Black Uniforms for the VS? Seriously?!??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WachaDune, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. WachaDune

    I don't take to whiny posts about weapons or vehicles being OP because that's a balancing issue that will continue on as long as this game exists. There will be times when it favors one empire or another for one item or another.

    HOWEVER, (<< notice the all caps? That means I'm serious about this) in any game where there is night combat (or even shadows, for the love of the Gods of Old Auraxis), giving one faction black uniforms is not ill-considered, it's not poorly planned, it is nothing less than ludicrous.

    It is my assumption that whatever dev(s) snuck that one in under the noses of Those Who Make Decisions plays VS and is (are) laughing his/her (their) ***(es) off that they actually succeeded in doing so. I'd love to hear the justification that SOE is passing off for this blunder.

    They need a damned color, even if it isn't their admittedly ridiculous purple. Something that is not the same color as vegetation, dirt, buildings or anything else that just offers them another form of base camouflage. How about orange? And give them all a free cert into a pointy stick and plastic bag so they can keep the roadways of Auraxis clean.
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  2. jjruh

    Personally I dont like the change, and I play vanu. I want my purple back.
    But I have to say, the the black outfits arnt that hard to spot in the dark, unless you play on low settings. On High+ they are just as easy to spot as a NC or TR in the shadows.
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  3. WachaDune

    It's your position that black is as easy to see in night conditions as Blue or Red? I used to watch ninja movies as a kid and they never wore blue or red. Perhaps it's just a Japanese thing...
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  4. LonelyTerran

    I would like some 95% black/5% red camo.
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  5. jjruh

    Have you tried playing the game in High or ultra settings? You will see that we arnt harder to spot on higher graphical settings. But on low, we migh as well not be there, which needs fixed.
    Try it yourself. Start up the game in low settings, and look at the VS character model, then edit your useroptions.ini to give you ultra settings and look at the VS model again, on High/Ultra the black color doesnt really make a difference.
  6. WachaDune

    Not happening for me. I'm lucky my computer plays this thing on low!
  7. Sen7ryGun84

    F*cking oath. The TR camo blows goats compared to the NC/VS camo. They both get like 95% body coverage and the TR is stuck with giant red and black patches on their chest, face and middle of the back (ie, the only places worth shooting at).
  8. Vetto

    I'd like to see "Inverse" or "Nega" cammo that flips the colors... thou I'd feel horrible for NC the idea of pure black armor with a red trim be epic..
  9. jjruh

    With such a high number of players who cant get past low settings, the darkness needs fixed. I dont even know why they switched from purple in the first place, I liked the purple.
  10. WachaDune

    Camos need a rework, overall. Give everyone credit for their past purchases, fix the basic concept and start over, I say. But that's a different thread...
  11. Falcon_BR

    We all know that To fight the Vanu during the night, you must use infrared optics!
  12. WachaDune

    In a game based on warfare, I'm not sure purple really has a place. It's not traditionally "fierce" in a non-gay way. But SOME color would be good. Frankly, any color.
  13. Sen7ryGun84

    I just spat water all over my keyboard.
  14. jjruh

    Purple most certainly has its place. Whenever I think of a technologically advanced race, I think of the color purple. Take the Covenant from Halo as your example. Purple isnt a sign of gayness, for me its a sign of technology.
  15. WachaDune

    I have nothing against gayness or technology, just ninja VS. If they like purple, give 'em purple. If they want a color change, anything that's actually a color works for me. No grays, blacks, foliage greens, dark browns, etc.
  16. MarthKoopa

    I want my purple back, and I also want proper teal like in PS1, none of this cyan baby blue or whatever it is garbage.
  17. ShayeUK

  18. illgot

    I was wondering why my VS characters looked more menacing than usual... lol.
  19. Nurf3d

    The thing is alot of people play on low just because it lets you see Infiltraitors as little black or white ghosts running around, so for a vast majority VS do appear to be in black.

    <Insert rant about people using dual cores and still wanting to play current games>
  20. Copasetic

    As long as it's dark red of course. Maybe more of a maroon, that would be fair.