halberd isn't ES, everyone has one.

    It seems ES, because it's basically identical to the Saron / Enforcer, but doesn't have the energy weapon look of the Saron so it would look out of place on a Magrider, and isn't cheaper than the Enforcer and doesn't have the cool bird sound.
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  4. Jkar

    Just to clarify, the Halberd isn't empire specific you might want to educate your comrades about that. It's common pool, everyone has it.
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  5. Skippytjc

    TR = Hard Mode.
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  6. Osskscosco

    Already the lowest on many servers.
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  7. gudman591

    I agree. TR lacks any spirit. We're just that, environment for other factions to kill. Tough to fight, dangerous, but non the less boring and unimaginative environment.

    Yeah, TR really became this. Hard to choose, hard to stay loyal.

    I see a bright side. It makes staying loyal one hell of a lot more noble. I know I feel good about it, even though some people may say that I'm missing out on two thirds of the game.
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  8. AdennTM

    I just know this is going to be good... :p

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  9. Giggily

    Good point, OP, I'm uninstalling as well. It's unfair that the VS can use a statistically inferior version of the Halberd on their Harassers and the TR can't....

    It's also ******* ******** that the TR ONLY gets the best performing tank in terms of score per minute, the FASTEST fighter, AND, let this sink it for just a single moment, AND, out of every single infantry class in the game, the TR are only the best at EVERY SINGLE ONE EXCEPT THE MAX.

    What IS THIS? Why doesn't the CARV damage tanks? Why do TR weapons have bullet spread? How come the TR aren't the best at literally EVERYTHING with no downsides? Frankly this balance is disgusting, SOE's lack of care for the TR is getting to the point where this game is becoming unplayable. Why aren't the TR the best at literally everything with no competition? what the ****!
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  10. PhilDun

    The Striker is the worst ESRL?
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  11. Highfall

    lol, tell him to join vanu for a week
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  12. AdennTM

    He wouldn't enjoy it there, he can't stand the smell of fish :p
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  13. Soundmonitor

    yup, a lot of TR have realized that the grounder is better by a far margin because we can kill not only ESF's quite fast but also Inf and MBT's, so yes the Striker is bad.

    Once I log on Ill be going NC, been wanting to play NC for awhile... Tried VS but I cant stand the pew pew lazer crap they have.
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    I agree that TR is rather bland as far as weapons goes. Needs to be spiced up a bit.
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  15. gudman591

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  16. RF404

    One of your outfit mates throws a fit and you immediately assume that he is representative for a large part of the TR population?

    So you are basically trying to tell us that you think that most TR cry babies. Amirite?
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  17. GhostAvatar

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  18. Soundmonitor

    It could be a pessimist but the way things have been going lately hearing in platoon chat, seeing people on our server going from TR to NC to get alert bonuses... Might as well just play NC... What makes it worst TR on our server are a bunch of paranoid drama queens...
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  19. notyourbuddy

    Its official: TR whiners have surpassed the VS whiners in terms of whines per hour.

    At least the VS ones sometimes make sense. This one is just a mess.
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  20. Kaktwox

    TR has been bleeding members for a long time now. We are the only faction that receive no favorable treatment from the development team and are given absolutely no versatility in the weapons we have available.

    The remaining TR players are not 4th faction players (they have long ago realized the many advantages NC are given) with no sense of loyalty. The TR players that are being lost are not going to other factions, they are quitting this game and for good reason.

    The fact the NC got a laser guided rocket launcher for their Max is a complete insult to the TR who were given a horrible ESRL with half the functions of the others, the only one with hard counters and scores considerably worst as a result.
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