[NC] ADK/UCA Reaver Combat Flight Training 4/25 8:00 CST

Discussion in 'Helios (US West)' started by Excellentz, Apr 24, 2013.

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  1. Whiro

    I think I missed JRV's point, exactly. There's a sense of self-superiority going on, but the exact merits of such self-assurance appear to bounce around wildly when subjected to scrutiny.

    Additionally, I think he pees farts.
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    We've all provided ways to backup our words, your the only one that hasn't, prove your worth our time first and maybe we'll consider it.

    You obviously never met an Aussie before eh mate. We're a lot of things, but at least we say what we mean.

    And btw, that name looks familiar, I run into you before?
  4. Kayfes

    Hey JRV you took all 83 inches of that like a champ. Your so good no one here could ever beat you one on one.
  5. Jrv

    The only thing worth talking about is a scheduled show-down, now if you've got nothing but words for me, then I'm afraid this is a waste of time.

    Once again, I challenge any squad, any squad at all, NC/TR/VS whatever. We set a time and place, and you come, and we settle this matter in the only facts that matter. Otherwise, they're just words. I realize you've all got plenty of em, but that time has passed and I grow tired of empty big talk. Now are you all cowards like I suspect, or are any one of you going to step up and prove me wrong when I say we're the best squad on Helios? If not, well, I've made my point.

    Good day gents.
  6. Kayfes

    This guy ^ love you bud <3

    So its not just tiresome to hear you speak then?

  8. Whiro

    I have a counter-offer for you.

    We laugh whole-heartedly to ourselves at your request to fight 'keyboard to keyboard', as though you've struck us across our collective faces with your glove, and demanded your honor be satisfied, like a yee Olde English lord.

    We shake our heads as you beat your chest and say 'Are all yee cowards, who dare not face me in combat?', as though defending the pride and bravado of your average gamer is -really- going to get our goats and play right into your hands, you crafty little devil.

    Then, when next we happen across you on the battlefield, either on your faction or otherwise, we'll remember this thread, and the glaring, overall point that has been made by it, which summed up reads "JRV is kind of a jerk."

    Then, snickering to ourselves for being just as jerkish, we'll kill your internet avatar, repeatedly. Just you, because VX9 is a bunch of cool dudes.

    Either we'll go out of our way to ruin your day on other factions, or you'll just hear a random NC soldier behind you say "Live Free in the NC.", before you get gunned down. Again.

    As for your part in this bargain, that little, defeated sigh when your teammate betrays you purely for laughs is more than enough.

    Alternatively, claim 'best outfit' when there's a #1 by it's name. That also works.

    Are you suggesting a server-wide burn notice on JRV? lol
  10. Whiro

    I'm suggesting the next time you see his MAX, stick a C4 to his back and snicker. It's better than a 'Kick Me' sign.
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    It is pretty damn tempting isn't it.
  12. Jrv

    You're all welcome if you're willing to deal with it being payed back twice as hard. I don't know exactly what makes you think I fear any of you, but we'll gun down anyone who messes with us, NC or not. You'll just end up making yourselves even more mad than you already are, and we tend to win our TK battles.

    I take it the refusal to accept my offer means you've succumbed to cowardice. I understand, I realize none of you could put together a half-decent competitive team if you scourged your entire zergling rosters, so this fear is understandable.

    Please, try to TK me. I love a good TK fight, I rarely lose.:)
  13. Kayfes

    • Up x 1
  14. Jrv

    And yet I'm able to effortlessly demolish you and your clanmmates with hardly any effort. I think your rankings have some flaws, I'm afraid.
  15. Kayfes

    Yeah them stats don't really matter do they JV?
  16. Jrv

    Personal stats=/=outfit stats.

    Would 82IN like to be our first volunteer? I don't believe I've had enough from wrecking you guys the last time.
  17. Kayfes

    JV you != worthy of my time so I'm done with this thread. Toodles <3 <3 <3
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    JRV, post up some proof to back up you words and *maybe* we'll consider your request.

    Put up or shut up.
  19. NytDragon

    This silly thread still going? JRV's shallow unimportant challenge is quite meaningless and he's not changing his arrogance anytime soon. He still thinks that this is Call of Duty.... pshh... definitely not worth the time of day to increase his ranking on our killboards. There are more worthy opponents on our server.

    Anyway, how are you liking our new pilots in the air?
  20. Jrv

    Sounds like coward talk, but what do I know?

    Honey, the only way to prove anything is for us to have ourselves a showdown, but since you're too scared to do so, there is nothing to discuss.
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